[17:03] someone archive electrobel please, here is how to (with some bugs because there are mp3s with slashes in their titles :) ). -> http://pastebin.com/uXaRvAmr [22:54] !!!!!!! [22:54] http://variety.com/2014/digital/news/youtube-to-acquire-videogame-streaming-service-twitch-for-1-billion-sources-1201185204/ [22:54] hmmmmm [22:58] if this validates, we may have met (one of) our matches [22:58] twitch probably has petabytes of content [22:58] if not bordering on exabytes [23:02] I'm gonna go spread the word that we (AT) exists [23:03] so that in case google decides to do something completely catastrophic, we have loads of bandwidth available in advance [23:09] I'd be rather surprised if google decides to delete twitch [23:09] not completely blindsided, but I don't consider it imminent