#archiveteam 2013-01-17,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
00:10 🔗 SketchCow Yeah
00:10 🔗 SketchCow I mean like MAN DOWN
00:12 🔗 balrog_ hey it happens, I've fallen asleep in front of my computer numerous times...
00:13 🔗 dashcloud have you ever fallen asleep on the keyboard (or is that not something that ever happens?)
00:14 🔗 balrog_ I have a laptop so that's tricky
00:15 🔗 balrog_ AT the keyboard, yes :P
00:28 🔗 SketchCow It would be a Plustek book scanner.
00:28 🔗 SketchCow I'm just seeing which Plustek is the best one, there's no obvious way
00:30 🔗 chronomex I thought you hated their scanners with a passion?
00:30 🔗 SketchCow I hated them in 2008
00:30 🔗 SketchCow (Good callback, though)
00:31 🔗 SketchCow That's why I'm researching what people say about newer models.
00:31 🔗 chronomex well, ok :P
00:32 🔗 SketchCow If they still suck, great
00:32 🔗 balrog_ there are scanners, and there are scanners. :/
00:34 🔗 SketchCow http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&Depa=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=plustek%20opticbook&IsRelated=1&cm_sp=KeywordRelated-_-Plustek-_-plustek%20opticbook
00:34 🔗 SketchCow People help me figure out the difference.
00:34 🔗 SketchCow Anyway, godane, I'm buying you a scanner.
00:35 🔗 SketchCow If you're going to acquire magazines and books and scan them, it should be something nice.
00:35 🔗 chronomex yes.
00:35 🔗 SketchCow Your wand will fucking explode your hand
00:35 🔗 SketchCow And the scans won't be good.
00:36 🔗 chronomex and everyone will be sad
00:36 🔗 SketchCow Yeah.
00:37 🔗 chronomex if you do something, don't do it mostly-right if you can do it right - because your mostly-right version will be trotted out to shame the person who goes back and does it right
00:37 🔗 chronomex that's my view
00:38 🔗 godane so one those $800 scanners
00:39 🔗 SketchCow Well, either the $800 or the $1800.
00:39 🔗 SketchCow The $300 one, I've dealt with. It's meh.
00:39 🔗 SketchCow I'm looking for solid reviews of the other two.
00:39 🔗 Coderjoe my experience with manually-moved scanners is the results are crap
00:40 🔗 SketchCow http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2392769,00.asp
00:40 🔗 Coderjoe that is, the kind where you move a wand or a mouse-like device across the page
00:43 🔗 balrog_ the kind Coderjoe talks about suck because you can't consistently control them
00:44 🔗 SketchCow No, you don't want it, that's off the table.
00:44 🔗 SketchCow So Plustek OpticBook 4800 is the way to go, unless I can find what the A300 has in itself that makes it worth more than twice it's worth.
00:45 🔗 balrog_ what's the size or the 4800? the a300 is a3 (11x17)
00:46 🔗 balrog_ yeah the a300 is 11x17 but lower dpi
00:46 🔗 balrog_ so there you go
00:47 🔗 SketchCow So it costs twice as much but has lower dpi?
00:47 🔗 SketchCow That makes it easy, huh
00:47 🔗 balrog_ costs twice as much for a larger surface BUT has a lower dpi
00:47 🔗 SketchCow That's terrible.
00:48 🔗 balrog_ <3 my Epson 1640xl
00:48 🔗 balrog_ though its not glass-to-edge
00:48 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, if it was just about quality, we'd do an Epson Perfection or a Canon
00:48 🔗 SketchCow But it's the glass to edge
00:49 🔗 balrog_ yup
00:50 🔗 godane so you mean ths one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16838122054
00:50 🔗 balrog_ the a3 1640xl is nice though in that I can lay both pages of a book on the glass since its that large
00:50 🔗 SketchCow http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16838122061 godane.
00:50 🔗 balrog_ not quite as easy as glass to edge but still usable...
00:51 🔗 godane i buy computers for less then that
00:52 🔗 SketchCow I'm sure you do.
00:52 🔗 SketchCow Good thing you're not buying this.
00:53 🔗 SketchCow Also, I am lending it to you
00:53 🔗 SketchCow Because I know full well disability gets pissed if you're sent gifts or the like
00:53 🔗 godane ok
00:55 🔗 SketchCow Fun Godane Facts: He has uploaded 4,383 items to archive.org, for a total of 2.141 terabytes
00:58 🔗 SketchCow There, I just hit up the internet.
