[00:58] tef: why the nda? [01:00] well, I work in web archiving, and i need to get a blood sacrifice to release things [01:00] as a result, I can't do things to warctools easily if we do them internally [01:03] or that is the shitty excuse i've been given [01:33] SketchCow: have somewhere I can upload a large pile of Dell desktop/laptop service manuals? [01:37] Internet Archive is down. [01:37] All of Richmond went out. [01:37] Like, that part of SF [01:37] Don't open the fridges! [01:37] well, ok [01:42] I can focus on Just Solve the Problem and editing [01:43] chronomex: I could really use your help with Just Solve [01:44] that sucks [01:50] SketchCow: tell me in PM, I'm on my way out of work [01:51] dashcloud: I do. Do you need FTP or do you need something else? [01:52] ftp is fine [01:52] rsync? Can you do rsync? [01:52] yeah [06:54] WWW.JIZZDAY.COM [07:02] hmm [07:02] first video is "TWO GIRLS BUTTHOLE" [07:02] intriguing [07:14] I'm thinking it's a Siamese twin film [07:14] joined at the backside. [07:23] D: [07:27] [07:27] it's an underscor [07:31] this live? [07:31] where you find this? [07:33] It's life [07:33] live* [07:33] It's me :P [07:33] ah hi then :D [07:33] thought someone randomly found more cameras on google :D [07:33] I need a site to broadcast via, not opening up work firewall ;) [07:49] Oh god it's underscor [07:49] kill it kill it [07:49] with fire? [07:50] I'd prefer an EMP [07:50] bahahaha [07:50] That'll only power him down for a few hours! [07:50] Damn you underscor [07:50] If we burn him, he'll at least blow his batteries! [07:52] :3 [07:52] Oh you [07:52] also I think the woop woop woop is important here [07:53] eh [07:53] OFF TOPIC SIREN [07:53] hmm [07:53] want to see my room? [07:53] :o [07:53] stuffed dog? [07:53] :P [07:53] Fox [07:53] Fo- [07:53] bollocks [07:54] My new boyfriend's >_> [07:54] oh lawd he went through with it [07:54] I'm going out of twon for the weekend, so he gave me him to snuggle so I think of him :3 [07:54] town* [07:54] and oh lawd he said yes [07:54] He smells just like him <3 [07:55] You remind me of someone who I can't put my finger on [07:56] Is that a good or bad thing? [07:56] XD [07:57] Well the guy you remind me of is a guy who stayed in his room all day, ate cheetos and played Xbox [07:57] so...insult or complement? [08:00] D: [08:01] Eh, neither [08:01] But I get out quite often [08:01] So congratulations, underscor [08:01] P.S....... #ARCHIVETEAM-BS [08:01] Oh fuck, SketchCow is going to yell at me [08:01] * underscor hangs head in shame [08:01] Only about going off topic so far that some members of the safari don't even remember there was a topic [08:02] Sorry :/ [08:03] Your punishment is get on the goddamned wiki and help me make that thing. [08:03] I was helping you earlier! [08:03] okay okay [08:03] but I am going out of town this weeked [08:03] -bs [08:05] and alexis has like 40 things for me [08:05] and I have two papers due tuesday [08:05] and a date monday night [08:05] and a final on wednesday [08:05] and, um [08:05] oh, a debussy concert on thursday [08:05] fuck my schedule D: [08:05] -bs [11:57] silent death? :-O http://www.us.archive.org/log_show.php?task_id=128637767 [12:21] attempting to archive http://www.chucklohr.com/808/index.shtml now [12:22] has a shitload of info and hard to find drivers and tech docs etc [12:22] on certain cameras [12:23] it's pretty big [12:27] lol [12:27] sort of waiting for wget now, to figure out that vault/ is in fact a directory and not a page [13:49] alard: god thats much neater (the uploads). far easier to read with curl that wget :o [13:53] SmileyG: I might be missing some context there. (Only thing I can think of is that you've recently upgraded the warrior.) [13:57] not recently [13:57] just recently glanced at it while it was uploading tho :P [14:04] Ah, I see. (\r is a nice character.) [14:04] Indeed. [14:30] \r is fun :D [15:27] Who could run a crawler to find more BT internet homepage? You'd need a working Ruby + Rubygems installation. [15:28] (I'm now looking through results from Ask.com.) [15:58] alard: I could do it from FOS if needed. [16:31] alard: i could run one [16:46] that makes me ask "how much b/w" ? [16:49] alard: did you find someone? [17:04] 01:05:04 <@underscor> oh, a debussy concert on thursday [17:04] FUCK, SO MUCH DEBUSSY TO LISTEN TO [17:04] woop woop woop off-topic siren [17:06] I'll show myself the door [17:07] chronomex: just blame underscor [17:37] attempting to archive http://www.chucklohr.com/808/index.shtml now <- i think you took that one out 'service unavailable' [18:02] CowerAway: it works for me? [18:02] also, it would be worrying if it goes down from one simultaneous file download.. [18:03] also, it finished 3 hours ago apparently :P [18:34] finished archiving! [18:35] mirror at http://aarnist.cryto.net:81/data/808/808/ and warc at http://aarnist.cryto.net:81/data/at-808.warc.gz plus http://aarnist.cryto.net:81/data/at-808b.warc.gz [20:25] SketchCow, flaushy, Sue: The script is here, https://gist.github.com/d9708c7c06d5d4ce22fa [20:26] It gets words from tracker.archiveteam.org and sends the usernames back. [20:26] Not sure about bandwidth, it's just what you'd get if you constantly enter queries on ask.com. [20:28] They do block you, however, after a while, so that may be a problem. [23:19] gooscrape? I thought you were scraping ask.com [23:42] http://i.qkme.me/3ritke.jpg