#archiveteam 2015-10-20,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
00:01 🔗 BlueMaxim has joined #archiveteam
00:15 🔗 Emcy has joined #archiveteam
00:18 🔗 stevieo has joined #archiveteam
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00:27 🔗 JesseW has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
00:30 🔗 atlogbot has joined #archiveteam
00:33 🔗 zenguy_pc has joined #archiveteam
00:40 🔗 JesseW has joined #archiveteam
00:54 🔗 dashcloud I just realized I have the other driver CD for the item I uploaded here: https://archive.org/details/AsusAAV780W12 (there were XP & Vista CDs included )- should I upload into the same item, or make a new item?
00:55 🔗 primus104 has quit IRC (Leaving.)
01:06 🔗 kristian_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
01:06 🔗 Ghost_of_ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
01:29 🔗 altlabel has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 506 seconds)
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02:04 🔗 Atluxity has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 365 seconds)
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02:04 🔗 Emcy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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02:06 🔗 Atluxity has joined #archiveteam
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04:00 🔗 JesseW1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 615 seconds)
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08:09 🔗 primus104 has quit IRC (Leaving.)
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09:09 🔗 Sue_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
09:18 🔗 sjcav has joined #archiveteam
09:18 🔗 sjcav Hello there
09:19 🔗 sjcav I'm trying to not be the n00b who barges in and requests help, but in reality that's probably what I am, I'm afraid
09:22 🔗 sjcav I'd love the help of somebody who can guide me - I currently hold the keys to a website which is about to go dark - www.sjcav.org - and contains a huge archive of events. I wonder if someone can guide me as to how this blessed website can be archived properly before we can switch it off?
09:22 🔗 Kagee has left WeeChat 1.2
09:23 🔗 sjcav It's a nationally (very) significant website as it's the URL of Malta's Centre for Creativity and has seen literally thousands of artistic projects over the years... and we really think it's not worth losing - and you guys seem like the experts to me :)
09:24 🔗 Atluxity how big in GB are we talking?
09:24 🔗 Atluxity also, WELCOME!
09:24 🔗 sjcav Thank you! :)
09:24 🔗 sjcav Let me see - I do have a hard copy of the database and files (which still exist) lifted off the server so all is not lost just yet :)
09:25 🔗 sjcav I think we're talking around 1.1Gb
09:25 🔗 Atluxity as you are using a webchat, historicly speaking very prone to sudden exits, feel free to leav a more permanent way of contacting you back, if anyone feels like doing so
09:25 🔗 HCross Just 1.1Gb
09:25 🔗 sjcav Website is around 10 years old
09:25 🔗 sjcav Thanks - great suggestion - marketing@sjcav.org - I'm James, by the way
09:25 🔗 HCross ArchiveBot job?
09:25 🔗 Atluxity sjcav: is everything publicly accessible from the web?
09:26 🔗 sjcav the unofficial web guy for this place (amateur at best)
09:26 🔗 Atluxity linked somehow
09:26 🔗 sjcav the linking is the issue - Google has crawled it over the years and if you know what you're searching for, yep, it's all there (I think.. some may have been deleted, it's been passed on through quite a few administrators)
09:26 🔗 sjcav but the links went dark as soon as the event passed
09:27 🔗 sjcav Here's an example from 2006 - http://sjcav.org/page.asp?n=Eventdetails&i=1999&z=1
09:27 🔗 sjcav linked to from nowhere within the site itself, but found off Google
09:27 🔗 Atluxity that is a challenge..
09:28 🔗 sjcav Quite :(
09:28 🔗 Atluxity usually a sitemap is useful for this
09:29 🔗 sjcav There used to be a very old and non-updated one
09:29 🔗 sjcav Let me log in to the back end
09:31 🔗 sjcav ah-ha. I've managed to re-publish the sitemap here: http://sjcav.org/page.asp?n=sitemap
09:31 🔗 sjcav but it's incomplete at best
09:33 🔗 sjcav I think the asp command it uses to generate the map is probably outdated (and I have no access to fix that... which is annoying)
09:37 🔗 Ymgve__ has joined #archiveteam
09:37 🔗 Rotab it's just incremental ids?
09:38 🔗 sjcav I think so, although the last section of the ID also changes (the part of the URL marked as z=1 in that case)
09:38 🔗 sjcav so the ID is also correlated to the z code (which is usually the section it's from, from the website)
09:39 🔗 sjcav To give a live example; a page published on section Theatre URL will be something along these lines: http://sjcav.org/page.asp?n=Eventdetails&i=5633&z=3
09:39 🔗 sjcav IF it's published in section visual arts too, it will also work on http://sjcav.org/page.asp?n=Eventdetails&i=5633&z=1
09:40 🔗 sjcav if NOT published on the z=1 section, it won't work (in this case, it does, because it's published across the board)
09:40 🔗 sjcav so an incremental code may be correlated to z=1 - 6 (and may work on only one)
09:40 🔗 sjcav as far as I can understand it
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09:48 🔗 vitzli has joined #archiveteam
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10:16 🔗 swebb sets mode: +o bzc6p__
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10:30 🔗 sjcav If anyone wants to make contact about it, please drop me a line on marketing@sjcav.org :) Would be great to get your expertise on this one!
10:32 🔗 Ungstein has joined #archiveteam
10:33 🔗 Atluxity sjcav: I think the best you could do is make a complete sitemap
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10:33 🔗 Atluxity I do not know how this should be done
10:33 🔗 sjcav Not sure how to do that, however, perhaps you could guide me?
