#archiveteam 2012-05-26,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:06 🔗 winr4r so uh, looks like someone i knew died
00:07 🔗 winr4r he was a wikipedia and wikimedia commons user, had a couple of websites
00:07 🔗 winr4r archive the guy?
00:09 🔗 winr4r http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Doug_youvan&curid=3452387&diff=71647460&oldid=68672850
00:09 🔗 winr4r doesn't seem like a troll, given that he mentioned his ill health (read "will die soon") in an email to me
00:23 🔗 arrith winr4r: you could check if his sites are in archive.org's wayback machine: http://web.archive.org/
00:23 🔗 godane just going thur some shmoocon videos for 2012
00:23 🔗 godane there video sometimes is shit
00:23 🔗 winr4r arrith: they are
00:24 🔗 godane mics not working and and sea of blocks
00:25 🔗 godane i would think if this was recorded in 2004 i at lease get why it was happening
00:25 🔗 arrith winr4r: he's archived then :)
00:26 🔗 arrith winr4r: one thing is if one wanted, one could put together the various links to his stuff as a sort of memorial, since i think archive.org has something for collections
00:26 🔗 winr4r arrith: i was thinking a doug youvan collection would be good, in case his kids google his name in future
00:26 🔗 winr4r "PS I am sort of at end life, taking OC every day, with a son 50 years younger than me, now age 7. That's my real motivation. I would like him to know who his dad was."
00:27 🔗 winr4r ^ email from him to me in january, trying to stop his wikipedia article from being pruned and his wikimedia commons contributions being deleted
00:36 🔗 su_ mit youvan?
00:43 🔗 winr4r okay, guys, now i have access to a VPS, what's the best way to use wget to say "download the whole fucking site in such a way that it'll make an offline-browsable version?"
00:43 🔗 * winr4r is new to this.
00:53 🔗 Debianer wget -r
00:53 🔗 winr4r wget -mkK was what i wanted apparently
00:57 🔗 mistym winr4r: Not going warc?
00:58 🔗 winr4r mistym: archive.org have it in the wayback machine, which means warc files already exist
00:58 🔗 winr4r this is the "download a copy of his site" version
00:58 🔗 winr4r if you know what i mean
01:02 🔗 mistym winr4r: Ah, right
01:29 🔗 winr4r 415mb of doug youvan so far!
01:30 🔗 winr4r (that's tarred/gzipped, too)
03:24 🔗 Coderjoe just because the wayback has some of it doesn't mean they have it all. heratrix skips stuff that robots.txt says to skip, and might also have filesize limits
03:24 🔗 Coderjoe plus, if stuff is loaded dynamically via javascript...
03:25 🔗 Coderjoe (though wget won't get that on its own, either)
03:25 🔗 winr4r Coderjoe: fortunately it was all static content
03:28 🔗 arrith yeah js scraping is pretty tricky. i guess google does it
03:29 🔗 arrith gotta be some way to get that into a wget-type tool
03:29 🔗 winr4r arrith: if every site had predictable interfaces then it would be easy
03:29 🔗 winr4r they do not
03:31 🔗 arrith hm well overall you'd need something to run the js, so some js engine. then almost a per-site greasemonkey-type thing for custom scraping.
03:32 🔗 arrith like userscripts people could collect scripts that work for various sites
03:33 🔗 winr4r yes
03:49 🔗 underscor phantom-js works well for that
03:55 🔗 shaqfu winr4r: Hm, is there any way to scrape output of a JS call to a site's database?
03:56 🔗 shaqfu Assuming that it's standardized - asking since Fileplanet has some metadata stored like this
03:59 🔗 winr4r shaqfu: i'd suppose so
04:00 🔗 shaqfu winr4r: Trivially?
04:00 🔗 winr4r shaqfu: use wireshark to figure out what it's doing
04:04 🔗 Coderjoe google developed a spec for how sites are supposed to provide an alternate means for those stupid hashbang urls. which is terrible, because it just provides validation to idiot web developers so they think it is a good idea
04:05 🔗 Coderjoe you can also use the firebug net tab to see what requests the JS is doing
04:25 🔗 underscor first time I've seen a captcha like this
04:25 🔗 underscor http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_VuuY01ZDHApJCWY4QgNDvLtjdulL39PHYHQ5p9VJwgNpTZDdSQAdiEX2QQJowrHsXi2RYKyJ0BJXeFmVbJrixa2BFfpuyO786M58cLG0AiUD5TW98MInm4FITB-5ZgWTdj4avniALdSN4wDhaQ6FwJn22vyEFQ
04:25 🔗 dnova ooh
04:26 🔗 chronomex yes, they are having you read street signs from streetview
04:27 🔗 underscor that's a cool idea
04:28 🔗 dnova I made a few hundred dollars back when mturk was new by clicking streetview photos
04:28 🔗 chronomex it'd be cooler if they released their data
04:28 🔗 arrith i got those for the first time a week or two ago
04:28 🔗 arrith yeah
04:29 🔗 arrith when google acquired recaptcha i was ;/
04:29 🔗 chronomex I've gotten a few ones with math in em
04:29 🔗 arrith archive.org would do well to have their own recaptcha
04:29 🔗 chronomex hmmm upside down greek letters with superscripts? TeX time!
04:30 🔗 arrith hah
04:30 🔗 chronomex so there is some hope that maths has been properly ocred into TeX
04:30 🔗 arrith i go as far as what i know how to do with the compose key, or google utf
04:31 🔗 DFJustin https://twitter.com/DopefishJustin/status/75283261710024704
04:31 🔗 chronomex yeah, but sometimes that's not sufficient :P
04:31 🔗 Coderjoe i just say "screw that" and load a new captcha
04:32 🔗 dnova I buy a new computer when that happens
05:34 🔗 oli hi
05:35 🔗 oli how are those textfiles.com.7z.xxx files setup? i cant extract them all :| are they split ?