00:59 🔗 SketchCow But e-mail jscott@archive.org with a mailing address. I'll get it immediately.
01:00 🔗 SketchCow Let's see what bounty the internet drops
01:01 🔗 godane will they take a po box?
01:01 🔗 SketchCow Is it, like, a Mailboxes Etc. ?
01:01 🔗 SketchCow Sorry, UPS Store
01:02 🔗 SketchCow It hasn't been a Mailbox Etc. for years
01:02 🔗 SketchCow or is it an actual office post office?
01:02 🔗 godane my po box is at a post office
01:02 🔗 balrog_ usually ups and FedEx don't deliver to those :(
01:06 🔗 godane just for this you getting another episode of the screen savers
01:07 🔗 godane the computer home club epsiode
01:07 🔗 SketchCow Newegg does not ship to standard P.O. Boxes. However, Newegg can ship to residential P.O. Boxes in rural areas.
01:07 🔗 SketchCow Either we'll have to find another address, or I can just drive it over to you.
01:08 🔗 godane i will give you my address and you can mail it to there
01:09 🔗 dashcloud so, should donations just be marked as a Gift on Paypal's site, or is there something else that should be used?
01:10 🔗 SketchCow Gift is good
01:10 🔗 SketchCow We're already 10% there!
01:12 🔗 SketchCow OK, off to get my blood pressure meds
01:12 🔗 SketchCow Back soon!
01:12 🔗 SketchCow And then, Nemo_bis - we'll get that anonymous edits problem fixed
01:18 🔗 godane i just emailed you
01:29 🔗 godane i'm getting this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROHJmP_TNR0
01:30 🔗 Lord_Nigh http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en023073
01:31 🔗 godane prove that it may go into the g4videos collection: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/711273/g4-supports-gamers-heart-japan-special-to-raise-donations-for-japan/
01:31 🔗 Lord_Nigh might be good to mirror that stuff since microchip blocks archiving the main site
01:32 🔗 balrog_ yeah microchip uses a robots.txt whitelist
01:32 🔗 balrog_ :/
01:44 🔗 kanzure this thing requires manual intervention, but it uses twitter to retrieve pdfs: https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front/t/414247ab61c1112b
02:06 🔗 chronomex kanzure: iiiiinteresting
02:42 🔗 SketchCow Pasting something for amusement:
02:42 🔗 SketchCow The Password is 77be2da9
02:42 🔗 SketchCow Password:
02:42 🔗 SketchCow Welcome to ClassicCMP.org rsyncd
02:42 🔗 SketchCow receiving incremental file list
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/borland_C++/
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/borland_C++/Borland_C++_Version_4.0_Programmers_Guide_Oct93.pdf 13237599 100% 31.85kB/s 0:06:45 (xfer#1, to-check=1021/103449)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/borland_C++/Borland_C++_Version_4.0_Users_Guide_Oct93.pdf
02:42 🔗 SketchCow 20778040 100% 36.92kB/s 0:09:09 (xfer#2, to-check=1020/103449)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/borland_C++/Borland_ObjectWindows_for_C++_Version_2.0_Programmers_Guide_Oct93.pdf 19152845 100% 38.40kB/s 0:08:07 (xfer#3, to-check=1012/103449)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/borland_C++/Borland_ObjectWindows_for_C++_Version_2.0_Reference_Guide_Sep93.pdf
02:42 🔗 SketchCow 24558355 100% 38.57kB/s 0:10:21 (xfer#4, to-check=1011/103449)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/turbo_assembler/
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/turbo_assembler/Turbo_Assembler_Version_4.0_Quick_Reference_Mar94.pdf
02:42 🔗 SketchCow 5680156 100% 35.44kB/s 0:02:36 (xfer#5, to-check=1011/103471)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/turbo_assembler/Turbo_Assembler_Version_4.0_Users_Guide_Nov93.pdf 13508562 100% 36.93kB/s 0:05:57 (xfer#6, to-check=1010/103471)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow pdf/borland/turbo_assembler/Turbo_Debugger_Version_4.0_Users_Guide_Oct93.pdf 10700162 100% 39.07kB/s 0:04:27 (xfer#7, to-check=1005/103471)
02:42 🔗 SketchCow sent 5196 bytes received 110843159 bytes 37671.49 bytes/sec
02:42 🔗 SketchCow total size is 187829236613 speedup is 1694.47
02:42 🔗 SketchCow That's one day of scanning from bitsavers.
