#archiveteam 2012-07-26,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:01 🔗 shaqfu That's...curious spam
00:03 🔗 chronomex I'm not curious.
01:17 🔗 CoJaBo Thats 3 times now.. wonder if its a bot lol
01:18 🔗 CoJaBo reminds me of one on Freenode, would post "I AM AWESOME!" once an hour, on the hour... World's lamest DoS attack, maybe :P
01:53 🔗 Carray its so cold when the locomotive enters the layover for the night =(
01:55 🔗 * CoJaBo freezees Carray solid
03:22 🔗 kennethre haha wtf
10:32 🔗 illunatic ahoy
10:35 🔗 GLaDOS Hi
10:36 🔗 SmileyG o/
10:39 🔗 illunatic how are the archives doing these day? &_&
10:39 🔗 illunatic ^_^