10:34 🔗 sjcav ah, sorry, just saw your second line
10:34 🔗 Atluxity :)
10:34 🔗 sjcav that's a bugger then :) hmm!
10:35 🔗 Atluxity sjcav: when do you plan on pulling the plug?
10:36 🔗 sjcav well the server will switch off at the end of the year (no control over that bit)
10:37 🔗 sjcav but I do have a hard copy of it so I can possibly re-deploy it on a new server (although that could be tricky since the database is ca. 600Mb
10:38 🔗 sjcav although thinking about it, if I had to re-deploy, that would possibly give me access to the .asp files, which means we might rewrite that file and get a sitemap to be regenerated? I'm quite a n00b on these things so shoot me down if what i'm saying is idiotic
10:39 🔗 Atluxity you dont have access to the .asp files as it is now?
10:39 🔗 sjcav the live site is on a server for which i have no access except to the (very old, custom) CMS
10:39 🔗 sjcav so, no - BUT I did manage to get a full copy of ALL the site (from the server company) which I can possibly try re-deploy on a server for which I have access?
10:40 🔗 sjcav (the asp files are included in my full copy)
10:40 🔗 Atluxity but that would have a different domain name, I am not sure if the archive would be able to make clear that this site in fact is sjcav.org
10:41 🔗 Atluxity but then at least we would have it
10:41 🔗 Atluxity and all of it
10:41 🔗 Atluxity and we can wory about my point later
10:41 🔗 sjcav being an ancient website, that's probably true
10:41 🔗 sjcav but yep :)
10:42 🔗 Atluxity so redeploy sounds like a good idea sjcav, and hacking the sitemap to be more inclusive
10:43 🔗 sjcav hmm. Let me look into that, and finding someone who can look into my asp files
10:43 🔗 sjcav as it's greek to me
10:44 🔗 sjcav thanks a lot
10:44 🔗 sjcav i'll be contactable if you get an idea, and will pop back in if this succeeds
10:44 🔗 sjcav thanks again :)
10:44 🔗 Atluxity or you could just list every event id with every possible z= and the list will be 6 times bigger than it needs to, and we get a lot of 404, but at least we get some content
10:45 🔗 Atluxity but getting it right is also good :)
10:45 🔗 Atluxity just dont let that be a showstopper
10:45 🔗 sjcav ah-ha
10:45 🔗 sjcav good to have options!
10:45 🔗 sjcav i won't, we're quite intent on not losing it
10:46 🔗 sjcav thanks a lot and what you guys do is fantastic (we think you're incredible!)
10:46 🔗 Atluxity let me know if you have trouble accessing enough bandwith or storage to redeploy
10:47 🔗 sjcav will definitely pop back in with updates!
10:47 🔗 Atluxity you are making our job so much more easier comming in here and warning us, so thank YOU for that part
10:48 🔗 sjcav much appreciated :) I'll see if redeployment and a decent .asp file works, if not, we'll go down the list route, but I'll be back
10:48 🔗 sjcav thanks!
10:50 🔗 Sue_ has joined #archiveteam
10:52 🔗 sjcav has left
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13:58 🔗 Start has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected.)
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14:35 🔗 arkiver I'm going to start the gamefront grab. ersi confirmed the check if your country/ip in banned from downloading is working\
14:36 🔗 arkiver A warning for the gamefront grab: GameFront has banned some countries from downloading files, the reason is not known, but because of this it is thinkable that they also ban individual IP adresses
14:41 🔗 arkiver SketchCow: can you please start the megawarc and upload process for the gamefront grab?
14:42 🔗 arkiver Problem of this grab is that the grab had over 20 million ID's
14:42 🔗 arkiver A lot of IDs do not exist, meaning it would be good to create packs of 10 or 100 IDs
14:43 🔗 arkiver However, IDs can contain files of multiple GBs. So packs of 10 to 100 IDs might leave us with item of something like 50 GB
14:43 🔗 arkiver And that's too big, so we're just slowly going through the IDs
15:03 🔗 midas arkiver: channel?
15:04 🔗 arkiver I believe we don't have a channel yet
15:04 🔗 midas #grillfront
15:05 🔗 arkiver #grillfront it is
15:10 🔗 arkiver doing packs of 10 IDs, we'll see how it goes
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17:21 🔗 logchfoo1 starts logging #archiveteam at Tue Oct 20 17:21:12 2015
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19:41 🔗 ersi I read that as girlfront.. hehe. Guess I've spent too much time on certain sites
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19:55 🔗 Start has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected.)
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20:10 🔗 Ghost_of_ has joined #archiveteam
20:12 🔗 Ghost_of_ arkiver: hi
20:12 🔗 Ghost_of_ cool post at the CHFB!
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21:55 🔗 arkiver Ghost_of_: thanks
21:55 🔗 Ghost_of_ so, to clarify ... you're just one user?
21:56 🔗 arkiver "one user"? what do you mean?
21:58 🔗 arkiver if you mean what I think I mean: yeah, I'm a user
21:58 🔗 arkiver not sure though if that's what you mean
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22:44 🔗 Ghost_of_ what I meant was, "arkiver" sounds sort of like a group pseudonym
22:44 🔗 Ghost_of_ anyway, I'm out for now ... tc/ppl
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