#archiveteam 2013-02-20,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
03:18 🔗 omf_ Robin Sachs just died. I already backed up his site. Is there any specific place this goes on IA
03:43 🔗 omf_ Does anyone know if there is a warc compliance test suite
03:44 🔗 omf_ I read through the ISO draft and I wanted another verfication that this warc writer is correct
04:26 🔗 SketchCow ATTENTION: This website and all services within the opensolaris.org domain will be unavailable after March 24, 2013.
04:26 🔗 SketchCow at least, http://hub.opensolaris.org/ and http://dlc.sun.com/osol/
04:26 🔗 SketchCow will be available at :
04:26 🔗 SketchCow http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://hub.opensolaris.org/
04:26 🔗 SketchCow http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://dlc.sun.com/osol/
04:26 🔗 SketchCow but not http://src.opensolaris.org/source/ due to robot.txt
04:27 🔗 SketchCow ---
04:27 🔗 SketchCow So wait, people are still asking how best to back up a website? WGET with WARC support. Full grab, and fuck roots.txt, add a blank one with noclober.
04:35 🔗 omf_ I am grabbing it now
05:17 🔗 DFJustin <omf_> Is there any specific place this goes on IA <-- https://archive.org/details/awayfromkeyboard
05:20 🔗 omf_ and I would just use the keyword 'Actor'
06:10 🔗 omf_ I forgot to set the collection
06:10 🔗 omf_ can I fix that myself?
06:12 🔗 Lord_Nigh SketchCow: definitely
06:12 🔗 Lord_Nigh SketchCow: is there a, um... 'project' to back up the opensolaris stuff?
06:13 🔗 omf_ I am spidering it now
06:13 🔗 omf_ I'll know how big it is soon
13:32 🔗 illunatic you guys are not involved in any remixing, are you?
13:32 🔗 illunatic or has anybody had to consider licensing before remixing a work?
13:34 🔗 illunatic there is a room for archiving in the CC BY-ND license. what about remix culture?
13:34 🔗 illunatic http://blog.greenpirate.org/examining-the-cc-by-nd-license/
13:35 🔗 illunatic if you have any input, please provide
19:26 🔗 SketchCow Bring it to -bs
19:27 🔗 SketchCow archiveteam-bs, where we discuss matters of delicacy and thought like invading hordes at an alehouse.
19:31 🔗 ersi illunatic: ^ I guess
19:31 🔗 illunatic ok SketchCow
19:31 🔗 illunatic :)
19:32 🔗 SketchCow The only way this channel stays even slightly sane is to aim discussions in another channel.
19:32 🔗 SketchCow That said, I'm seeing a LOT, I mean a LOT of "hey, guys, so I want to save horsekiss.com, how do I do that?"
19:32 🔗 SketchCow I thought we had a page for this on the wiki, and now I'm wondering if we don't.
19:33 🔗 SketchCow Maybe we need an explicit "hey, hero, here's exactly how to do it in Linux or a UNIX variant, what tools, how."
19:33 🔗 SketchCow I could write that, and will, if nothing shows up end of the week and I'm back in NY
19:33 🔗 SketchCow But it's not a killer.
19:34 🔗 SketchCow Then we could aim people at the opensolaris stuff or something and have it just work.
19:42 🔗 Smiley I've asked a few times and each time I get "hints" but nothing solid.
19:42 🔗 Smiley and work is being a bitch.
19:42 🔗 Smiley If I get a chance I'll smack some heads and see if we can figure something out.
21:21 🔗 godane SketchCow: i found a gamepro torrent
21:21 🔗 godane i'm grabbiing it for you
21:22 🔗 godane it has almost all issues from 1989 to 1999
21:36 🔗 omf_ awesome
21:37 🔗 omf_ godane, do you search this all out yourself? Did you write some tools to find this stuff for you?
21:38 🔗 godane i search my self
21:38 🔗 godane i just looked on underground gamer
23:58 🔗 balrog- in case you aren't aware, the opensolaris website is going away soon
23:58 🔗 balrog- it needs to be archived and the Mercurial repositories do as we'll
23:58 🔗 balrog- well*
23:59 🔗 omf_ I am already on it
23:59 🔗 omf_ the only domain not backed up currently is the src.oprnsolaris.org part and I have a spider digging around it already
