#archiveteam 2013-07-01,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
01:22 🔗 closure hmm, 38 million saved greader rss feeds. meanwhile, altavista indexed 20 million pages when it started up in 1995
01:22 🔗 ivan` 42M
01:23 🔗 ivan` a feed can have thousands of items too
01:26 🔗 ivan` if I started much earlier I'm guessing it would be 100M
02:34 🔗 verytex quick question, will you be accepting feeds that people ripped with the feed_archive tool themselves?
02:35 🔗 verytex I uploaded my subscriptions.xml to the archive team page earlier today, but just in case your automated archiver didn't get around to archiving them, I'd like to know if that's an option
02:37 🔗 ivan` verytex: nope, just feed URLs
02:37 🔗 ivan` archive.org will probably accept your feed_archive dumps somewhere else if you want
02:38 🔗 verytex dang, thanks anyway
02:38 🔗 ivan` I'm still importing OPMLs
02:38 🔗 ivan` if it was a few hours ago or more, it probably made it in
02:39 🔗 verytex ok, that makes me feel a little better, i think i uploaded them a good 6 hours or so ago
02:41 🔗 verytex thank you guys for doing this, it's a shame we have to work around RSS/Atom's flaws this way
03:58 🔗 omf_ pad.archivingyoursh.it is down :(
03:58 🔗 omf_ and no glados around
03:59 🔗 omf_ anyone else have access to slap that server around?
03:59 🔗 omf_ http://paste.archivingyoursh.it/ is down by extension too
04:07 🔗 arrith1 i was having issues loading archivingyoursh.it links fairly recently
04:07 🔗 arrith1 one thing, archivete.am might be nat
04:07 🔗 arrith1 neat also
07:03 🔗 SketchCow HERE WE GO
07:07 🔗 arrith1 hey ohh hey ohh
07:08 🔗 BlueMax hi SketchCow
08:03 🔗 godane hey SketchCow
08:04 🔗 godane HD Nation is up to 77 episodes on IA
09:59 🔗 omf_ GLaDOS, thanks for getting paste & pad back up
10:00 🔗 GLaDOS You're welcome.
10:00 🔗 GLaDOS The VPS provider is being really unstable, and I have no idea why.
10:02 🔗 BlueMax Maybe you should stick 'em in a test chamber. See how quick the problem fixes itself.
10:03 🔗 GLaDOS If only it were that easy..
10:05 🔗 GLaDOS Oh joys, the tun device doesn't exist anymore/
10:05 🔗 GLaDOS .
10:10 🔗 godane i just found something very rare: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-13-BOOT-Magazine-Software-CDs-Pure-PC-Power-Used-/300927298363
10:10 🔗 godane thats Boot Maagzine cds
10:11 🔗 godane the magazine before Maximum PC
12:26 🔗 khronon es
18:57 🔗 Schbirid how about we archive google map tiles?
20:18 🔗 wp494 RIP m$ technet
20:18 🔗 wp494 http://technet.microsoft.com/subscriptions/ms772427
20:18 🔗 wp494 anyone want to grab the forums?
20:19 🔗 omf_ yeah I heard about that bs
20:19 🔗 omf_ Does it require a login to get to any of the content?
20:25 🔗 wp494 nope, the forums are public
20:25 🔗 wp494 http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/home
20:42 🔗 omf_ 1,481,563 pages of threads
20:44 🔗 omf_ 20 results per page, 29,631,260 threads
20:45 🔗 omf_ okay I am putting information on this page -> http://pad.archivingyoursh.it/p/technet
20:48 🔗 omf_ looking at this page -> http://technet.microsoft.com/subscriptions/ms772427
20:48 🔗 omf_ It looks like MS is going to keep the forums open because it is one of the free offerings they are keeping
23:07 🔗 arrith1 oh dang
23:07 🔗 arrith1 omf_: gj, that's worth saving
23:30 🔗 Coderjoe it doesn't look like they are killing the forums
23:43 🔗 SketchCow OK, who's super active these days.
23:43 🔗 SketchCow Let's see.
23:44 🔗 * winr4r salutes
23:45 🔗 * DFJustin whistles tonelessly
23:52 🔗 SketchCow I just added ivan as frontpage duty on archiveteam.org.
23:52 🔗 SketchCow He's going to do some updating and keep us up to date since we're faling behind and the GlaDOS empire was starting to become full go-to.
23:53 🔗 SketchCow So hammer him with updates on projects and links we need there.
23:53 🔗 SketchCow https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KAYh0f1CPuc
23:53 🔗 SketchCow And watch that.
23:53 🔗 winr4r ivan`: sup
23:53 🔗 ivan` ivan is barely awake enough to read
23:54 🔗 winr4r hm
23:54 🔗 winr4r have i seen this before? it looks oddly familiar
23:55 🔗 winr4r (and splendid)
