[00:11] http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/577873_3365666898721_1180607771_32611106_2125241513_n.jpg [02:07] alard: did you say mobileme-s3 can run in the same dir now? [02:11] Greetings all! [02:11] Hi there, DragonDon! [02:12] Hello again mistym :) [03:08] Dealing with some real life crap, decided to make this and put it on my wall [03:08] http://ompldr.org/vZGhvaA/life.pdf there's the pdf version [03:08] http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/318115_3751885364285_1490913794_33224331_2021268331_n.jpg [03:12] Nice :) [03:13] This is my preferred motivational poster: http://img0.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.233278800.jpg [03:14] Mine is GET THE FUCK UP [03:15] I kinda prefer http://demotivators.despair.com/demotivational/achievementdemotivator.jpg [03:17] Hah. [03:17] SketchCow: gooooood evening [04:24] I've begun the final death march of data out of batcave into fortress. [04:24] I have 5tb of data that's going over, no idea how long that'll take. [04:25] Then I clean out the nooks and crannies (webpage, etc.) [04:25] And then it's gone gone gone! [06:59] man... [06:59] SketchCow's pimpin [06:59] http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/533915_10150762196722170_500012169_9651196_1134786873_n.jpg [07:03] wait... wait... [07:03] there was CAKE?! [07:33] the cake was a lie [07:36] yum [07:43] underscor: Yes, if you have updated all the scripts (git pull) you can run more than one mobileme s3 instance in a directory. Set the DATA_DIR property to a unique id (without slashes), e.g. DATA_DIR=memac-1 ./seesaw-repeat-s3.sh etc. [07:50] SketchCow: When you expect to shut down batcave, could you give an advance warning? The mobileme-s3 clients that use it as a proxy take up to 10 hours to switch to a new upload target. [08:02] environment variable, not property [08:26] Coderjoe: Ah, yes, of course. It's still early. [13:32] Let's see how much it's transferred over of the 5tb. [14:12] Ach, just going to let it go. [14:13] I promise you, alard, that when I decide it's about to get the heave, you get warning and we wait for off-transition [14:14] SketchCow: Great! (It's just a question of pushing the switch and waiting for the current uploads to finish.) [15:51] have you seen http://code.google.com/p/warrick/ ? [15:55] how's that work, I wonder? [15:56] http://code.google.com/p/warrick/wiki/About_Warrick [15:56] Empty git repo, boo. Interesting idea though! I wonder what web archives it uses. [15:56] i'm looking the code, a mess of perl (that just works) [15:57] Warrick interacts with Memento TimeMaps to recover resources from archives [15:57] http://api.wayback.archive.org/memento/ ... [15:59] supposedly it grabs from google/yahoo/bing search caches too but it didn't seem to when I tried it [15:59] maybe api has changed etc. [17:12] heh [17:12] "One of the jobs of the first-year computer science course [at Cambridge] was to break the students down; convince them they knew nothing. The tool we used to do this was functional programming." [17:52] We're at 772gb of transferred batcave out of 5tb [18:00] hm [18:21] fucking Google [18:21] "You liked our online storage prices? Well, too bad!" [18:26] OK, back into the deep land of NYC again. [18:28] SketchCow: Watch out for grues [19:16] http://cdn.connecteddigitalworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/CDW-The-Beeb-30-Event-032.jpg?76a6e8 [19:16] whoa [20:13] http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2012/04/24/breaking-private-company-does-indeed-plan-to-mine-asteroids-and-i-think-they-can-do-it/ [21:43] Can wget resume when using --warc-file=? [22:09] No. [22:26] Waiting to run41 [22:26] wow [22:26] Running10 [22:27] Waiting for admin7 [22:32] Waiting for Godot2 [22:43] haha [22:43] Amazing how gamifying something will likely get results [22:44] fandom conventions have long had a problem of trashed rooms after the con. [22:44] anime central's host hotel this year has a "Cleanest room contest" [22:45] Please don't terrify me [22:45] Coderjoe: lol [22:45] Oooh, ACen's hotel is awesome, too. [22:45] I'm con chair of BronyCon ._. [22:45] If you'd told me this a year ago, I would have asked for whatever you were smoking [22:45] three rooms will be selected by the housekeeping manager to get two nights complimentary room and tax. those checking out on sunday april 29 will be considered, no entry needed. [22:45] My condolences [22:45] winners contacted by email [22:46] Your condolences are much appreciated. [22:46] also, amazingly, the wifi at the hyatt is also free this year? [22:46] Zebranky: wat [22:47] winr4r: wat wat? [22:47] hi there [22:47] Zebranky: did you become a brony in that time? [22:47] Can somebody help me with some doubt regarding the Geocities torrent? [22:47] jose: hello! [22:48] May 29 of last year [22:49] anyone? [22:49] plz [22:49] what doubts? [22:49] (I don't have the torrent loaded, but I'll see what I can do) [22:50] well, I just downloaded all the parts for the es.geocities.com.7z file [22:50] for the Spanish geocities part [22:50] I managed to extract it well and ended up with a file called es.geocities.com [22:50] what am I supposed to do with that file type? [22:51] of course it doesn't run on Windows, and 7-zip says can't open it since it's not a compressed file [22:51] (a hint: rather than asking to ask a question, just ask the question. if someone that knows is around, they'll likely answer. there are also a lot of people that idle when they are away, so someone that might know might also not be here right now, so stick around after asking) [22:51] jose: have you tried running "file" on it to find out? [22:51] jose: rename it to es.geocities.com.tar, then open it again [22:51] if there's a windows port [22:51] or what chronomex said [22:52] I tried renaming it to tar [22:52] i would look at it the first part in a hex editor to see what it was, but