#archiveteam 2013-02-15,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
06:16 🔗 kanzure is there anyone i can talk with about arranging storage for a private collection that should be archived?
06:17 🔗 kanzure i'd prefer to talk about it privately if possible, is there someone that would be the best option for me to call or chat with?
06:17 🔗 aggrosk1 I'd guess SketchCow would be your best bet.
06:35 🔗 kanzure thank you!
08:00 🔗 GLaDOS http://slipstre.am/ any possible way it could either, 1. be archived, or 2. be rewritten to not need a central server?
08:00 🔗 GLaDOS (They're shutting Mar 1st)
22:26 🔗 mistym Posterous dying: http://blog.posterous.com/thanks-from-posterous
22:26 🔗 mistym Turning off April 30.
22:55 🔗 omf_ Anyone know how big posterous is
23:20 🔗 beardicus hmm. posterous seems to list about 10,000 usernames (subdomains) in their sitemap.xml, btw.
23:30 🔗 closure holy wow, it's going away?
23:30 🔗 closure only 10k users, guess not surprising
23:37 🔗 closure hmm, it has 9999; is more likely it's a sql query capped < 1000
23:46 🔗 beardicus 'tis a start, i suppose. i haven't paid attention to how folks have been finding usernames for past grabs... the googles? site:*.posterous.com ?
23:47 🔗 closure often there's a hidden number somewhere that can be incremented
23:53 🔗 beardicus hmm... http://posterous.com/users/36PD00KbzQ00#activities/page/1
23:53 🔗 beardicus that muck after users and before activities can be tweaked and a user usually comes up... but it seems like random hash.
23:55 🔗 beardicus or not. you can change some number/letters and get the same user... others... not so much.
23:56 🔗 balrog_ http://blog.posterous.com/thanks-from-posterous
23:56 🔗 balrog_ yeah mistym said it
23:58 🔗 balrog_ https://twitter.com/marcoarment/status/302548752932163584
23:58 🔗 closure the API has something to get a list of sites.. I don't know if that's your own sites or all sites
23:58 🔗 balrog_ don't you need an api key though?
23:58 🔗 closure yes
23:59 🔗 closure there's an api to get popular posts from all users
