[00:37] yahoo projects usually are ip-limited more than bandwidth-limited [00:37] but [00:37] still worth it [03:54] kyan_: archivebot got a copy of elbo.ws [03:54] chfoo, nice :) [04:38] Boop. [04:41] hey SketchCow [04:44] In Rochester. [04:44] Loving the new laptop. [04:44] Sad the old one died but this new one is a joy. [04:45] i'm doing a special grab of ep daily [04:46] i think the new newnetwork epn.tv will wipe them out [04:46] like the last time they changed domains [04:50] 18:22 < BiggieJ> yahoo blog and wretch projects need all the help you can give, http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Wretch or Atluxity http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Yahoo!_Blog ats_ [04:50] atlogbot [04:50] 18:22 < BiggieJ> both are on the warrior Baljem [04:50] 18:24 < BiggieJ> join channel #shipwretched for those 2 projects balrog [04:50] 18:55 < wp494> gonna ring the alarm bell on imageshack bauruine [04:51] 18:55 < wp494> due to https://imageshack.com/promo beardicus [04:51] 19:00 < DFJustin> ugh bfirsh [04:51] Whoops. [04:53] what's going on there...? [04:56] New laptop [04:56] :) [04:56] um [04:56] imageshack? [04:56] * joepie91 sounds alarm bells [04:57] Also, for the record [04:57] FOS goes offlinefor a few hours tomorrow. [04:57] OS disk repair. [05:09] we really need more warriors for #shipwretched . a little less than a week left and we're only 3% done [05:12] only 64GB of ~30TB saved. [14:15] reminder: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/important-announcement-about-your-my-opera-account [14:15] my opera shutting down [14:37] joepie91: wow... [14:38] balrog: mm? [14:38] (my opera shutting down) [14:38] ah [14:38] looks like the forums also need archival [14:38] afaik it's been mentioned here before [14:38] yeah [14:39] you have some time though [14:39] :) [14:40] balrog: Opera has actually given a reasonable shutdown time [14:40] 4 months [14:40] that's a rarity [15:07] maybe we should mail them if they are rate limiting on the my opera servers and if so if they can change that for the archivebots :p [15:07] I thought there was someone who was going to send a copy? or did that fall through? [15:11] Ah,this is what I was thinking of… nico_32: so I poked a couple inside of opera, I got a question in return; Some of them have been thinking about uploading the site to archive.org directly, and would like someone to guide them on how it best be done [15:25] kyan: I really hope they are going to do that [15:25] it would save us a lot of time [15:25] and the site would be saved 100% [15:29] hmm [15:29] do you guys think an internet connection can handle a download of 60 links per second? [15:29] getting a bit worried now [15:46] sure [15:55] m1das and kyan: I have a contact at Opera Software. 1 sec I will find the latest mail, he mentioned someting about that [15:57] scraping of the myopera.com should not hit a rate limiter. I will ask him to give me a confirmation of that, and he was going to ask the legal dep. if he could release a list of non-banned users (~15 mill) [16:03] that would be so cool Atluxity [17:34] warrior picked wretch for me.. can i run 6 threads with that one? [17:38] CowerZZZZ, No, it will give error 999 [17:38] maximum recommended is 1 thread per IP i tihnk [17:39] although if you run the scripts manually you can run one Wretch and one Yahoo Blogs [18:23] hey, just in case this was not posted here yet https://dnscensus2013.neocities.org/ [19:31] neat [20:42] how big is that file? [20:45] ~16G in the torrent [20:46] rgr [21:01] Hey Archive Team... I got the seesaw script up and running for Yahoo Blog, but I'm getting rsync connection refused errors when it attempts to upload. [21:03] the upload destination is currently down for maintenance [21:03] just leave it going and it should keep retrying until it comes back [21:03] Ok, no worries - thanks! [22:55] any updates on FOS ?