[00:02] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [00:16] *** ats has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [00:17] *** chazchaz has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [00:20] *** chazchaz has joined #archiveteam [00:59] *** philpem has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:05] *** username1 has joined #archiveteam [01:09] *** schbirid2 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:23] I have the missing dmess ones [01:23] Great! [01:23] 68, 72, 79? [01:24] yeah [01:25] *** vitzli has joined #archiveteam [01:25] I'm open to any method (dcc will probably fail though) [01:26] let's find out [01:26] seems so [01:29] yeah, these match. Thanks :) [01:30] the others are much more obscure, they may never be recovered [01:30] you gonna upload this archive to archive.org at some point? [01:32] yeah, the tar isn't navigable [01:33] I was really hoping to boot up the torrent again, and that'd be the best chance of obtaining these files, if someone else had once downloaded it and still has a copy [01:35] speaking of torrent, just got a copy of Jpcsp0.3win(rev1105).zip from one uploaded before emuwiki and still has seeders... what's up with that [01:47] I'm starting a new sister group to archive team [01:47] Grabbed the channel before things get hot, although I am suspecting it will not be very IRC-bound. [01:55] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:56] Zandro, do you have a name for that torrent file? [01:56] CollectionFinale (C8D507CF3BA7B58FDA53631A133F1FA3AD4FE7D2) [01:56] 3 to go [01:56] SketchCow, am I encroaching? [02:02] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [02:08] 2 [02:26] I found a guy with this collection, at least he had it in 2013, I've send a request, maybe he'll answer me [02:40] you guys dealing with the shadowsocks mess? [02:40] shadowsocks was a proxy to allow internet access via traffic disguising in countries which do DPI to block vpns [02:41] author is chinese, and the police showed up at his house yesterday and forced him to delete the github repos [02:41] dang... [02:42] http://shadowsocks.org/en/download/clients.html [02:42] hafl the stuff is down, half still exists [02:42] the main source tree is nuked-from-orbit dead [02:42] some of the subtrees just have forks set to main called 'rm' [02:43] lawl https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks/releases/tag/2.8.2 [02:43] https://github.com/clowwindy had a bunch of repos there as well [02:44] r3c0d3x: mirror all you can [02:45] i'll see what i can do, i'm new to this whole mirror/archiving business :P [02:45] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:52] about to upload a huge batch of repos [02:53] *** MrRadar has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:55] my home upload speed is terrible, gimme a minute or 2, sorry [02:55] http://archivecorps.org/ [02:57] https://mega.nz/#!XtABRIiR!5Iy6jO7V6hzI6bB79WJ9vZMKeuQa1KQHKtxEZzN2vGU [02:57] rumor has it that one guy is still looking for new revisions in an abandoned warehouse [02:57] that link is a tony of shadowsocks stuff [02:58] ton* [02:58] r3c0d3x, https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks/tree/3576b3006c2737fa24b459992f6bb156e06791fc [02:59] For repos that were emptied, I simply grabbed the latest source code release.zip, and for the others I just grabbed the .zip of the current source of the repo. [03:00] -> download as zip on that link :) [03:01] https://mega.nz/#!qtRACSiQ!iGRL1AsLxyxE-i7b6PMblvP0HUpOnXl_GVBHgNVYoio <-- vitzli's link [03:02] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [03:02] Also a #archivecorps [03:14] grr git doesn't have an easy way to clone ALL remote branches to local branches [03:14] can do it manually by git checkout -b each one in sequence [03:17] I'm about to dump those zips onto an archive.org account and get them off my Mega. I don't really have a huge amount of trust for mega... [03:17] i don't trust mega deletes anything even if you 'delete' it :P [03:18] can confirm, they don't [03:18] I don't trust my government, and theyare in control of mega now [03:19] https://shadowvpn.org/ was nuked [03:20] I'll upload the stuff to IA in the morning, g2g. [03:20] *** r3c0d3x has quit IRC (Leaving) [03:21] shadowsocks is an important piece of software since it is used to evade DPI in countries who use DPI to throttle/stop vpn over the borders (notably, china and iran, possibly turkey, and some countries in southeast asia?) [03:23] Lord_Nigh: git clone --mirror [03:23] that will clone all remote branches into a bare repo [03:23] https://help.github.com/articles/duplicating-a-repository/ [03:23] done, but does that track REMOVED branches where data/tags still exist? [03:23] or will it just clone the one remaining branch called 'rm' ? [03:24] it cloned lots of objects [03:25] hrmmm [03:25] let's see... [03:27] Lord_Nigh: yep, that clones all the data though it's rather obtuse to get it out [03:28] ok [03:28] theres a lot of repos to clone [03:28] some on clowwindy's main account and some on the shadowsocks account [03:28] Lord_Nigh: the website is in a git repo [03:28] shadowsocks.org [03:29] some she did a good job of faking removal, changing description to 'removed' but not actually removing anything [03:29] it sucks that she had to do this all under duress [03:29] i wouldnt' be surprised if this all vanishes in a day or two [03:29] or less [03:29] *** JesseW has joined #archiveteam [03:31] balrog: does it make sense do do BOTH git clone --mirror and git clone? or is the latter redundant with the former? [03:31] the latter would be redundant [03:32] ok [03:34] ShadowVPN-iOS seems completely gone [03:34] ShadowVPN isn't completely deleted [03:35] any mirrors of the former on github? her projects had lots of forks [03:35] or is it [03:35] so its very likely someone else has it [03:35] I see a lot of objects [03:38] ShadowVPN has lots of loose objects [03:39] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS/commit/330437799e99ff0baa5dcdc530d0028d1bf10067 [03:40] some of the ios objects still exist [03:40] no idea how to GET at them though [03:40] 'browse files' [03:40] *** aaaaaaaaa has quit IRC (Leaving) [03:41] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS/archive/330437799e99ff0baa5dcdc530d0028d1bf10067.zip etc [03:41] go to your link (330437..), press 'browse files' button in the right corner, 'download' [03:41] hmm [03:43] balrog: can we get the tree up to any commit by that? [03:43] it's really annoying but yes [03:44] we can't get the git history apparently [03:44] we have to pull source files one archive at a time :/ [03:44] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS/tree/291d059d22bb6f063ef0e179326c47048c5be7ab appears to be the latest [03:45] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS/archive/291d059d22bb6f063ef0e179326c47048c5be7ab.zip [03:45] yeah but that's just that rev [03:45] you'd have to crawl parents [03:45] pulling one archive at a time is a nightmare [03:45] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS/commit/291d059d22bb6f063ef0e179326c47048c5be7ab click on parent rinse and repeat [03:45] that also loses commit logs etc [03:46] and more than likely the account will be nuked before we're done [03:47] do you have any idea what the last 'real' commit was to the shadowvpn repo? [03:47] that one at least google cache does not have [03:49] the one I linked is the last in google cache [03:49] nono shadowvpn not shadowvpn-ios [03:49] oh [03:49] btw something that can be done: [03:49] wget --mirror the URL I linked [03:49] collect hashes [03:49] download all the zip [03:49] zips* [03:50] https://travis-ci.org/clowwindy/ShadowVPN/pull_requests - 'not found' :( [03:50] vitzli: where not found? [03:50] ooh [03:50] that's handy [03:50] when I click git commit hash [03:50] oh the latest is not found :( [03:51] the second exists [03:51] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [03:51] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN/tree/d96833ce07098f93065182e497b771e035d07df8 [03:51] shadowvpn had clones though [03:51] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN/commit/d96833ce07098f93065182e497b771e035d07df8 [03:51] yay! [03:52] https://github.com/rains31/ShadowVPN [03:52] that won't have patch-1 merged, but is still pretty complete [03:53] ok, ShadowVPN-iOS also had lots of forks [03:53] https://github.com/clowwindy/ShadowVPN-iOS/network/members [03:54] balrog: look at stats -> network graph [03:54] joepie91: empty [03:54] faster idea [03:54] identify all forks, merge them into one repo [03:55] https://github.com/rains31/ShadowVPN/network works [03:55] whoever vimagic is 'recovered' the code but destroyed his own repo's git history [03:55] yipdw: if you grab the latest fork you'll have all the data, right? [03:55] I suggest just grabbing them all to avoid the problem of determining "latest" [03:55] git is very good at deduplicating [03:56] true. Travis tells us what's the latest, in that one case [03:58] https://travis-ci.org/shadowsocks/ [03:59] vitzli: for shadowsocks/shadowsocks-ios the remote branches didn't all get purged yet [03:59] hmm they're ooooold though [03:59] :/ [04:00] all