02:42 🔗 SketchCow One day.
02:42 🔗 SketchCow Those guys are crazy, there must be a pile of people doing this.
02:44 🔗 godane hey SketchCow
02:45 🔗 godane i'm hoping this scanner will not brake you
02:45 🔗 SketchCow ha ha no.
03:30 🔗 SketchCow OK, more has come in.
03:31 🔗 SketchCow $500!
03:31 🔗 SketchCow So yeah, I'm buying some cheap shit $200 scanner, with the internet discount
03:44 🔗 SketchCow http://www.commondreams.org/further/2013/01/15-5
04:16 🔗 beardicus ruhroh. all the yahooblogs are coming up user-not-found all of a sudden.
04:19 🔗 balrog_ 999?
04:20 🔗 balrog_ or did we hit the deadline?
04:20 🔗 beardicus this user worked for me yesterday for sure: http://blog.yahoo.com/_LQ63BATA6FOO6A5LZBHEOD47QY
04:23 🔗 db48x hmm
04:23 🔗 db48x the ones my warrior is working on come up fine
04:31 🔗 SketchCow And now we're at $625.
04:31 🔗 SketchCow Most inexpensive scanner evar
04:34 🔗 SketchCow And I just fixed the DNA Lounge Uploads!
04:34 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/dnalounge
04:34 🔗 SketchCow I realized it was using the old credentials. So it was downloading, but then sitting there.
04:35 🔗 balrog_ whoops...
04:35 🔗 balrog_ so I set up a script to periodically download the contents of Asimov's incoming section
04:35 🔗 balrog_ (Asimov being the Apple II FTP server)
04:36 🔗 balrog_ someone uploaded a couple of zips marked IIgs OS source code there in late December but they didn't last very long
04:36 🔗 balrog_ of course they might have been fake but I guess we won't know now
04:52 🔗 db48x your script missed them?
04:58 🔗 balrog_ no, I didn't have a script then
04:58 🔗 balrog_ I set up the script in case interesting stuff shows up again
04:58 🔗 db48x ah
07:01 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/details/start-magazine
07:21 🔗 godane so i got the 360p version of Gamers Heart Japan
07:21 🔗 godane the 720p version i downloaded was incomplete
08:01 🔗 SketchCow Nemo_bis: Changes you asked for in the permissions are now in effect - apologies for delay.
08:14 🔗 SketchCow balrog_: I think it is time for me to rejoin discferret
09:14 🔗 Nemo_bis aww discferret, lovely
09:34 🔗 alard Should we stop the yahooblogs? There's occasionally one that exists (perhaps a non-Vietnamese blog), but most seem to have disappeared.
09:42 🔗 Smiley need timestamps in warrior
09:42 🔗 * Smiley goes to record this on the github
09:43 🔗 Smiley errr where do suggestions go now, warrior-code? warrior-hq?
09:43 🔗 alard seesaw-kit
09:43 🔗 Smiley k
09:44 🔗 alard That's the Python code, the warrior-code and warrior-preseed etc. is just stuff to get the seesaw-kit to run.
12:27 🔗 Nemo_bis https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Thread:Talk:MediaWiki_vendors/Let's_talk_about_Data_Dumps.
12:27 🔗 Smiley The thread you specified does not exist.
12:28 🔗 Nemo_bis Probably you missed the period
12:28 🔗 norbert79 Smiley: include the dot too
12:28 🔗 norbert79 at the end
12:28 🔗 Nemo_bis <https: www.mediawiki.org wiki Thread:Talk:MediaWiki_vendors Let's_talk_about_Data_Dumps.>
12:29 🔗 Nemo_bis https://www.mediawiki.org/?oldid=630008
12:29 🔗 norbert79 btw i should check on this XMl dump, it might help me allowing gopher tunneling to the MediaWiki engine
12:29 🔗 norbert79 *XML
12:31 🔗 Nemo_bis norbert79: do you mean https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:DumpBackup.php ?
12:31 🔗 Nemo_bis Or /using/ dumps?
12:32 🔗 norbert79 Nemo_bis: Not sure right now, I am just trying to find a method what i could use creating plain text dumps of Mediawiki pages making the Wiki browsable through gopher too
12:32 🔗 norbert79 Nemo_bis: my first idea was curl, but I think that's something ugly
12:32 🔗 norbert79 so I am looking for a more proper method
12:33 🔗 norbert79 basically i wish to recreate the Wiki as folders and TXT files for each
12:33 🔗 norbert79 and images seperate
12:33 🔗 norbert79 and regulary updating it using CRON
12:34 🔗 Nemo_bis Ah, plain text.
