#archiveteam 2012-04-08,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:59 🔗 godane SketchCow: Looks like you like the magazines i gave you
00:59 🔗 godane i noticed all the updated computer magazines
01:04 🔗 godane holy crap
01:04 🔗 godane i think its a good idea to update all big k magazine pdfs to the newer ones
01:04 🔗 godane 30mb > 3mb
01:08 🔗 godane also why is computers and video games only have 126 issues archived?
01:39 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Is there a collection on IA for FPS or RTS maps and mods and such?
02:06 🔗 dashcloud Wyatt|Wor: if you do find such a collection, tell me because I do have a decent sized pile of Starcraft I custom maps
02:14 🔗 Wyatt|Wor dashcloud: Hmm, not looking promising http://archive.org/search.php?query=NOT%20mediatype%3Amovies%20AND%20NOT%20mediatype%3Aaudio%20AND%20subject%3A%22RTS%22
02:14 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Or maybe I'm doing it wrong...
02:15 🔗 Wyatt|Wor (Not looking promising _yet_, that is. It's pretty easy to make a collection, right?)
02:20 🔗 dashcloud thanks for checking
02:20 🔗 Wyatt|Wor There are a lot of videocasts and podcasts of starcraft games, though
02:20 🔗 dashcloud indeed
02:25 🔗 shaqfu Wyatt|Wor: I don't think there's one available, but if you come across any, we're collecting
02:32 🔗 Wyatt|Wor shaqfu: Oh? So just send everything your way?
02:33 🔗 shaqfu Wyatt|Wor: Not me, but collecting mods/maps has been discussed here before
02:35 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Ah. I wonder if the people running ModDB would be up for exporting a dump or something.
02:43 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Oh yeah, SketchCow, who was it that you called expecting to be stonewalled? The one you mentioned on Twitter?
02:45 🔗 Wyatt|Wor (Steve Wiebe maybe?)
02:57 🔗 SketchCow Ha ha
02:58 🔗 SketchCow What a total wild-assed guest.
02:58 🔗 SketchCow No, this was a guy who had a brother who stole a lot of money and then died.
02:58 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Ahh, yeah, it was sort of a stab in the dark.
03:00 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Hmm, interesting... that could be for any of your docs.
03:01 🔗 SketchCow It's not for a doc.
03:02 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Ah.
03:15 🔗 SketchCow Stab in the daaaaaaark
03:16 🔗 SketchCow Stab in the daaaaaark
03:16 🔗 godane SketchCow: I still have cdrs that work from 11 years ago
03:16 🔗 SketchCow Here's your gumdrop and pink sash
04:33 🔗 DFJustin there are some fps and rts level collections in the shareware cd collection but there's not a specific one yet
04:35 🔗 Wyatt|Wor Was just thinking that there's probably a fair bit buried in Geocities and FortuneCity.
04:36 🔗 DFJustin http://archive.org/details/cdrom-morecraft
04:37 🔗 SketchCow Wyatt|Wor: Confused at what you want
04:40 🔗 DFJustin it would be nice to archive user add-on levels for games in a direct way rather than whatever happened to be put on cd-roms
04:41 🔗 DFJustin e.g. the doom cds basically stop in 1996 but there have been a crapload of wads since then
04:41 🔗 SketchCow I have thoughts on this.
04:41 🔗 Wyatt|Wor And Quake, Unreal, *craft, etc
04:41 🔗 DFJustin I mean for doom you can just mirror idgames/ but other communities are less organized
04:52 🔗 SketchCow So, I feel like projects like 'Let's assemble all the FPS and Mod and hoobeehoo' are great, but they're much less important to me than pure data grab at this point.
04:53 🔗 SketchCow THat's all I've been working on, as well as DFJustin and a bunch of other people.
04:53 🔗 SketchCow Grab, grab, grab
04:54 🔗 SketchCow And after that, a layer of remix and awareness and other regarding of this data can come.
04:54 🔗 DFJustin yeah there's so much low-hanging fruit at this point
04:54 🔗 SketchCow Also why I wanted, so strongly, for the ISO browsing to be improved.
04:55 🔗 SketchCow It's coming along, it's not 100% there, but coming along.
04:55 🔗 SketchCow I've got years of work left just to absorb this amount of data
05:11 🔗 shaqfu 00:40 <@DFJustin> e.g. the doom cds basically stop in 1996 but there have been a crapload of wads since then
05:11 🔗 shaqfu Has anyone grabbed Doomworld?
05:18 🔗 SketchCow Oh yeah, Internet Archive is hosed.
05:18 🔗 SketchCow Hosssssed.