05:36 🔗 oli oh they are
05:36 🔗 oli all good :p
05:42 🔗 underscor fuck yeah mturk
05:42 🔗 underscor I just made 15 cents
05:42 🔗 underscor hahahahahaha
05:45 🔗 shaqfu Hey, if you're a poor South Asian, it's a good deal
05:45 🔗 chronomex win
05:45 🔗 chronomex apply it to buy some tunez on amazon
05:59 🔗 * Pronoiac slaps SketchCo1 around a bit with a large fishbot
05:59 🔗 Pronoiac Whoa, whoops.
05:59 🔗 Pronoiac I was going to try to get his attention, but not so much.
06:00 🔗 Pronoiac Looking over the conversation, I was going to suggest he try H264 for video encoding, rather than FLV.
06:01 🔗 Pronoiac Flash can play both now, right? Use the one with choices for encoders.
06:06 🔗 SketchCo1 I DID use h264
06:06 🔗 SketchCo1 Problem's been solved.
06:06 🔗 SketchCo1 I'm giving them .avis and they can fuck with it
06:06 🔗 SketchCo1 With their people.
06:06 🔗 Pronoiac Oh crud.
06:07 🔗 SketchCo1 Over it.
06:07 🔗 SketchCow Hi Jason, sorry I took time to get back to you. Had a great time . I hope to see you next time. Lets keepin touch. Chuck
06:07 🔗 underscor I just earned 0.44 in 10 minutes with amazon mturk
06:07 🔗 SketchCow More importantly, I got this in the mail today:
06:07 🔗 SketchCow Chuck Testa
06:07 🔗 underscor I can't imagine doing that for any length of time
06:07 🔗 underscor I think I would commit suicide
06:07 🔗 Pronoiac I'd figured, well, the Flash encoder is known to be crap, but x264 should work.
06:07 🔗 SketchCow Archive Team? Nope, Chuck Testa.
06:07 🔗 underscor hah
06:07 🔗 shaqfu underscor: Now you know why it's a lot of poor South Asians that do it
06:08 🔗 oli anyone familiar with beanstalkd for distributed backend tasks?
06:08 🔗 underscor :(
06:08 🔗 underscor oli: I love beanstalkd
06:08 🔗 shaqfu Never looked into if they build farms for MTurk like they did with captchas
06:09 🔗 oli i have a cps client who is permanently using 2 cpu cores 100% for beanstalkd
06:09 🔗 oli surely its not meant to do that? :/
06:09 🔗 oli cps = vps
06:10 🔗 underscor no
06:10 🔗 underscor never had that happen
06:10 🔗 underscor sounds like something's broken
06:10 🔗 underscor http://audiojungle.net/item/its-alright/99659 using this for a presentation
06:11 🔗 underscor but fuck, it makes me want to get up, buy apple products, put on a hipster hoodie, and walk through san francisco or something
06:12 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/iuma-dick_delicious_and_the_tasty_testicles__atl
06:13 🔗 underscor SketchCow's theme band
06:13 🔗 SketchCow My night job
06:13 🔗 underscor I like track 2's title
06:14 🔗 oli this customer is running a shitload of php processes doing this: 434270 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh /home/serverping/serverping/run_check_worker_php
06:14 🔗 oli and the beanstalkd
06:14 🔗 oli and im guessing something is borked since beanstalkd cpu usage is so high
06:14 🔗 oli might just kill it and see if they notice :p
06:16 🔗 Coderjoe underscor: how does it feel to make $2.64/hr?
06:17 🔗 SketchCow Like a boss
06:17 🔗 SketchCow I tried one of those.
06:17 🔗 SketchCow It was "is this porn"
06:17 🔗 chronomex winning
06:17 🔗 underscor Coderjoe: ...disappointing
06:17 🔗 underscor I'd rather do a customer facing job
06:18 🔗 underscor than suffer through that
06:18 🔗 shaqfu It's like flipping burgers, from your own home
06:19 🔗 Pronoiac underscor: Thanks for the Audiojungle pointer, incidentally. It looks like a good source for podcast music.
06:19 🔗 chronomex except for 1/5 the pay
06:19 🔗 SketchCow It was win win win
06:19 🔗 shaqfu Although, if someone made a super-duper-awesome OCR program, they could make good money off MTurk not telling anyone about it
06:20 🔗 underscor Pronoiac: Sure!
06:20 🔗 underscor I love audiojungle
06:20 🔗 underscor their snippet site is good too
06:20 🔗 underscor codecove or whatever
06:21 🔗 underscor all of envato's stuff is great (easy to use, high standards, etc)
06:27 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/musopen-mozart-marriage-of-figaro-compressed
06:29 🔗 winr4r hi SketchCow!
06:29 🔗 SketchCow Hi.
06:29 🔗 winr4r i am archiving/have archived a dead person, may i rsync to you when i am done and you get it into archive.org some time?
06:33 🔗 SketchCow Yes
06:35 🔗 winr4r 400+mb of Dead Guy, gzipped, and probably a lot more than that once i get his wikimedia commons uploads undeleted
06:36 🔗 SketchCow OK
06:39 🔗 winr4r how is jason!
06:39 🔗 SketchCow Feelin' fat
06:39 🔗 SketchCow But that's because I had a shitton of rice
06:39 🔗 SketchCow I have the all clear for exercise again
06:39 🔗 SketchCow So that'll start
06:40 🔗 SketchCow And I have a vitamin D deficiency!
