#archiveteam 2013-01-14,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
01:50 🔗 SketchCow Back home
01:50 🔗 SketchCow Let the fun begin
02:18 🔗 dashcloud did you see pdftribute.net and http://pdftribute.loc-com.de/ ?
02:19 🔗 SketchCow Yes
03:57 🔗 SketchCow Adding 50+ books abaout atari programming
04:19 🔗 illunatic :(
04:19 🔗 illunatic hey SketchCow, are you around?
04:31 🔗 SketchCow Yes
04:31 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Aataribooks&sort=-publicdate
04:31 🔗 DFJustin hahaha you have that forth book
04:32 🔗 DFJustin best cover of all time
04:32 🔗 chronomex ha nice
04:45 🔗 balrog_ will these likely go black?
04:52 🔗 balrog_ so yeah, academic journals... what annoys me more than paywalls is when useful papers are published only in the proceedings of a specific conference only in book form ... and when only about 10 libraries have a copy of said book
04:52 🔗 balrog_ not all that sure what the solution is there.
06:44 🔗 SketchCow Who know what'll happen. I'm excited to see
07:35 🔗 SketchCow I just did a mass of moving of files around
07:51 🔗 SketchCow Also, I gotta say.... there's some woman who is scanning, by the boatload, old books and putting them up
07:51 🔗 SketchCow I mean TONS
07:51 🔗 SketchCow Looks like they added 275 books in the last month and a half.
08:23 🔗 chronomex whoa
08:23 🔗 chronomex nice
08:24 🔗 chronomex that's like a full time hobby or something
08:47 🔗 SketchCow Righto
08:47 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/folkscanomy
08:47 🔗 SketchCow Just added them all in.
08:47 🔗 SketchCow Brilliant stuff.
08:47 🔗 SketchCow Like, really cool books.
08:48 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/TelevisionEngineersPocketBook
08:49 🔗 chronomex these are cool
08:49 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/stream/TheClockworkOfTheHeavens/Asprey-TheClockworkOfTheHeavens#page/n1/mode/2up
08:52 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/amigabooks also good.
08:52 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/magazine_rack also had a bunch added.
09:12 🔗 Nemo_bis SketchCow: I was reminded that I sesnt you the magazines more than a month ago. Still no news?
09:13 🔗 Nemo_bis hehe, https://archive.org/details/SeventeenMagazine2011-05 spotlight item
09:14 🔗 Nemo_bis of course there's Justin Bieber in it
09:14 🔗 SketchCow no news maybe
09:14 🔗 SketchCow But bear in mind, I'm dealing with a lot of backlog here
09:25 🔗 Nemo_bis SketchCow: I'm only wondering if they were delivered, there's no hurry for the processing.
11:12 🔗 tef right
11:12 🔗 tef now to see if I can upload these warcs to ia
12:13 🔗 tef SketchCow: ok, so I have a 270 mb warc with the hn frontpage + all links, with text extracts, pdf and png snapshots, and countless amounts of ajax crap
12:14 🔗 tef SketchCow: thing is it is on a remote machine inside amazon atm, I have s3access set up to internet archive, but I dunno the magic headers to add to put it in the right place/bucket
12:14 🔗 tef cos the upload form doesn't work in lynx :-(
12:16 🔗 tef so if someone has any idea on how to upload to ia I would be happy
12:16 🔗 tef beyond downloading and uploading via my slow modem
12:30 🔗 alard tef: There are some examples here, http://archive.org/help/abouts3.txt (but perhaps you've seen those already).
12:48 🔗 tef alard: it's the metadata like which bucket to put it in
12:49 🔗 tef i have s3cmd set up and authed to us the s3 archiv.org interface
13:20 🔗 godane so i figured out how to mirror thebox.bz forums better
13:21 🔗 godane this newer script grabs the forumid pages then from there it will make list of urls to grab from it
13:22 🔗 godane this could also be used to mirror sites like underground-gamer alot faster
13:24 🔗 Nemo_bis document on wiki then
13:32 🔗 ats SketchCow: that Newnes TV pocketbook is pretty cool -- my dad (who started working as a TV engineering in the UK in the 70s) has a very battered copy of it
13:49 🔗 alard tef: I don't know about s3cmd, I normally just use curl. curl -v --location --header "authorization: LOW $accesskey:$secret" --header "x-amz-auto-make-bucket:1" --upload-file $filename http://s3.us.archive.org/$item/$filename > /dev/null
14:00 🔗 Cameron_D https://github.com/rememberaaronsw/rememberaaronsw
14:29 🔗 underscor [09:10:40] <SketchCow> I don't to move too rashly on this. I've done that in the past, not always forgood.