05:18 🔗 shaqfu Eh?
05:19 🔗 Wyatt|Wor What have we done?
05:20 🔗 chronomex TOO MANY DATAS
05:20 🔗 chronomex STOP STOP STOP
05:20 🔗 aggro ArchiveTeam, what have you done?
05:20 🔗 aggro http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/50260_288124173531_5439451_n.jpg
05:35 🔗 SketchCow Still explody. Arooooo
07:19 🔗 Coderjoe leaky waterbeds aren't much fun
14:08 🔗 Hillary Hi
14:08 🔗 Hillary Hilarious video on Hillary Clinton ... check it out:
14:08 🔗 Hillary Hillary ditches the American people and works for companies!
14:08 🔗 Hillary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjNjL1sRYy4
17:05 🔗 godane what format do you guys put xvid in?
17:11 🔗 godane i put the xvid videos of ctrl_alt_chicken under mpeg4
17:15 🔗 godane i'm uploading roz rows the pacific podcast from the twit network
17:46 🔗 emijrp http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=archivist
17:46 🔗 godane lol
17:52 🔗 emijrp many male secretaries here, uh?
18:34 🔗 DFJustin uploading some more japanese cd-roms http://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?collection=cdbbsarchive
18:37 🔗 winr4r oh hi
19:01 🔗 godane got roz rows the pacific up: http://archive.org/details/roz_rows_the_pacific
19:02 🔗 winr4r :D
19:46 🔗 emijrp I found yesterday 2 German DeletionPedias.
19:46 🔗 emijrp Wikis where people preserve deleted articles in German Wikipedia.
19:48 🔗 yipdw any Rubyists around?
19:48 🔗 yipdw I have a "I can't tell if this is a good or bad idea" thing
19:49 🔗 alard yipdw: Wouldn't call myself an expert, but I've used it.
19:49 🔗 yipdw alard: https://gist.github.com/2339394
19:50 🔗 yipdw I haven't run benchmarks on it, but then again I don't know what to benchmark
19:50 🔗 yipdw instantiation, maybe
19:50 🔗 yipdw but the access patterns really matter and I don't have any good benches for it
19:50 🔗 yipdw I'm mostly wondering if it smells in any way
19:52 🔗 alard Can't you do this with OpenStruct?
19:53 🔗 yipdw yeah, you can, but you still need to be able to recurse into the object structure
19:53 🔗 yipdw e.g. OpenStruct.new(:foo => { :bar => :baz }).foo => { :bar => :baz }
19:54 🔗 yipdw whereas I really want OpenStruct.new(that_doc).foo.bar => :baz
19:54 🔗 yipdw (well, to be accurate, I don't care. :P Action Pack/Rails wants it)
19:55 🔗 yipdw and I'm not sure how to do that without opening up OpenStruct, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I like to try to avoid opening up standard library classes
19:56 🔗 alard http://rubyquiz.com/quiz81.html
19:56 🔗 yipdw oh hey
19:56 🔗 alard (Haven't read it.)
19:56 🔗 yipdw that's a possibility, I'll check those out
19:57 🔗 yipdw at least Ruby Quiz solutions get review
19:57 🔗 yipdw thanks
19:57 🔗 yipdw oh, hahaha
19:57 🔗 yipdw one of the solutions is "use the YAML parser"
19:57 🔗 yipdw I guess that works; JSON is a subset of YAML
20:02 🔗 yipdw actually, hmm
20:02 🔗 yipdw maybe it isn't
20:02 🔗 yipdw wait no it is
20:02 🔗 alard How large are your documents? Maybe all the lazy initialization isn't necessary.
20:03 🔗 alard http://www.dribin.org/dave/blog/archives/2006/11/17/hashes_to_ostruct/
20:03 🔗 yipdw they're usually not that large; I project the largest to be around 100 kB
20:03 🔗 yipdw this structure is only going to be instantiated once per request
20:04 🔗 yipdw and unless it's really hellish, time to build the structure will be dwarfed by the network I/O
20:04 🔗 yipdw alard: that looks like a neat solution there, I'll give it a shot
20:06 🔗 yipdw thanks
20:06 🔗 yipdw and actually, yeah, the lazy instantiation is a waste of time anyway, since Action Pack's form builder will be hitting all members of the data structure anwyay
20:53 🔗 godane uploading this week in fun from twit now
22:02 🔗 godane downloading net@night
22:35 🔗 godane this week in fun is uploaded: http://archive.org/details/this_week_in_fun
23:27 🔗 godane abby's road is uploaded: http://archive.org/details/abbys_road