06:40 🔗 SketchCow (Not due to non-sunlight - seems genetic)
06:40 🔗 SketchCow So drugs for that.
06:41 🔗 winr4r excellent
06:41 🔗 winr4r on the "all clear for exercise" bit obviously
06:44 🔗 underscor SketchCow: make sure you're doing some of that cardio for july :D
06:44 🔗 underscor so you can run around the rio continuously
06:46 🔗 Coderjoe man, s3funnel seems to do a much better job of saturating my connection. it would rock if it had a "sync" mode, rather than just the get, put, and copy commands
06:47 🔗 Coderjoe underscor: btw: https://github.com/sstoiana/s3funnel is a continuation/fork of the one I linked to before
06:51 🔗 Coderjoe SketchCow: awesome on all fronts (musopen, clear to exercise, that the vitamin D problem has been found and treated)
06:56 🔗 SketchCow zipping these files will ake a day.
06:56 🔗 SketchCow huge. 607gb of files.
06:59 🔗 winr4r neat
07:12 🔗 underscor http://alexbuie.net/
07:12 🔗 underscor is the <audio> autoplay annoying or does it add to the page?
07:17 🔗 winr4r i hate offering opinions on that sort of thing
07:17 🔗 chronomex there is no justification for autoplaying audio
07:17 🔗 chronomex none, never.
07:20 🔗 underscor lol
07:20 🔗 underscor yeah, that's what everyone says, and what I sorta knew was the right option anyway
07:20 🔗 underscor changed
07:23 🔗 winr4r i tend towards "if you want it there have it there"
07:24 🔗 chronomex there's still no justification for autoplaying audio
07:24 🔗 chronomex that shit deserves to stay firmly in 1998
07:24 🔗 underscor hahaha
07:24 🔗 winr4r thefinalcountdown.mid
07:25 🔗 chronomex if you disagree, that's okay, I have a pickaxe
07:25 🔗 underscor I love that song
07:25 🔗 winr4r i don't care for autoplaying audio, but i've not actually seen anyone die from it
07:28 🔗 chronomex maybe you will be the first
07:37 🔗 Pronoiac Random FYI: I drew a problematic MobileMe item. h2ofile in web.me.com gets a wget ERROR (4).
11:05 🔗 Schbirid who would have thought... http://traffic.alexa.com/graph?w=400&h=220&o=f&c=1&y=b&b=ffffff&n=666666&r=2y&u=jamendo.com&&
11:10 🔗 winr4r weird
11:12 🔗 Schbirid not weird, they did another horrendous redesign of their website, totally missing what artists were after and what normal (non paying) users were after
11:19 🔗 winr4r oh
11:39 🔗 nitro2k01 Sci... I mean capitalism, it works, bitches!
12:05 🔗 alard http://archive.org/download/archiveteam-tabblo-/thumbs.html
12:24 🔗 GLaDOS Is this another underconstruction.html?
12:24 🔗 GLaDOS Yep!
13:10 🔗 underscor I wonder how much bandwidth jamendo pushes
13:13 🔗 Schbirid early 2010 they did around 40mbit/s for album downloads and ~25 for tracks
13:16 🔗 Schbirid they should put me in control of it, i would have made it the next great music site
13:40 🔗 gerymad http://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwhot/comments/u58ma/the_spanish_passion_rossana_de_la_vega_xeducation/
13:49 🔗 Nemo_bis underscor, what's the tool to move a random item to a collection I'm admin of?
13:50 🔗 underscor I don't know if regular people can do that
13:50 🔗 underscor let me look
13:54 🔗 underscor http://archive.org/editxml.php?type=MEDIATYPE&edit_item=IDENTIFIER
13:54 🔗 underscor Nemo_bis: See if you have an editable "collection" textbox there
13:55 🔗 Nemo_bis underscor, trying; is this documented anywhere?
13:55 🔗 underscor not that I know of
13:55 🔗 underscor IA's documentations is uh
13:55 🔗 underscor a bit sparse
13:56 🔗 Nemo_bis Server error 500
13:56 🔗 underscor did you replace MEDIATYPE and IDENTIFIER?
13:56 🔗 Nemo_bis of course
13:56 🔗 underscor oh okay
13:56 🔗 underscor Try just:
13:56 🔗 Nemo_bis http://archive.org/editxml.php?type=texts&edit_item=wiki-asianwiki.com
13:56 🔗 underscor try removing the type=texts&
13:57 🔗 underscor you may only need that bit for special item types
13:57 🔗 Nemo_bis You must supply the type of item to be added or edited (e.g. item, audio, movies, collection)
13:57 🔗 underscor http://archive.org/editxml.php?type=item&edit_item=wiki-asianwiki.com
13:57 🔗 underscor Try that
13:57 🔗 Nemo_bis yeah, done already
13:58 🔗 Nemo_bis I did know how to get here; it doesn't unlock the fields though
13:58 🔗 underscor oh, your fields are gray?
13:58 🔗 underscor hmm
13:58 🔗 underscor have to ask SketchCow then
13:58 🔗 Nemo_bis they're no longer gray but I can't edit them
13:58 🔗 underscor I don't have power to change other people's items
13:58 🔗 Nemo_bis that's mine
13:58 🔗 underscor I CAN set arbitrary collections
13:58 🔗 underscor (only on mine though)
13:59 🔗 Nemo_bis they're unlocked only for items which are already in the collection I'm admin of
13:59 🔗 underscor so need someone with a higher auth level
13:59 🔗 underscor ah, I see
13:59 🔗 Nemo_bis Hydriz is able to do it
13:59 🔗 Nemo_bis I doubt he has higher access
13:59 🔗 underscor actually, I can probably fix it pretty easily. give me a sec
13:59 🔗 underscor from community_texts?
