#archiveteam 2013-02-13,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:02 🔗 reiz i mean the threads, not instances
00:38 🔗 dashcloud whoa: https://twitter.com/BillB/status/301407088977006592
00:56 🔗 Lord_Nigh whoa is right
01:35 🔗 dashcloud if you read the conversation thread, you'll see EA has a vault that presumably contains every game and source code they've made
01:37 🔗 chronomex I would hope so!
01:40 🔗 dashcloud there's enough stories about places that weren't nearly that forward thinking- I'm sure you've heard them before
01:50 🔗 DFJustin doesn't matter how fancy the vault is if it's on rotting 30-year old floppies though
03:03 🔗 Lord_Nigh dashcloud: Origin (*cough* ultima 8 expansion *cough*)
03:03 🔗 Lord_Nigh afaik the src to that vanished
03:04 🔗 Lord_Nigh so did the u7 and u6 src
03:09 🔗 omf_ wow thats sucks
03:10 🔗 omf_ the ultima series was awesome
16:13 🔗 norbert79 Cobalt RAQ XTR original OS installer ISO... do you think something like that would be a nice add to the collection?
16:13 🔗 norbert79 I have a friend who has such a device and wishes to share the material
16:14 🔗 DFJustin sure
16:14 🔗 norbert79 Ok
20:13 🔗 SketchCow Greetings from Webstock.
20:14 🔗 swebb Don't eat the purple acid!