then I am also weird and can recognize several file formats on sight. :-\ [22:52] but didn't work [22:54] so aparently it has nothing to do with a tar file [22:54] do you have a hex viewer/editor around? [22:54] yeah [22:55] I'm currently taking a look with it [22:55] can you take a screenshot of the start of the file, or copy and paste the hex view to a pastebin or something? [22:55] just the first 256-512 should be enough. (hopefully) [22:55] sure [22:58] the dwarves have mined too deep... [22:58] I'm on it, hold on, the file is just too big to open it comfortably [23:03] http://pastebin.com/YpwpyvAi [23:03] here it is [23:03] let's hope I did it well [23:03] that is indeed a tar file [23:03] is it? so why is 7-zip complaining about it? [23:04] should I try with something else? [23:04] did you rename it to .tar ? [23:04] could it be corrupt, even when I found no issue at decompressing it from the .7z file? [23:04] you renamed it to es.geocities.com.tar ? [23:04] yes I tried it in first place [23:04] hmm. [23:04] are you using windows? [23:04] what is 7zips complaint? [23:05] yes, Windows 7 and 7-zip [23:06] it says it cannot open that file as a compressed file [23:06] https://twitter.com/#!/ColumbiaCDRS/status/194857550380924929 [23:06] ?!?!?!? [23:07] shaqfu: what the fuck [23:07] jose: then 7-zip's shit is all retarded [23:07] jose: there's plenty of ports of the unix command-line tar, try those [23:07] I'll give a try and see if it works there [23:07] The Center for Digital Research and Scholarship @Columbia partners with researchers & scholars to share new knowledge. Leyla is tweeting. [23:08] 7-zip usually can handle tar files for me... though I usually have to do two steps (one to decompress the .gz or whatever, then the second to actually extract files from the tar file) [23:09] That's not just bad advice; that's advice that can fuck you horribly [23:09] shaqfu: it is the exact opposite of what actually happens [23:10] "Livetweeting New Technologies in Personal #Archiving w/ Jeffrey Lancaster, Emerging Technologies Coordinator at @Columbialib - good turnout!" [23:11] apparently to the bellends in the "digital humanities", "archiving" means "trusting websites with all your shit" [23:11] thanks a lot guys [23:11] for the advice [23:11] bye [23:11] winr4r: The talk was about using stuff like Evernote to "archive" [23:12] Because the cloud has such a wonderful record for long-term preservation [23:12] shaqfu: and pinterest and delicious apparently [23:12] delicious [23:13] Jesus Christ [23:13] that is fucking awesome in so many ways that i'd have to try and get oral sex from a shark to top just how shit-for-brains, fucked-in-the-head stupid that is [23:13] That one's even on death watch, since Yahoo keeps talking about killing "non core services" [23:13] shaqfu: it's no longer part of yahoo [23:13] winr4r: Really? My mistake, then [23:14] (or was it spun off and left to die?) [23:14] shaqfu: spun off, bought by the founders of youtube [23:14] argh [23:14] dammit I wanted to EDIT that RT [23:15] shaqfu: of course if you didn't back up your shit or transfer to the new, AVOS-owned delicious then said shit would have been lost in the transition [23:16] Yep [23:17] "Unfortunately, if you missed the opt-in to migrate your account from Yahoo!, all that data stayed on Yahoo! servers. After extending the amount of time users could recover their data by more than a month after migration, the servers have since been decomissioned and the data is no longer available." [23:17] Pity SketchCow was at a different university today - I can't imagine what would've happened if it was there... [23:18] REMINDER: somebody actually suggested delicious for archiving [23:18] shaqfu: i can't either, but i'd love to have watched the video [23:18] Should've just said "cut out the middleman and rsync to fos.textfiles.org because it'll end up there anyway if you use these services" [23:18] haha [23:21] damn "promoted" tweets [23:21] I don't care about this company, but I am seeing their shit because they're bribing twitter to show it to everyone [23:22] Coderjoe: meh [23:23] i don't get a bit angry about twitter trying to find a business model [23:24] I'm so sorry you're trying to use the web interface [23:24] metrotwit/tweetdeck on windows, hotot on linux, and fuck phones they have a twitter app [23:25] Seesmic web isn't too shabby either. [23:25] Better than twitter.com [23:25] i think the web client is rather nice [23:25] Wyatt: word [23:25] There's too much sliding and massive heavy javascript operations for my tastes on their web interface [23:26] But yeah, most of my Twittering is done from Plume on my phone these days. [23:26] (Or TTYtter on my desktop, because it's awesome) [23:26] Alright [23:26] I feel old-school for using the text message interface [23:26] So I hit a brick wall with parodius.com [23:27] wget got me blacklisted, so I'm looking to get in touch with the admin now [23:27] I was told the best way to do this is via the nesdev forums, which I can no longer access [23:27] Anyone else want to take this over? [23:27] shaqfu: So what's this, now? [23:28] Wyatt: parodius.com is going down in a few months [23:28] FFFFFFF [23:29] I was working on archiving it, but like I said, I was blacklisted [23:29] I could probably tether to my phone and use a fake IP or w/e, but it might be easier for someone else to take over contacting the admin [23:29] Since I was told to do it via a parodius-hosted forum [23:30] From the sound of it, they'll probably mail us a drive full of data [23:31] It doens't seem like they get much bandwidth, if ~1GB of wget'ing killed their line [23:31] So what, just post on the nesdev forums? [23:32] Wyatt: That, or PM koitsu [23:33] Word [23:33] Thanks [23:44] yes, I was using the web interface because I wanted to RT+edit a tweet that was pasted in IRC [23:59] I'm con chair of BronyCon ._. [23:59] Wait, really?!?!?!?!