#archiveteam 2013-08-05,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
02:06 🔗 wp494 we've got a functioning puush grab available - details in #pushharder!
02:07 🔗 wp494 (non-warrior for now(?) though)
04:18 🔗 wp494 also, could a wiki admin add the puush page to the front page now that we're grabbing stuff?
06:21 🔗 iori hi
06:22 🔗 iori is there anyone who can tell me that how can i edit my archive data on facebook??
06:22 🔗 iori i want to remove my friends requests and delete my removed friends from my archive
13:11 🔗 ersi tef_: was good fun seeing your talk and having a chat ^_^