the showdow socks code exists in forks. lost is github pages and wiki and issues and releases [04:00] https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed [04:00] yeah the rest seems gone [04:02] i put the obvious stuff into archive.is from google cache, but yeah [04:02] *** JesseW has quit IRC (Leaving.) [04:03] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [04:06] hmm that's annoying, github ate the sources for https://github.com/yipdw/ShadowVPN-iOS-omnibus [04:08] oh well, that's fixable [04:09] ok fixed https://github.com/yipdw/ShadowVPN-iOS-omnibus [04:09] *** JesseW has joined #archiveteam [04:09] github got angry with me over that heh [04:14] many of the repos are already backed up at https://github.com/shadowsocks-backup [04:16] oh good then I'll stop [04:17] deleted [04:20] yipdw: Do you have an interest in redesigning the look/responsiveness of the ia.bak page? [05:08] *** MrRadar has joined #archiveteam [05:17] i'll use github-backup to grab everything too [05:48] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [06:03] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [06:03] SketchCow, is IA ok with ingesting all 200tb of the blip data or does that conversation need to happen [06:20] *** robink has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [06:23] *** godane has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [06:23] *** godane has joined #archiveteam [06:24] *** wp494_ is now known as wp494 [06:28] *** robink has joined #archiveteam [06:38] *** JesseW1 has joined #archiveteam [06:38] *** JesseW has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:08] *** JesseW1 has quit IRC (Leaving.) [07:08] *** Wyatts has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:12] *** Wyatts has joined #archiveteam [07:13] *** Ungstein has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [07:30] Can someone make sure these are downloaded: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Studios#5th_pilot_season_.28June_26.2C_2015.29 [07:44] *** philpem has joined #archiveteam [07:48] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [08:03] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [08:18] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [08:23] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [08:25] sorted ^ but not in hd :/ [08:41] *** BlueMaxim has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:42] *** dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [08:43] *** dashcloud has joined #archiveteam [08:50] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [08:54] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [09:36] *** iiqi has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [09:56] *** PurpleSym has joined #archiveteam [10:06] *** ats has joined #archiveteam [10:20] *** bentpins_ has joined #archiveteam [10:25] *** Ungstein has joined #archiveteam [10:26] *** Ungstein has quit IRC (Client Quit) [10:27] *** Ungstein has joined #archiveteam [10:29] *** Ungstein has quit IRC (Client Quit) [10:36] *** Ungstein has joined #archiveteam [10:54] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [11:00] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [11:46] *** SN4T14 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:47] *** SN4T14 has joined #archiveteam [11:54] *** lytv has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 483 seconds) [11:56] *** bentpins_ has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 31.8.0/20150813224208]) [11:57] *** lytv has joined #archiveteam [12:21] *** schbirid2 has joined #archiveteam [12:24] *** username1 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [12:46] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [13:01] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [13:28] *** wednesday has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 483 seconds) [13:30] *** wednesday has joined #archiveteam [13:45] *** r3c0d3x has joined #archiveteam [13:46] Did anybody end up mirroring that thing I posted yesterday, because I'm gonna move it off Mega soon. [13:46] (the shadowsocks) [13:46] I'm about to put it up on IA, and don't really wanna have it on my personal Mega account. [13:50] I did my attempt on archiving it, https://archive.org/details/shadowsocks-related-panic-grab-20150823.7z [13:50] Nice, what repos did you end up hitting? [13:51] I got every repo on the shadowsocks group account if I can remember correctly.. [13:52] more or less the same [13:52] listed them on the description page [13:53] That's a good idea. I'll probably upload mine as well in case I missed some you had or vice