#archiveteam 2014-05-17,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
01:59 🔗 bsmith094 is the new urlteam thing active yet?
10:36 🔗 ersi bsmith094: No.
11:41 🔗 Nemo_bis joepie91: did you manage to rip some discs in the end?
15:04 🔗 SketchCow Poor Sketchcow is privileged to sort through godane's works.
15:16 🔗 godane i know you are :-D
15:17 🔗 godane i'm also trying to make sure that i fixed any of the sydney morning herald incomplete downloads
17:42 🔗 SadDM SketchCow, godane: I keep forgetting that we all suffer from the same illness around here.
18:18 🔗 godane Autism and OCD
18:24 🔗 SadDM don't forget ADD
18:45 🔗 godane i'm uploading more svoboda newspapers
18:45 🔗 godane from 1947
22:26 🔗 ats_ SadDM: those Criterion James Bond commentaries are fascinating -- good find!