14:29 🔗 underscor [09:11:05] <SketchCow> a part ofmewants to make it so it violates the agreement, so thousands of people commit the felony.
14:29 🔗 underscor [09:11:14] <SketchCow> ok, rest
14:29 🔗 underscor This would be kinda neat.
14:29 🔗 underscor SketchCow: I have a bunch of non-a.o boxes that we could potentially use
14:29 🔗 underscor I have the code and my listener and stuff.
14:31 🔗 alard underscor: I've made an updated version of the jstor bookmarklet (they've changed a few things) that also adds a form where you can leave a message.
14:31 🔗 underscor ooh, awesome
14:32 🔗 alard The thing that's left is the server-side stuff, so if you volunteer...
15:12 🔗 emijrp http://pdftribute.net/
15:23 🔗 emijrp improving http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Aaron_Swartz
15:26 🔗 emijrp add stuff
15:29 🔗 emijrp more aaron
18:26 🔗 underscor alard: Do you have the new bookmarklet up somewhere?
18:40 🔗 SketchCow No, I wanted us to work it out
18:40 🔗 SketchCow underscor: Do NOT put ANY of this on archive.org servers or services
18:40 🔗 underscor SketchCow: Of course. None of it is.
18:42 🔗 SketchCow I know, I just want that clear.
18:45 🔗 balrog_ if someone was to scan a book (say an academic treatise), could that be submitted to archive.org? I understand it probably would have to be blacked out
18:45 🔗 balrog_ what you're referring to is simply wrt the jstor thing, right?
18:45 🔗 underscor Yeah
18:47 🔗 SketchCow alard: he volunteers. Please coordinate with underscor for the bookmarklet working, and I will write verbiage for the page.
19:01 🔗 SketchCow I wrote a rememberance of Aaron here. http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/3898
19:14 🔗 * ersi nods
21:25 🔗 SketchCow underscor: Lost you on skype
21:28 🔗 SketchCow Wow, his network went to pooooooooooooooooooooooooop
21:28 🔗 balrog_ ugh :(
21:29 🔗 Coderjoe oh shit. I apparently had been under a rock for three days
21:37 🔗 Coderjoe Though I have never directly interacted with Aaron (and had a moment of "Why does that name sound familiar?"), I am quite stunned and saddened upon hearing of his death.
21:41 🔗 ersi Hear hear.
21:42 🔗 balrog_ http://discountgeni.us/2013/01/13/why-am-i-so-upset-about-aaron-swartzs-suicide/
21:47 🔗 SketchCow Hi, everyone.
21:47 🔗 SketchCow We're this close to putting out the JSTOR liberator.
21:47 🔗 SketchCow Remember, this is just for regular folks. It's not meant for us to download all of jstor in a significant time.
21:48 🔗 SketchCow It's meant to let people share condolences and violate the JSTOR terms of service.
22:03 🔗 Coderjoe I'm also a bit baffled at the feelings I'm having, which are about the same as a friend I had, whom I only saw a few days a year and occasionally interacted with online, who died last year of a heart attack.
22:19 🔗 SketchCow ---------------
22:19 🔗 SketchCow http://aaronsw.archiveteam.org/
22:19 🔗 SketchCow It's meant to work once.
22:19 🔗 SketchCow Use it once (it'll stop you from using it more)
22:19 🔗 SketchCow And we'll see how it is.
22:19 🔗 SketchCow Then we announce it.
22:19 🔗 SketchCow ---------------
22:20 🔗 balrog_ where is the bookmarklet that you need to drag?
22:20 🔗 balrog_ oh there it is
22:20 🔗 SketchCow Good.
22:20 🔗 Coderjoe my firefox 18.0 is apparently not modern enough.
22:21 🔗 Coderjoe according to the "Please wait... We are testing your browser." box
22:21 🔗 SketchCow If you have other things running blocking certain stuff, it will fail.
22:22 🔗 balrog_ is a name or nickname mandatory?
22:22 🔗 SketchCow No.
22:22 🔗 SketchCow or write anonymous
22:23 🔗 alard Where's underscor?
22:23 🔗 SketchCow In Skype
22:23 🔗 SketchCow Want him?
22:23 🔗 balrog_ this appears to work.
22:24 🔗 SketchCow I made changes and choices, if you have questions.
22:24 🔗 undersco2 alard: SketchCow: ping
22:26 🔗 SketchCow Last call
22:27 🔗 alard No, looks fine. (Although my Chrome is choking on a 6MB pdf about big game distribution in Africa at the moment.)
22:27 🔗 SketchCow Before I announce this thing. Alard? Is there an issue?
22:27 🔗 SketchCow Ah.
22:27 🔗 SketchCow OK.
22:27 🔗 alard Update the css.
