#archiveteam 2012-09-06,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
17:34 🔗 yipdw who has delete privileges on archiveteam's wiki?
17:35 🔗 yipdw http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Child_Care_Business_For_Sale needs to be nuked
18:17 🔗 tef_ hahaha I have defeated you once again ARC files! ahahahah
22:30 🔗 dashcloud so what version of virtual box do I need to open the archiveteam-warrior? 4.0.10 isn't cutting it here- I get error: Could not read OVF file 'archiveteam-warrior-v2-20120813.ovf' (VERR_TAR_END_OF_FILE)
22:34 🔗 dashcloud I'm downloading the 707 version now, and will try it later
22:40 🔗 dashcloud folks, for anyone else who runs into this issue: Virtualbox 4.0.10 and earlier can't handle an .OVA file that has files named differently inside
22:40 🔗 dashcloud it's fixed in 4.1.2 apparently
22:44 🔗 Nemo_bis yipdw: use {{delete}}, they'll get deleted eventually