12:35 🔗 Nemo_bis Probably HTML dumps are more useful for that.
12:35 🔗 norbert79 Not really
12:35 🔗 norbert79 it would just lose the links
12:35 🔗 Nemo_bis Did you try?
12:35 🔗 Nemo_bis What's "it"?
12:35 🔗 norbert79 i am still working out the method first
12:35 🔗 norbert79 See when you create a page
12:35 🔗 Nemo_bis Do you really want to do the parsing?
12:35 🔗 norbert79 you don't refer to outside pages with ä href> but with mediawiki link
12:36 🔗 norbert79 so my plan would be using plaint txt files or gophermap like structure
12:36 🔗 norbert79 so links will still stay there
12:36 🔗 norbert79 but instead referring back to a HTML page it would use the gopher based method
12:36 🔗 Nemo_bis I don't understand why HTML should make the linking harder.
12:37 🔗 Nemo_bis My suggestions: 1) http://www.kiwix.org/index.php/Template:ZIMdumps
12:37 🔗 norbert79 Nemo_bis: Because gopher works different, than a HTML server
12:37 🔗 Nemo_bis 2) http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wiktionary-l/ this is where questions about text conversions happen more frequestnly
12:38 🔗 norbert79 thanks
12:38 🔗 Nemo_bis norbert79: and doesn't gopher work differently from MediaWiki parser/wikisyntax?
12:38 🔗 Nemo_bis Anyway, as soon as you try you'll immediately agree with me, no need to convince you. :)
12:38 🔗 norbert79 it does, but I wish to dump the raw content through the API and recreate the pages as directories so i can use "gophermap"
12:39 🔗 norbert79 i don't really wish to agree with you until you try to host a gopher on your own too :)
12:39 🔗 Nemo_bis As I said, I don't need you to agree with me.
12:40 🔗 norbert79 Sure, but you gave me some starting point though, thanks for that
12:40 🔗 Nemo_bis I also hard this guy figured out a way to handle text decently: http://aarddict.org/
12:40 🔗 Nemo_bis *heard
12:40 🔗 Nemo_bis And you probably don't want to use API.
12:40 🔗 norbert79 Not sure what I wish to use for now
12:40 🔗 norbert79 As said I am working on the concept first
12:41 🔗 norbert79 but the goal is making a Mediwaiki based page being browsable through a gopher host too
12:42 🔗 Nemo_bis Your concept is wrong if it needs API for mass-crawling, be warned.
12:42 🔗 Nemo_bis Dynamically browsable?
12:42 🔗 norbert79 Yes
12:42 🔗 norbert79 sort-of
12:43 🔗 norbert79 read only
12:43 🔗 Nemo_bis https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Maxlag_parameter might be the most useful thing around
12:43 🔗 norbert79 Nemo_bis: but I can assume when i say gopher you know what i am talking about, right? just to get things clear...
12:43 🔗 Nemo_bis yes
12:44 🔗 norbert79 Alright
12:44 🔗 Nemo_bis generically
12:44 🔗 Nemo_bis And would you host it or not?
12:44 🔗 norbert79 Sure, and i already host it, I just wish to find a method making the Wiki being readable through the gopher:// too
12:45 🔗 Nemo_bis Then you could do the parsing yourself or use a dump.
12:45 🔗 norbert79 not really something I wish to use for now
12:45 🔗 norbert79 i am somehow sure it could go somehow different
12:45 🔗 Nemo_bis The easiest option is probably to use the txt/HTML dumps I linked
12:46 🔗 norbert79 Nope
12:46 🔗 norbert79 No-go
12:46 🔗 Nemo_bis Why?
12:46 🔗 norbert79 Would lose the interconnection between articles
12:46 🔗 Nemo_bis Why should it?