22:27 🔗 balrog_ looks fine to me
22:27 🔗 alard I think the old one is still on there, the form looks ugly.
22:27 🔗 SketchCow Can you share the link for the css?
22:27 🔗 undersco2 This is a fresh unpack from the tar you gave me
22:27 🔗 undersco2 Or, gave SketchCow
22:28 🔗 Coderjoe fresh profile with no addons and it still does not change
22:29 🔗 undersco2 Coderjoe: And you have JS on?
22:29 🔗 Coderjoe yes
22:29 🔗 Coderjoe that is the default, and this is a brand new profile I just created
22:30 🔗 Coderjoe the only unchecked JS option is "Raise or lower windows"
22:33 🔗 SketchCow I loaded it twice and it worked the second time
22:34 🔗 balrog_ it worked right for me
22:34 🔗 Coderjoe i just reloaded the clean profile and it worked
22:34 🔗 balrog_ is the "21 documents saved" updating?
22:34 🔗 alard It doesn't work for me at the moment. Perhaps if I reload.
22:34 🔗 balrog_ since it's been sitting at that for a while
22:34 🔗 Coderjoe and the second reload on my regular profile came up as approved
22:34 🔗 SketchCow We've changed the verbiage so that it says it's incompatible and we're continuing work on it, instead of "not modern enough"
22:35 🔗 Coderjoe (first reload just showed the new "working on it" version)
22:35 🔗 balrog_ yeah, but ancient browsers are "not modern enough"
22:35 🔗 SketchCow Incompatible is better language
22:35 🔗 SketchCow It's true, for whatever reason, it doesn't work
22:36 🔗 SketchCow "not modern enough" is verbiage that makes geeks show their quills and hiss
22:36 🔗 balrog_ yes, unless the browser is IE6
22:36 🔗 alard undersco2: Could you move the <script> thing for the test all the way to the bottom, just before </body>?
22:37 🔗 undersco2 Moving
22:37 🔗 alard I think it's too fast: it's trying to display the 'ok' message before that part of the document is even loaded.
22:38 🔗 undersco2 Moved
22:38 🔗 SketchCow Ok, everyone reload and try again
22:38 🔗 alard Works for me now (with empty cache).
22:39 🔗 SketchCow Anything left?
22:39 🔗 SketchCow We can shift.
22:39 🔗 SketchCow ship
22:41 🔗 alard Nitpicky me would like to center the "Just liberated" list, but that's all.
22:41 🔗 Coderjoe technically, shouldn't the test be invoked by an event like onload or similar?
22:44 🔗 SketchCow Can't wait to see the fun
22:44 🔗 SketchCow Now it begins
22:45 🔗 balrog_ thanks for doing this. :)
22:45 🔗 Nemo_bis alard: I got sick of VirtualBox, I have to update its packages every time I update the kernel.
22:46 🔗 alard Nemo_bis: So you decided to run the warrior image as the only thing on your system? ;)
22:46 🔗 balrog_ Nemo_bis: didn't VBox get a special blacklist entry for ultra-buggy kernel modules?
22:46 🔗 SketchCow Nemo_bis: Two sacks showed up today
22:46 🔗 SketchCow Holy fuck, heavy sacks
22:46 🔗 Nemo_bis SketchCow: there's another one.
22:46 🔗 Nemo_bis Yes, 30 kg is the max.
22:46 🔗 Nemo_bis I paid 2 kg in advance.
22:46 🔗 Nemo_bis alard: no, it doesn't take so much resources.
22:47 🔗 Nemo_bis alard: actually, lots of CPU consumption for so little bandwidth ^^'
22:47 🔗 Nemo_bis balrog_: I have to install the virtual kernel driver thingy with explicit version every time
22:47 🔗 alard Contributing CPU resources is also useful, perhaps even more than bandwidth.
22:48 🔗 Nemo_bis *2 kg in excess
22:48 🔗 Nemo_bis alard: yes but CPU is nice to have free on the machine I use all the day long, while wasted bandwidth hurts me
22:49 🔗 balrog_ I need a faster machine. the little arm box I have right now struggles to run seesaw :(
22:49 🔗 balrog_ I have tons of bandwidth.
22:53 🔗 godane i'm up to 2009 with pc games hardware magazine
22:53 🔗 balrog_ godane: you're scanning, right?
22:53 🔗 godane going start scaning some stuff later this week maybe
23:32 🔗 SketchCow "Send my love to JSTOR from Archive Team" - me to the Ars Technica guy, who's going to call JSTOR right now
23:34 🔗 balrog_ lol
23:35 🔗 balrog_ I'll say this again. thank you for doing this :)
23:35 🔗 SketchCow now Talking Points Memo wants me
23:37 🔗 balrog_ when will you ever have some free time? ;)
