#archiveteam 2013-02-27,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:31 🔗 SketchCow Fact:
00:33 🔗 SketchCow Doing a 10tb download with rtorrent
00:33 🔗 SketchCow ....it works
00:39 🔗 SketchCow I asked Brewster about us beginning the MegaWARC conversion of MobileMe Data into MegaWARC format.
00:39 🔗 SketchCow It's time to shove that 274tb of horseshit into Usability Village
00:39 🔗 GLaDOS Awwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaah
00:43 🔗 SketchCow got the Goahead
00:43 🔗 SketchCow We'll do it over the next week or two.
01:13 🔗 kennethre Can I be of assistance with the posterous stuff?
01:14 🔗 kennethre with my army :)
01:14 🔗 soultcer #preposterous is the channel for it
01:15 🔗 soultcer * #preposterus
01:15 🔗 kennethre thanks
01:19 🔗 SketchCow jk[SVP]: You can bring it back up to super crazy
01:19 🔗 SketchCow kennethre: Come to the Internet Archive Lunch, Friday
01:19 🔗 SketchCow -----------------------------
01:20 🔗 SketchCow I AM GOING TO BE THERE
01:20 🔗 SketchCow -----------------------------
01:20 🔗 BlueMax if only I was in SF.
01:20 🔗 kennethre SketchCow: sounds like a plan :)
01:20 🔗 SketchCow I am speaking for 30 minutes at your little con.
01:20 🔗 mistym Oh man I wish I was in SF.
01:20 🔗 jk[SVP] SketchCow: working on autoscaling groups
01:21 🔗 kennethre SketchCow: are you going to the github afterparty?
01:22 🔗 SketchCow jk[SVP]: No problem, just wanted to give the all clear.
01:22 🔗 SketchCow Turns out that the systems just retry like crazyfuck until the machine backs back.
01:22 🔗 SketchCow kennethre: I assume so, you guys bought Thursday
01:22 🔗 kennethre excellent :)
01:25 🔗 jk[SVP] test autoscaling seems to be working. now dialing it up to "super crazy"
02:02 🔗 SketchCow http://archive.org/search.php?query=collection%3Asecretservicemagazine&sort=-publicdate
02:10 🔗 SketchCow http://blog.teara.govt.nz/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/the-clown.jpg
02:16 🔗 * SketchCow watches GLaDOS and jk[SVP] turning both Posterous downloads to full and battle it out: http://www.slipups.com/images/items/469.full.jpg
03:19 🔗 ivan` are there any working programs for downloading all of a flickr user's photos?
03:21 🔗 ivan` https://github.com/linpc/Evelyn-Flickr-Downloader appears to be working
03:21 🔗 ivan` I'm using site:github.com more and more
03:23 🔗 no2pencil github rocks
03:24 🔗 no2pencil just throwing that out there :(
03:26 🔗 abstr4ct may i ask a silly question. archiving the net is a lare task. how do you decide what gets targeted and when?
03:27 🔗 no2pencil I believe that Geocities gave their own end of life date
03:27 🔗 abstr4ct hahaha
03:27 🔗 no2pencil as did some of the other larger projects
03:27 🔗 abstr4ct fireangle, never forget
03:27 🔗 ivan` big corporate changes put sites in the high-risk category like opera.com right now
03:28 🔗 abstr4ct angelfire
03:28 🔗 abstr4ct haha
03:28 🔗 ivan` I assume people just back up what they like most of the time, though
03:28 🔗 abstr4ct yes, people backing up what they like is one thing..
03:28 🔗 abstr4ct but a systematic wget/raping is another
03:29 🔗 abstr4ct assuming the detect rescource hogs and blacklist.. it could get difficult to meet a given deadline
03:29 🔗 abstr4ct im just curious is all..
03:29 🔗 ivan` send a NotGooglebot UA ;)
03:30 🔗 chronomex googlebot/hideyokids-hideyowife
03:30 🔗 chronomex theys downloadin everythin around here
03:30 🔗 abstr4ct hahaha
03:31 🔗 abstr4ct i am making the assumption this channel has some sort of organization around its goals, once they are determined.
03:32 🔗 chronomex it's rather ad-hoc
03:32 🔗 chronomex but yes
03:32 🔗 SketchCow Sorry, I was missing out.