13:59 🔗 underscor He shouldn't be.
13:59 🔗 underscor er
13:59 🔗 underscor opensource
13:59 🔗 underscor not community_texts
14:01 🔗 underscor Nemo_bis: Trying to put in wikiteam, right?
14:02 🔗 Nemo_bis yes
14:02 🔗 Nemo_bis but I want to learn how to do so in the future
14:03 🔗 underscor There's not a way if you're not the admin of the collection to which the item was uploaded
14:03 🔗 underscor I just confirmed with the powers that be
14:04 🔗 underscor You must either use the correct collection at upload/item creation, or ask an admin to shuffle it
14:05 🔗 oli underscor: i heard you got a job there?
14:05 🔗 oli at archive.org
14:05 🔗 oli or something
14:05 🔗 oli a desk near SketchCow
14:05 🔗 underscor yep!
14:05 🔗 underscor well, I mean, it's basically a huge open room
14:05 🔗 underscor so any desk is near SketchCow
14:05 🔗 oli ok
14:05 🔗 oli congrats
14:05 🔗 underscor But specifically, I'm in the collections group, same as him
14:05 🔗 underscor thanks :D
14:05 🔗 underscor Nemo_bis: http://archive.org/details/wiki-asianwiki.com?reCache=1
14:05 🔗 oli full time ?
14:06 🔗 underscor full time summer, 10hr/week while in college
14:06 🔗 Nemo_bis underscor, you edit conflicted me? :o
14:06 🔗 oli good stuff underscor
14:06 🔗 underscor Nemo_bis: I did?
14:06 🔗 underscor oli: thanks :D
14:06 🔗 Nemo_bis underscor, I think so
14:06 🔗 underscor Looks fine here, I see your description and stuff
14:07 🔗 underscor http://archive.org/catalog.php?history=1&identifier=wiki-asianwiki.com
14:07 🔗 underscor nope
14:07 🔗 underscor yours was submitted well after mine
14:11 🔗 Hydriz underscor: really no chance of having a collection create for the Wikimedia Commons grabbing project?
14:13 🔗 oli is there a forgot password function on the AT wiki?
14:13 🔗 oli cause i forgot my pass now i cant login to edit a page
14:13 🔗 Hydriz http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Special:PasswordReset
14:14 🔗 Hydriz if it works...
14:15 🔗 oli ta
14:18 🔗 Hydriz grr we really need to remove some rules from MediaWiki:Titleblacklist
14:20 🔗 Nemo_bis oh well I wrote http://archive.org/post/421679/how-to-change-mediatype-and-collection-of-an-item-for-collection-admins
14:23 🔗 Hydriz I understand that mediatypes can't have more than one
14:24 🔗 Hydriz but yes, this is the current workaround
14:24 🔗 Hydriz using S3 is another solution to change the collection, though I never tried it that way
14:27 🔗 Nemo_bis i tried and failed
14:35 🔗 underscor Hydriz: I can see, but it's pretty much a dupe of the one that already exists that I'll be uploading the dumps on your.org to next week, when I start, isn't it?
14:38 🔗 Hydriz but this is probably considered a different type of dump than what Wikimedia will produce, isn't it?
14:38 🔗 Hydriz images and xml are packaged together
14:39 🔗 Hydriz which I don
14:39 🔗 Hydriz *don't think Wikimedia has
14:40 🔗 Schbirid yay, sitting outside with no internet and writing bash scripts with just the man page is FUN (seriously)
14:41 🔗 underscor Hydriz: Okay, I'll bring it up monday.
14:41 🔗 Hydriz heh, thanks :)
14:42 🔗 Hydriz almost done with the current set of dates we have though
14:42 🔗 Hydriz so emijrp needs to make more
14:48 🔗 Hydriz Nemo_bis: Are you still downloading the TaskForce wikis?
14:48 🔗 Nemo_bis Hydriz, yes
14:48 🔗 Hydriz cos I have some ideas for the uploader.py script
14:48 🔗 Nemo_bis apply them then
14:48 🔗 Hydriz it seems retarded to scan the directory for dumps, so it needs to work like the launcher.py script
14:49 🔗 Hydriz though I an figuring out how to write the code :P
14:49 🔗 Nemo_bis this is already how it works AFAIK
14:49 🔗 Nemo_bis the problem is how to fetch data from the wiki
14:49 🔗 Nemo_bis (metadata)
14:49 🔗 Hydriz ah I see
14:50 🔗 Hydriz unless maybe we can make a web tool and manually fill in all the information, which is rather tedious
15:52 🔗 SketchCow Musopen uploads taking forever
15:52 🔗 SketchCow But so awesome
15:52 🔗 SketchCow Had to write a script to deal with the thing
15:55 🔗 Nemo_bis SketchCow, what was the problem with your host that caused the index.php viagra hack?
15:55 🔗 SketchCow Which host?
15:55 🔗 SketchCow Back some time ago?
15:55 🔗 * Nemo_bis has something similar on a Joomla website
15:55 🔗 Nemo_bis yes
15:55 🔗 SketchCow I hope you mean now.
15:55 🔗 SketchCow OK, good.
15:55 🔗 SketchCow Whew.
15:55 🔗 Nemo_bis before you moved to another hosting
15:55 🔗 SketchCow All right, well, bear in mind, dreamhost was utterly hacked.