12:46 🔗 norbert79 You seem not getting it
12:46 🔗 Nemo_bis Yes, I already asked
12:46 🔗 norbert79 Gopher doesn't use links how HTML does
12:46 🔗 norbert79 it uses flags
12:46 🔗 norbert79 and for each flag an own method
12:47 🔗 norbert79 now if I wish to link from a page to another using [[]] I can sure analyze that
12:47 🔗 norbert79 so i can recreate the links within a "gophermap" too
12:47 🔗 norbert79 in gopher each subdirectory can have a gophermap, but one gophermap can't be serving like a html
12:47 🔗 Nemo_bis Yes but links *won't* be nicely ready for you to use in [[]]
12:48 🔗 norbert79 Sure, but still I could refer back to a section of a text... if you do a html dump you go with addresses
12:48 🔗 Nemo_bis You'd need to do some pre-processing if not the whole partsing
12:48 🔗 norbert79 but I don't wish to re-create the whole thing by using browser like methods
12:48 🔗 Nemo_bis section?
12:48 🔗 norbert79 the whole method should go internal
12:48 🔗 norbert79 by using one or more files or methods
12:48 🔗 norbert79 but not creating html dumps
12:49 🔗 Nemo_bis I didn't say create, I said use
12:49 🔗 norbert79 still no-go
12:49 🔗 norbert79 Anyway, I will figure it out, thanks
12:49 🔗 Nemo_bis :)
12:49 🔗 norbert79 And i suggest you start hosting a gopher on your own too, so you can see why it's better not using html dumps :P
12:51 🔗 Nemo_bis Oh, no, I'll just trust the conclusions you'll come to. We'll see if they'll be the same. :)
12:58 🔗 Nemo_bis norbert79: if you decide for the parsing, you'll probably need a few dozens of the following extensions: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/gitweb?p=mediawiki/tools/release.git;a=blob;f=make-wmf-branch/default.conf#l7
14:33 🔗 mistym http://www.connotea.org/
14:33 🔗 mistym "Connotea will discontinue service on March 12, 2013. Please export your bookmarks before that date."
14:33 🔗 mistym Not sure if there's anything public there.
14:41 🔗 alard There is: http://www.connotea.org/tag/LIS5433?start=10&num=100
14:42 🔗 db48x hmm
14:42 🔗 db48x alard: I just noticed that a warrior I just set up is spamming out python exceptions to the console
14:42 🔗 chazchaz Is there a reason the Archive Team's choice for the warroprs is set to URLTeam rather than Punchfork?
14:42 🔗 db48x AttributeError: 'AsyncPopen' object has no attribute 'pipe'
14:42 🔗 chazchaz *warriors
14:43 🔗 db48x externalprocess.py line 57 in _wait_for_end
14:44 🔗 alard chazchaz: Yes, it's quite early (it's closing 2012-03-15) and it's not yet read-only, so we should probably wait. There are enough non-auto-warriors to do the few tasks we can already do.
14:45 🔗 chazchaz Ahh, ok
14:50 🔗 alard db48x: That's code for 'cannot execute this executable file', if I remember correctly.
14:51 🔗 alard Is it a normal warrior? Which project?
14:51 🔗 db48x not quite a normal warrior
14:51 🔗 db48x punchfork
14:52 🔗 db48x it's the warrior code running on an ubuntu vps
14:52 🔗 alard It might be your wget, or one of the other executables in there (export-punchfork.py, extract-users.sh).
14:53 🔗 alard Perhaps look in the warrior-install.sh script to see if you're missing something.
14:53 🔗 alard The Punchfork project has a few extra dependencies.
14:53 🔗 db48x hmm
14:54 🔗 db48x punchfork-6d817e3$ ./wget-lua
14:54 🔗 db48x -bash: ./wget-lua: No such file or directory
14:55 🔗 db48x get-wget-lua.sh is recompiling it
14:56 🔗 db48x ah, error: --with-ssl was given, but GNUTLS is not available.
14:56 🔗 db48x lemme fix that
14:57 🔗 db48x lua5.2?
14:57 🔗 db48x no, 5.1
14:59 🔗 db48x that fixed it
15:00 🔗 db48x does it try to compile wget-lua at all when it sets up the project?
15:00 🔗 alard No. wget-lua is supposed to be in the git repository.
15:00 🔗 db48x ah
15:01 🔗 db48x the version I got from the repository wasn't compatible
15:01 🔗 db48x I naively picked a 64-bit os
15:09 🔗 db48x that's annoying
15:10 🔗 db48x one of the jobs failed, but it didn't stick around long enough for me to see the message
15:12 🔗 db48x export-punchfork.py, line 57
15:12 🔗 db48x 'instancemethod' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
15:18 🔗 db48x hmm
15:18 🔗 db48x I have a newer python than the real warriors
15:21 🔗 db48x same version of the requests module though
15:22 🔗 alard https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/commit/1451ba0c6d395c41f86da35036fa361c3a41bc90#L2L528
15:23 🔗 alard I think it depends on when you installed the requests module. My warrior probably has an older version.