versa. [13:54] sure, IA has only 2007 and 2011 versions [13:54] and no full repo at all [13:54] are you going to unpack that zip? [13:55] ? [13:55] Like, repack them because they're zips inside of zips? Yeah, I probably should... [13:55] "big" one, SHADOWSOCKS.zip, so [13:55] Yeah, I can do that. [13:57] nvm then [14:20] In the shipping container today, trying to sort through that mess [14:22] shipping container? [14:23] vitz: You grabbed a TON more repos than I did. Should I still upload..? [14:23] yes [14:23] it's tiny and I could overlook something [14:24] Okay. [14:27] SketchCow, what kind of shipping container? are you sorting those manuals? [14:27] Oh, new people. [14:27] Hi, new people. [14:29] Hello :) [14:29] Hey Sketch. o/ [14:30] *** dashcloud has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [14:30] SketchCow, thank you for putting cd3wd into IA, for some reason I didn't think that it belongs there >.> [14:31] That's insane that you would think it didn't. [14:33] well, I thought that IA is curated [14:33] Oh goodness [14:33] yeah [14:33] This is your day of LEARNING [14:33] Back out to shipping container [14:35] *** dashcloud has joined #archiveteam [14:38] Stuff uploaded, page being created now. 1224 in queue. [14:46] it was, kinda, I felt like an idiot. [14:49] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [14:55] vitzli: is all of it on IA? [14:56] anything happen with the guy on reddit who said they had 500gb? [14:57] no, only .iso files. I got md5s from his collection, but he said that his upload is very slow [14:57] I'll try to do diff between several sources and get remaining files from him [14:58] if there's a big chunk missing I'll chip in to ship a hard disk -_- [14:59] hdd won't survive my customs and postal service, so torrents or downloading it seems to be the best option [15:02] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [15:02] It said the upload failed due to the content of the file, so I'm gonna double check all the repos and redownload everything and then reupload tomorrow from school (which has significantly faster internet). [15:06] espes__, large cd3wd collection (500 gb) has about 20% of duplicates (by md5) [15:38] *** no2pencil has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [15:44] *** no2pencil has joined #archiveteam [16:07] *** espes__ has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [16:11] It's OK. [16:13] *** RichardG_ is now known as RichardG [16:13] *** espes__ has joined #archiveteam [16:14] When IA says "The item is not available due to issues with the item's content. " - is it a bug, or it's intentional? [16:16] *** asdf has joined #archiveteam [16:18] *** espes__ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:18] *** espes__ has joined #archiveteam [16:20] *** espes__ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:22] I got that message when attempting to access a stream-only videofile [16:26] *** espes__ has joined #archiveteam [16:26] *** JesseW has joined #archiveteam [16:30] *** espes__ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:31] *** espes__ has joined #archiveteam [16:32] *** nightscap has joined #archiveteam [16:32] *** espes__ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [16:38] That means we've made it non public browsable. [16:39] SketchCow, may I pm you? [16:44] *** espes__ has joined #archiveteam [16:47] *** primus104 has joined #archiveteam [16:48] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [17:00] *** vitzli has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [17:02] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [17:12] *** espes__ has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [17:16] *** espes__ has joined #archiveteam [17:31] *** habi has joined #archiveteam [18:00] *** asdf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:05] *** habi has left [18:17] Okay, I just finished getting every release from every repo in the Shadowsocks group. [18:19] *** Coderjoe has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 186 seconds) [18:19] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:21] I'm thinking that I don't need to get every repository from clowwindy (main dev of shadowsocks), only the crypto-related ones. [18:21] *** Coderjoe has joined #archiveteam [18:23] *** Start has joined #archiveteam [18:25] *** Start has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:27] For the repos that don't have releases and are deleted, I can find untouched forks and links to trees from Google cached pages. [18:33] *** khaoohs has joined #archiveteam [18:38] *** dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [18:38] *** khaoohs_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [18:44] *** JesseW has quit IRC (Leaving.) [18:45] *** dashcloud has joined #archiveteam [18:49] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [18:50] *** chfoo has quit IRC (Quit: chfoo) [18:54] what to grab next? blingee? lastfm? [18:57] *** chfoo has joined #archiveteam [18:59] blingee's a biggie [19:00] biggie? [19:01] Like, very big..? [19:02] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [19:03] ah [19:04] thats not good... we are out of space ^^ [19:04] blingee will be around ~30TBish [19:04] would be very surprised if it's more than 50 [19:05] *** Start has joined #archiveteam [19:06] otherwise I will work on last.fm ^^ [19:08] *** primus104 has quit IRC (Leaving.) [19:25] *** JesseW has joined #archiveteam [19:35] *** RichardG has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [19:35] *** RichardG has joined #archiveteam [19:49] OK, sans contributions of servers, I am going to see if I can put a second wiki installation on fileformats.archiveteam.org. [20:03] *** JesseW has quit IRC (Leaving.) [20:08] *** primus104 has joined #archiveteam [20:09] *** dashcloud has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [20:12] *** schbirid2 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [20:16] *** dashcloud has joined #archiveteam [20:21] https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_blingee [20:23] The blingees will start flying in today. [20:31] awesome. [20:37] Hooray, I'm on the fileformats wiki box [20:37] Was there bullshit people wanted me to do [20:48] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [20:56] *** PurpleSym has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [21:03] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [21:13] http://digitize.archiveteam.org/index.php/Main_Page [21:13] SketchCow: nice [21:30] *** Emcy_ has joined #archiveteam [21:31] *** SN4T14_ has joined #archiveteam [21:36] *** SN4T14 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 483 seconds) [21:36] *** Emcy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 483 seconds) [21:44] *** JesseW has joined #archiveteam [22:11] *** RichardG has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:13] *** RichardG has joined #archiveteam [22:51] *** zenguy_pc has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [23:00] https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_blingee coming along. [23:03] *** zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam [23:12] *** primus104 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [23:16] assessing whether it is viable to build a Nix package for archiveteam projects... if so, then we'd have a cross-distro deployment system for running 'manual' scripts on servers [23:16] SketchCow: outstanding request for SVG on fileformats wiki [23:16] *** primus104 has joined #archiveteam [23:16] SVG support* [23:17] (iirc - the exact reqs should be in that email) [23:18] e-mail it [23:21] SketchCow: already did a while ago, subject = "File Formats wiki", sender = admin@cryto.net, date = 10 May [23:22] SketchCow: need me to resend, or? [23:22] (I have it open) [23:26] Resend it [23:26] Not in a mood to hunt - trying to close things down that are open [23:31] SketchCow: done [23:34] SketchCow: I noticed the description for the blingee grab doesn't mention where the text came from (which appears to be: https://web.archive.org/web/20150415185829/http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/blingee ) . It'd be better to add such credit; do you want me to email you about it, or is mentioning it here sufficient? [23:37] :) [23:37] Oh, you are adorable. [23:38] Thank you, I think. [23:38] wiki-gnomes tend to be adorable, yes. [23:38] They do. [23:38] lol [23:39] It's like being a hall monitor in an infinite hall. [23:39] *** BlueMaxim has joined #archiveteam [23:40] Keeps me honest, though. [23:40] Who me? I think of it more like having one broom and dustbin in an infinite hall -- but I don't *have* to clean it all, just the random bits I happen to notice. ;-) [23:41] * JesseW is taking a break from reading & categorizing each post from a (quite sensible) advice blog with over 2000 posts... [23:47] File Formats wiki now supports SVG, I believe. [23:48] Can you create a redirect page from SVG to Scalable Vector Graphics? [23:48] I'm sure someone can do that. [23:49] *realizes that I can do it myself* [23:55] r3c0d3x: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=SVG&action=history [23:56] Someone did, back in 2012... ;-)