15:56 🔗 SketchCow And once it's in, it's kind of in.
15:56 🔗 SketchCow That said, it seemed to be a methodical script, not a person.
15:56 🔗 Nemo_bis yes
15:56 🔗 SketchCow So first, I'd find little things added in the header.
15:56 🔗 Nemo_bis what's the problem, shared server with wrong user permissions?
15:56 🔗 SketchCow With names like zcompress and a bunch of strings, that naturally uncompressed into a scary looking script.
15:56 🔗 SketchCow That's my opinion, yes.
15:57 🔗 SketchCow Also, shared server, with all sorts of clever "keep the peace" programs running that all have to have elevated user privs by default.
15:57 🔗 Nemo_bis hm
15:57 🔗 SketchCow Now, that said, it would install back doors
15:57 🔗 SketchCow Those things are amazing.
15:57 🔗 SketchCow Pretty colors, and utter rape
16:04 🔗 closure SketchCow: have a minute?
16:04 🔗 ersi asking to ask
16:04 🔗 ersi tsk tsk
16:04 🔗 closure nah, he knows what I'm asking :P
16:11 🔗 SketchCow What up.
16:12 🔗 l-fy hi
16:53 🔗 Schbirid SketchCow: since you are after music atm, check out http://be.electrobel.org/
16:55 🔗 SketchCow I'm not after, just it's working out.
16:58 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/musopen now has a table to click on!
17:01 🔗 Nemo_bis hah, /plugins/system/weslinks.php
17:01 🔗 Nemo_bis the power of grep
17:02 🔗 ersi the grep of power
17:35 🔗 Coderjoe now, there was a vuln with php as a cgi script, which could also have been used at a shared hosting provider to get in.
17:37 🔗 Coderjoe and the line, as I recall, was something like: eval(gzuncompress(base64_decode(**insert compressed and encoded hack code here**)))
17:38 🔗 Coderjoe or gzinflate instead of gzuncompress
17:39 🔗 SketchCow closure: I'll make some noise
17:40 🔗 Coderjoe someone even made a tool page to help people know what that code did: http://redleg-redleg.com/base64/
17:48 🔗 Nemo_bis hm libraries/phpxmlrpc/xmlrpcs.php: if($content_encoding == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data))
17:49 🔗 Nemo_bis useful tip Coderjoe
17:56 🔗 Coderjoe Nemo_bis: here is the cgi vuln: http://eindbazen.net/2012/05/php-cgi-advisory-cve-2012-1823/
18:11 🔗 godane mirroring the register whitepapers again
18:19 🔗 Nemo_bis Coderjoe, oki, PHP updated
18:20 🔗 Coderjoe not sure if the latest php-cgi actuall fixed the problem. there was a version that was supposed to, but apparently didn't completely fix it.
18:21 🔗 Coderjoe (see the bottom of that advisory page)
18:21 🔗 Coderjoe well, middle, under "Mitigation"
18:22 🔗 Coderjoe hmm
18:22 🔗 Nemo_bis is that up to date? it mentions only .12 and we're at .13
18:22 🔗 Coderjoe I see an update5 saying the proper fix is in progress
18:22 🔗 Coderjoe so .13 probably actually fixes it
18:36 🔗 winr4r evening
18:37 🔗 winr4r jesus christ, that's a terrible bug
18:37 🔗 Coderjoe it's only 1438, you insensitive clod!
18:38 🔗 Coderjoe winr4r: yeah, and it came about because of someone forgetting why some check was there in the first place and removing it for convenience
18:38 🔗 cantelope >.>
18:38 🔗 cantelope <.<
18:38 🔗 winr4r four months to fix the bug, then when they fix it they don't fix it
18:38 🔗 Coderjoe do to an old portion of the CGI spec that nobody even uses anymore
18:38 🔗 winr4r see also: why i don't touch any software written in PHP
18:38 🔗 Coderjoe four months? it's been there since 2004
18:39 🔗 winr4r Coderjoe: but it was reported to the PHP developers four months ago
18:40 🔗 Coderjoe but anyway, this only affected CGI and not mod_php or fastcgi
18:41 🔗 Coderjoe but the vuln was added by the PHP developers back in 2004. so the bug itself is 6 years old. the bug REPORT is only four months old.
18:43 🔗 winr4r >only
18:44 🔗 ersi figures of scale, do, you, grasp, it
18:47 🔗 Coderjoe er, 8 years old
18:48 🔗 Coderjoe I KAN DU MATHS
18:50 🔗 godane uploading the screen savers episodes from april 2004
18:50 🔗 godane :-D
19:25 🔗 DFJustin https://www.facebook.com/georgehtakei/posts/461577447205047
20:18 🔗 godane watching 4-14-2004 of the screen savers
20:18 🔗 godane the dark tip episode
20:27 🔗 Froggy298  Watch UFC 146 FREE LIVE ON www.FreeTheTV.net!!
20:36 🔗 su_ freethe.tv
20:57 🔗 chronomex su_: introduce yourself
20:57 🔗 su_ i'm su
20:57 🔗 su_ _
20:57 🔗 su_ do you remember zachera
20:57 🔗 su_ thats me
20:57 🔗 su_ lol
20:58 🔗 chronomex ah, okay, you only said 5 things over the past day or so and they all looked botlike
20:58 🔗 su_ Beep, beep, blooooooop, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
20:58 🔗 * chronomex beeps twice and then explodes
20:59 🔗 su_ how is the archive team doing
20:59 🔗 su_ still 'saving peoples' shit'?