15:25 🔗 db48x they both say version 1.1.0
15:26 🔗 alard My warrior has 0.13.6.
15:26 🔗 db48x um
15:27 🔗 db48x downloaded this warrior vm image a month or so ago
15:27 🔗 alard It could be that I've installed the Debian package at some point.
15:28 🔗 alard Perhaps I should refresh my development warrior.
15:28 🔗 alard In any case: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/punchfork-grab/commit/51bbb6dca6ac33e2454856c7d03c7f92db30389e
15:30 🔗 ersi db48x: Did you run ./get-wget-lua.sh?
15:30 🔗 db48x ersi: just now
15:41 🔗 ersi alard: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/punchfork-grab/pull/1
15:41 🔗 ersi Looks good?
15:43 🔗 alard Yes. It's even worse: they also need https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/punchfork-grab/blob/master/warrior-install.sh
15:44 🔗 ersi Oh, heh
15:45 🔗 db48x oh, that reminds me. warrior-install.sh doesn't run very well on fedora
15:45 🔗 ersi Yeah, I imagine so - since it depends on dpkg
15:46 🔗 alard (It's an install script for the warrior.)
15:46 🔗 ersi Yeah, and the Warrior is running Debian. So no suprise :)
15:46 🔗 db48x yea, I noticed
15:47 🔗 db48x but in the absense of documentation, I just picked something and tried it :)
15:49 🔗 db48x I'm also commenting out some junk, like the framebuffer stuff
15:59 🔗 * db48x sighs
15:59 🔗 db48x Permission denied: '/data/data/data'
15:59 🔗 db48x by induction...
15:59 🔗 alard Why do you even need all those bits?
15:59 🔗 alard I think this is the most interesting part: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-code2/blob/master/warrior-runner.sh#L10-L15
16:01 🔗 * ersi stares at db48x
16:03 🔗 db48x yes?
16:03 🔗 db48x that's where that error came from
16:06 🔗 alard Perhaps I don't understand what you're trying to do.
16:07 🔗 db48x running the warrior on a cheap vps that doesn't let me simply upload an image and run it
16:08 🔗 Smiley theres a script
16:08 🔗 Smiley without the vm you can run
16:09 🔗 db48x where?
16:09 🔗 balrog_ seesaw
16:11 🔗 alard Do what you'd normally do to run one project (install Python, pip, the seesaw kit). Then instead of run-pipeline, start run-warrior with the appropriate arguments (run-warrior --help).
16:13 🔗 alard There's no real need for the things in https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/warrior-code2
16:20 🔗 db48x ok
16:21 🔗 db48x for now it's fine, I'll redo it later
16:21 🔗 db48x in the mean time, I must sleep
16:23 🔗 db48x oh, btw. I only went down the path of copying what was in the vm because I couldn't find any documentation :)
16:23 🔗 db48x I should have remembered that it was called seesaw, but it's been a few months and it's not even a shell script any more (kudos on that, btw)
16:24 🔗 alard That's true, it's very undocumented. (And the documentation for run-warrior should contain a very big warning: it assumes that your system is exactly like the warrior vm. Debian, 32-bit etc.)
16:25 🔗 balrog_ so yahoo blogs is dead?
16:25 🔗 alard I think the Vietnamese part is dead, yes. Most of the blogs that worked before have now disappeared.
16:25 🔗 balrog_ ah :(
16:26 🔗 db48x although I have one that is still going
16:26 🔗 db48x http://blog.yahoo.com/_HSRTJSB6GTZK6W6XH26DUPKM2Y/articles/page/1
16:26 🔗 db48x so it's hard to say what's going on there
16:28 🔗 alard That doesn't look like Vietnamese.
16:29 🔗 alard I think that somehow not every Yahoo blog is the same, even though they're on the same URL.
16:31 🔗 alard http://blog.zing.vn/jb/dt/supportuserzm/13637957
16:32 🔗 DFJustin yeah that blog is traditional chinese (hk/taiwan)
16:33 🔗 alard http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/science-it/55069/zing-blog-cherishes-ambition-to-replace-yahoo-blog-in-vietnam.html
16:34 🔗 alard The giant has announced that Yahoo!Blog would shut down in Vietnam from January 17, 2013. The noteworthy thing is that the service would be stopped six months after it made debut on June 20.
