[02:50] Hey how would I go about asking for help archiving a small site that everytime I try to use a crawler on to duplicate I only get, well half the site, images that would link to other pages and well those pages are never saved, its a wiki on the mediawiki platform [02:51] Here's a link if anybody who can help drops by or looks in, I'll be in for a few more mins, I need to get some things done [02:52] http://adminwiki.ogplanet.com/lostsaga/index.php?title=General [03:27] mediawiki has an export api thing [04:06] http://redump.org/ nice? [04:06] just found an 806gb playstation disc torrent [04:43] I'm downloading the wiki that guy posted now [04:52] Redoing the torrent of MESS_0.149_CHD_megacd for ZoeB [16:55] someone IA this directory please http://games.mirrors.tds.net/pub/planetquake3/ [19:31] Someone taking that or is it me? [19:40] I'm taking it. [19:40] But I'm taking all of it. [19:47] i think the other directories are alerady covered, http://games.mirrors.tds.net/pub/id-software/ definitely is [19:47] i'll check if downloads.ea.com is already archived [19:48] does not seem like it, so yes, grab that too [19:48] thanks! :) [19:48] Grabbing them all. [19:48] Getting good bandwidth, too. I see there's a 1gb .avi file, which I'm getting in 3 minutes. [19:54] maybe i search wrong, but i dont see a ftp.lokigames.com archive at archive.org, here is one mirror ftp://ftp.gameaholic.com/pub/mirrors/ftp.lokigames.com/ [19:56] SketchCow: i got another old video from cbsnews [19:56] its a IBM Broadcast 13 [19:56] about UFO [19:59] oh dear, almost 1TB of game videos from a ex news site: http://mirror.ipgn.com.au/games/ [19:59] most is probably covered by the fileplanet stuff but still might be nice to archive this directory [20:08] Dropping these on me here will cause variant acquisition levels. [20:09] Also, I really want to revisit FTP downloads again. [20:09] exmic was supposed to do that FTP scan. [20:09] Making an EFF activist unfollow me on twitter - all in a day's work. [20:09] ouch [20:10] SketchCow: heh, why? [20:10] He got sensitive because I said the EFF is ineffective milquetoast against the encroachment and expanding of copyright [20:10] Took it personally, when I knocked the EFF. [20:11] Hey, kid, if your twitter account says "my opinions are not that of EFF", maybe he needs to remember the same goes for feelings. [20:27] Not sure it's the same thing [21:33] SketchCow, FTP scan as in scan IPv4 IPs for open FTP ports? [21:33] scan all IPv4 IPs* [21:37] Yes [21:38] Talk to ohhdemgirls, he ran a scan on for FTP the other day on my server [21:38] Huh, looks like he's ohhdemgir here... [21:44] SN4T14: efnet nick length limit [22:02] SN4T14: info is on the wiki ;) archiveteam.org/index.php?title=FTP [22:02] This is what we have so far, unless further work has happened somewhere https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/ftp-nab [22:34] Yeah, Nemo_bis, that's the tool that ohhdemgir ran [22:40] But where's the output. [22:41] No idea, ohhdemgir, get over here! [22:42] Also, suprisingly, I received no complaints from his scan.