21:00 🔗 chronomex haven't stopped
21:02 🔗 ersi once you pop, you can't stop
21:03 🔗 su_ lol
21:07 🔗 su_ whats the term coined for a server that
21:07 🔗 su_ upon connecting to it, directs you to a random server
21:07 🔗 Schbirid roundrobin?
21:07 🔗 su_ YES
21:07 🔗 su_ !
21:07 🔗 * su_ huggles Schbirid
21:07 🔗 chronomex switchyard turntable
21:08 🔗 su_ i'm looking specifically for round-robin DNS ;)
21:08 🔗 SmileyG_ for what o_O
21:08 🔗 su_ Jason Scott looks like Markus Persson.
21:08 🔗 SmileyG_ or you want to setup one?
21:08 🔗 SmileyG_ @notch?
21:09 🔗 SmileyG_ really o_O
21:09 🔗 su_ yes
21:09 🔗 su_ kinda
21:09 🔗 su_ ya
21:09 🔗 SmileyG_ they both wear a hat...
21:09 🔗 * SmileyG_ thinks
21:09 🔗 su_ and they're both fat
21:09 🔗 SmileyG_ I guess a little.
21:09 🔗 su_ and they both have a cat
21:09 🔗 su_ (possibly)
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ ~:D
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ I've never heard notch mention any pets
21:10 🔗 su_ lolwhat
21:10 🔗 su_ you just put in A records/
21:10 🔗 su_ ..
21:10 🔗 su_ that doesnt make sense
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ I have a clone of sockington though his markings changed slightly
21:10 🔗 su_ hide.srv.pm -> some IP
21:10 🔗 su_ hide.srv.pm -> some other IP
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ you put in multiple ips
21:10 🔗 su_ o_O
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ yes...
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ nslookup on google.com
21:10 🔗 su_ really?
21:10 🔗 su_ multiple A records?
21:10 🔗 SmileyG_ your head wil explode
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ yes
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ x.com A i.p
21:11 🔗 su_ Address:
21:11 🔗 su_ C:\Users\zachera>nslookup google.com
21:11 🔗 su_ Name: google.com.POSEIDON
21:11 🔗 su_ Non-authoritative answer:
21:11 🔗 su_ Server: resolver1.opendns.com
21:11 🔗 su_ Address:
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ x.com A a.diff.i.p
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ lol
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ stop using faildns ¬_¬
21:11 🔗 su_ what do i use
21:11 🔗 su_ to get the full ns records
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Non-authoritative answer:
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Server:
21:11 🔗 su_ yes, i don't use linux
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:11 🔗 * su_ ducks
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:11 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:11 🔗 su_ /f
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 su_ /flushq
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 su_ DAMN IT WE LOST HIM
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Name: google.com
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ Address:
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ :)
21:12 🔗 alard That's a lot of text. :)
21:12 🔗 su_ so how does that work
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ :P
21:12 🔗 su_ then
21:12 🔗 su_ :|
21:12 🔗 SmileyG_ how does what work?
21:13 🔗 su_ i mean, wouldn't you just get the first A record submitted
21:13 🔗 Schbirid guys
21:13 🔗 SmileyG what if it doesn't work :)
21:13 🔗 SmileyG BIND returns random ones iirc
21:13 🔗 SmileyG i.e. random order.
21:13 🔗 su_ so
21:13 🔗 su_ he.net will return random records?
21:14 🔗 chronomex whoa holy floodscroll
21:15 🔗 su_ woah
21:15 🔗 SmileyG yah srry about that
21:15 🔗 su_ what are
21:15 🔗 SmileyG damn google and their hundreds of records.
21:15 🔗 su_ HINFO, RP, LOC, NAPTR, PTR, SSHFP, SPF, SRV records?
21:15 🔗 alard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DNS_record_types
21:15 🔗 su_ lol wikipedia reader here ^
21:16 🔗 su_ thx tho
21:16 🔗 su_ christ wtf
21:16 🔗 su_ i know enough already, this list is insane
21:17 🔗 su_ he hung up on me :(
21:17 🔗 chronomex NAPTR is my favorite
21:19 🔗 su_ they hung up on me
21:19 🔗 su_ so
21:19 🔗 su_ i called back
21:19 🔗 su_ some guy said send support email
21:19 🔗 su_ i'm like lol fuck you
21:19 🔗 su_ called em back again
21:19 🔗 su_ got the answer i needed
21:19 🔗 SmileyG o_O
21:19 🔗 SmileyG this story...
21:19 🔗 SmileyG waut
21:20 🔗 su_ ok fuck you he.net
21:20 🔗 su_ how do i do it again
21:20 🔗 su_ i just put in
21:20 🔗 su_ multiple A records?
21:21 🔗 SmileyG yup
21:21 🔗 SmileyG x.com A i.p
21:21 🔗 SmileyG x.com A diff.i.p
21:21 🔗 SmileyG x.com A anoth.er.i.p
21:22 🔗 Schbirid make sure to include x.com A as backup
21:22 🔗 ersi wow, just wow
21:23 🔗 godane in 20 mins i will have april 2004 of the screen savers uploaded
21:23 🔗 godane :-D
21:24 🔗 godane i still have put up episode 04-16
21:24 🔗 SmileyG ersi: ?