03:32 🔗 SketchCow What's all up in this?
03:33 🔗 SketchCow Oh, here we go.
03:33 🔗 SketchCow OK.
03:33 🔗 SketchCow In list of priority.
03:33 🔗 SketchCow 1. Sites announcing they're going down (Dying)
03:33 🔗 SketchCow 2. Sites that look "ill", unkept, but have been around a long time, with user content involved in a big way (Life Support)
03:33 🔗 SketchCow 3. Sites that are relatively easy to snag a little backup, because if they went the world would be sad (Mental Ward)
03:34 🔗 SketchCow 4. Things that cropped up and look like they're going to be ripped down or collapse under the weight of attention
03:35 🔗 SketchCow 5. Jennifer Lawrence
03:35 🔗 SketchCow So is that clear enough?
03:35 🔗 chronomex I was with you until #5
03:35 🔗 SketchCow She's low priority, dude
03:36 🔗 chronomex well, ok.
03:36 🔗 chronomex also she makes me feel old :|
03:36 🔗 SketchCow Did you see the Nicholson GIF? (-bs)
03:54 🔗 VonGuard grrrrrrr
03:54 🔗 VonGuard can't rar this raw avi capture
03:54 🔗 VonGuard last one was fine but this one causes a shit fit
04:04 🔗 Lord_Nigh was searching for old dwarf fortress versions removed from bay12games.com/dwarves/ (which blocks iarchiver due to an old bug which was fixed years ago yet toady doesn't want to remove the block :( )
04:04 🔗 Lord_Nigh and i found someone's bash_history on github
04:06 🔗 godane VonGuard: you can just give my the avi videos without zipping or raring them
04:07 🔗 VonGuard well
04:07 🔗 VonGuard won't UG delete the torrent?
04:07 🔗 VonGuard if it's not rar'd?
04:07 🔗 godane i don't think they delete torrents that are not rar
04:07 🔗 godane i have video torrents on there that have not being zip/rar
04:08 🔗 VonGuard ok
04:08 🔗 VonGuard ok, then i will set it up.
04:08 🔗 godane same for pdfs lot of the time
04:08 🔗 VonGuard gimme about 10 minutes
04:09 🔗 VonGuard ?
04:09 🔗 VonGuard you watch em on youtube yet/>
04:09 🔗 VonGuard one's all about Sega spending millions on arcades and theme park arcades
04:09 🔗 VonGuard oy
04:09 🔗 godane i have not
04:10 🔗 godane trying to use all bandwidth to grab g4tv.com
04:10 🔗 godane i found tons of missing videos
04:10 🔗 godane it was not missing cause my xml dump
04:10 🔗 godane just there was another xml dump that has videos in images.g4tv.com/videoDB
04:13 🔗 VonGuard gj!
04:23 🔗 godane i may just download all flv7 videos in this xml dump i'm doing
04:24 🔗 godane just download all of and post it with a g4tv.com-video#id-flv7
04:24 🔗 godane this is also my plan with flvhd vidoes
04:56 🔗 VonGuard i think the raw video file is corrupted in some way
04:56 🔗 VonGuard everything chokes on it
04:56 🔗 VonGuard but i exported and converted it fine
05:10 🔗 godane ok
06:33 🔗 godane good news on the g4tv.com videos
06:34 🔗 godane the flv7 will help just find the missing flv.flv
06:35 🔗 godane so you may get the sd res of the originals flv
07:02 🔗 omf_ Can someone create a sub-collection for closedsolaris so we can start uploading files
07:03 🔗 omf_ or can we just stick them in Archive Team and they get moved later?
07:07 🔗 SketchCow As I get time, I put stuff in places.
07:07 🔗 godane saved missing video: https://archive.org/details/g4tv.com-video23112
09:22 🔗 n00b489 So I got 400 Posterous sites downloaded on the Warrior before they blocked me - how do I stop them blocking me?
09:25 🔗 ersi You don't, unfortunally. The only way around is to use another IP or wait a long time.
09:26 🔗 n00b489 Bugger, ok thanks!
09:26 🔗 ersi Yeah, it sucks :-(
09:27 🔗 ersi A few fellows have sat up some machines on Amazon Web Services and switches IPs there - though that does cost money and so