21:24 🔗 godane that one was plays the episode twice for some reason
21:25 🔗 alard godane: Post that on #archiveteam, you're interrupting the DNS discussion. ;)
21:25 🔗 godane sorry
21:38 🔗 ersi godane: P.S this is #archiveteam, he's just joking with you :)
21:38 🔗 godane ok :-D
21:39 🔗 godane was not sure since jason doesn't want a long back log
21:39 🔗 ersi or giving SmileyG and su a figurative point
21:39 🔗 ersi maybe they got the hint :)
21:40 🔗 godane found 3 part video on how to build and jukebox computer on call for help
21:56 🔗 su_ http://i.imgur.com/whzq5.png
22:00 🔗 Debianer That's a lot of lighttpd servers
22:20 🔗 godane ersi: Uploaded: http://archive.org/details/TechTV_TSS_2004_04_Full_Episodes
22:21 🔗 godane only the 7th and 23rd of april 2004 are missing
22:23 🔗 su_ wait so you guys are officially like
22:23 🔗 su_ able to upload to archive.org's servers?
22:24 🔗 shaqfu su_: Anyone can
22:24 🔗 su_ orly
22:25 🔗 shaqfu Sign up for an account and you're set
22:30 🔗 su_ interesting
22:30 🔗 su_ what can you do with an account
22:35 🔗 ersi How about... upload things.
22:53 🔗 chronomex you can also download things
22:53 🔗 chronomex though that doesn't require an account
22:57 🔗 Nemo_bis also edit things, comment on forums, add reviews, ...
23:02 🔗 Nemo_bis so my hosting requires me to set 755 for all directories and script files (php, cgi and pl)... even if you need 777 because 755 is interpreted in the same way by them :[
23:03 🔗 chronomex quality
23:04 🔗 ersi so.. change hosting.
23:26 🔗 su_ ersi: anything?
23:26 🔗 su_ so its like a free dropbox? or what
23:26 🔗 godane or piratebox
23:26 🔗 su_ heh
23:26 🔗 su_ relaly?
23:26 🔗 su_ they dont monitor it?
23:26 🔗 ersi su_: yes, but don't use it for just filling it up
23:27 🔗 su_ whats the space limit
23:27 🔗 su_ ... why dont you just link me to the FAQ
23:27 🔗 su_ lol
23:27 🔗 ersi why don't you just fucking go there :|
23:27 🔗 su_ lazy sorry :|
23:27 🔗 su_ comes with the internet :|
23:27 🔗 su_ archive.org/ ???
23:27 🔗 su_ slash what
23:28 🔗 chronomex think of archive.org as a library that anyone can contribute to
23:28 🔗 chronomex and they never throw things out
23:28 🔗 ersi https://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=archive+faq
23:28 🔗 chronomex if you act like that, then you'll be 90% of the way there
23:28 🔗 instence_ yea, like warez, porn, bluray rips, etc
23:28 🔗 ersi there you go, you lazy herpy derp
23:28 🔗 ersi I'm not sure you should be on a computer though.
23:29 🔗 chronomex that's okay, computers are cool
23:29 🔗 ersi maybe you should get a computer drivers license
23:29 🔗 chronomex wrong
23:30 🔗 ersi I'll just ignore su_ so I won't ragequit
23:30 🔗 chronomex works for me
23:30 🔗 su_ i thought archive.org was a company that does massive crawling on the web
23:30 🔗 su_ doing snapshots and whatnot
23:30 🔗 instence_ its like piratebay
23:30 🔗 chronomex that is one of the things that IA does, su_
23:30 🔗 su_ wtf ... how did i not know this
23:31 🔗 chronomex who are you, instence_
23:31 🔗 su_ who are you chronomex
23:31 🔗 chronomex I'm in charge here
23:31 🔗 chronomex that's all you need to know
23:31 🔗 su_ because ... quite strangely... you have the same character length as instence_ ... which is TOTALLY AWKWARD
23:32 🔗 chronomex good thing I'm cyan and he's green then
23:32 🔗 su_ Sorry, I am limited in my responses. Please try saying something else.
23:32 🔗 su_ Beep, beep, blooop.
23:32 🔗 su_ christ how much data does the IA have
23:33 🔗 chronomex su_: around 5 petabytes, iirc
23:33 🔗 su_ how can it be thepiratebay without there being news frenz about trying to close them down then
23:33 🔗 DrainLbry facepalm.
23:33 🔗 ersi r u liek a retard
23:33 🔗 ersi or wat
23:33 🔗 su_ no, i just lack understanding of what IA does exactly
23:34 🔗 su_ you say 'thepiratebay' and my mind sort of runs into that anonymous/hacking/torrenting field of the internet
23:34 🔗 su_ so... enlighten me? :S
23:34 🔗 DrainLbry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_archive
23:34 🔗 chronomex IA is a library for the internet
23:34 🔗 chronomex they save things and hold on to them
23:34 🔗 chronomex they also take donations
23:35 🔗 su_ okay
23:35 🔗 chronomex if you donate something and someone else has a valid complaint, IA will make that item "dark"
23:35 🔗 chronomex which means, basically, that it's unviewable by anyone
23:35 🔗 chronomex they can put things on a timer such that they will automatically undark after X time, which is what they do for copyright complaints
23:35 🔗 su_ by donations you mean /anything/?
23:35 🔗 chronomex X time being the expiry date of that copyrighted work
23:35 🔗 su_ money, music, books, etc?
23:35 🔗 chronomex any data, yes.
23:35 🔗 su_ ah okay
23:36 🔗 chronomex they also accept money, and boxes of books
23:36 🔗 su_ is the data publicly accessible or can you store things privately
23:36 🔗 chronomex look up "physical archive"
23:36 🔗 chronomex everything is public
23:36 🔗 DrainLbry well, my little warrior VMs have been busy haven't they
23:36 🔗 su_ so its kind of like github
23:36 🔗 su_ except everything
23:36 🔗 chronomex kind of, yes
23:36 🔗 su_ interesting
23:36 🔗 ersi it's kind of like the internet in a box without shoes
23:36 🔗 ersi but with a top hat
23:36 🔗 chronomex arabs seem to use IA to host zillions of prayer videos
23:37 🔗 su_ i was always under the impression that they were like private and did massive crawling on the internet, grabbing as much copies of websites as they could ... at least, that's what i saw them for when i first learned about them
23:37 🔗 chronomex IA is designed mostly for individual standalone works that have a significant amount of content to them, such as movies or books
23:37 🔗 DrainLbry you may be thinking of the wayback machine (part of IA)
23:37 🔗 su_ ^ yes
23:37 🔗 chronomex correct
23:37 🔗 su_ sorry for the upset ersi
23:38 🔗 chronomex IA is very weird if you are familiar with the commercial parts of the internet
23:38 🔗 su_ i've always been under the impression that 'big' companies don't actually delete things
23:38 🔗 chronomex disorientation is to be expected
23:38 🔗 su_ they just switch a "is_deleted" flag
23:38 🔗 DrainLbry do not adjust your archiving lenses.
23:38 🔗 ersi big companies delete things all the time, unfortunally
23:38 🔗 chronomex ^
23:39 🔗 su_ yeah, when they die though :P
23:39 🔗 su_ if you delete your facebook profile, do they REALLY delete it?
23:39 🔗 su_ if you delete your google account, do they REALLY delete it?
23:39 🔗 su_ etc etc ..
23:39 🔗 su_ if you delete that tweet, is it really deleted?
23:39 🔗 ersi well, they do it arbitrarily
23:40 🔗 ersi it's like someone just in an instance thought "oh my gee, we need some space. Let's delete a siginificant part instead of buying more storage"
23:40 🔗 ersi I don't specifically mean Google/facebook ^ though
23:41 🔗 su_ there's always a reason and that reason's dog to not delete someone's profile ...
23:41 🔗 chronomex well, data costs money to keep around
23:41 🔗 chronomex or something
23:46 🔗 chronomex I'd like to welcome instence_ to the channel, he's not nearly as snarky as his words to date might lead you to believe
23:46 🔗 instence_ I'm just a humble media archivist based out of chicago
23:47 🔗 chronomex so what sort of media archiving work do you do?
23:48 🔗 su_ you have the same number of characters in your nickname as chronomex... that's really awkward to me
23:48 🔗 godane i'm making my own "piratebox/archive.org" by the way
23:48 🔗 su_ do you like my IRC, chronomex
23:48 🔗 su_ irc client ..
23:49 🔗 chronomex 16:49:01 [EFNet] CTCP VERSION reply from su_: lirc 1.1 PC DOS 2.0 [x86-16/4.77MHz]
23:49 🔗 su_ :D
23:49 🔗 chronomex I must admit I am intrigued
23:49 🔗 DrainLbry yeah, do share
23:49 🔗 instence_ lots of work with games
23:49 🔗 su_ it's fake, duh!
23:49 🔗 chronomex sure :)
23:49 🔗 su_ i'm using xchat on windows 7
23:50 🔗 instence_ you can read about some stuff here: http://www.benpekarek.com/archivism.html
23:50 🔗 instence_ I've recently been working on a scrape of 1.5 million articles pertaining to games
23:50 🔗 su_ Veresion: 2.8.9, Compiled: Aug 28 2010, Windows: 6.1 (Windows 7), Processors 4 (Level 6), Registered to: ME!
23:50 🔗 chronomex ahhh, games
23:51 🔗 chronomex I'm rather a fan of corporate histories
23:51 🔗 instence_ also i have been involved in restoration efforts for online console game servers
23:51 🔗 instence_ since 2003
23:51 🔗 chronomex it sounds like you do careful curation
23:51 🔗 chronomex which is excellent
23:51 🔗 instence_ yes my work is very specific
23:51 🔗 su_ kinda wanna play a game... brb
23:52 🔗 DrainLbry dude your homebrew archiving project = sorely needed
23:53 🔗 DrainLbry just given my recent forray into putting newer android versiosn onto things companies dont want to provide newer android versions for, that kind of info is all over the fucking place
23:53 🔗 DrainLbry ditto i recall from reading up on dreamcast homebrew way back
23:54 🔗 instence_ I also came up with a method for piecing together sites from the web archive
23:54 🔗 instence_ which i spent much of nov/dec of last year trying to figure out
23:55 🔗 instence_ so basically extracting a time ranged snapshot from the way back machine
23:56 🔗 instence_ so now I am traversing link-to-link, stitching together history from deep in the way back machine pertaining to games
23:57 🔗 DrainLbry rad
23:57 🔗 instence_ The gamespy public site archive that i have is pretty important
23:57 🔗 instence_ all that is gone
23:58 🔗 chronomex cool
23:58 🔗 instence_ i have 850 sites, that i went through 1-by-1 and corrected any flash/js/other elements that wget can't accuratly crawl
23:58 🔗 chronomex how much have you put on IA?
23:58 🔗 instence_ they are near perfect mirrors
23:59 🔗 chronomex I've been tossing around an idea lately of a http proxy that dumps everything to .warc files, so you can crawl a site with e.g. a headless browser and get *everything*
23:59 🔗 DrainLbry what he said. throw some of that stuff up there my friend, at the very least put mirror copies of what you have so far, you can always provide the context later
23:59 🔗 instence_ So far I have not released any of my archives yet, still working on my projects. Plus, I don't plan to just release the data as is.
23:59 🔗 chronomex aye
23:59 🔗 chronomex why not?
