#archiveteam 2012-02-19,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:58 🔗 underscor Nothing like curating stuff and listening to music obscenely loud
00:58 🔗 underscor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU_H6M4tvPw
02:14 🔗 SketchCow So, how do I git from git://git-annex.branchable.com/
02:15 🔗 NovaKing git clone git://git-annex.branchable.com/
02:15 🔗 NovaKing or if you want win32
02:15 🔗 NovaKing tortoisegit
02:15 🔗 SketchCow http://git-annex.branchable.com/download/ doesn't say exactly how to download.
02:15 🔗 SketchCow That's a shame
02:16 🔗 SketchCow It just tells you the pieces
02:16 🔗 NovaKing yeah, it expects people to know how to use git
02:32 🔗 Coderjoe http://www.imgur.com/oCGmB.jpg
02:33 🔗 Coderjoe "A network cable is unplugged. ...wait, what?"
03:50 🔗 bsmith094 just checked the ffnet scraper, interesting method
04:01 🔗 SketchCow SO MUCH E-MAIL
04:02 🔗 bsmith094 i must be missing something hoe do these scriots work?
04:02 🔗 bsmith094 scripts
04:06 🔗 bsmith094 retrieve.py doesnt seems to take into account usernames with spaces, and get_one, i have no idea what it wants for an argument, userid, story id, what? #ffnet
04:24 🔗 underscor SketchCow: That script I gave you does all the pieces, you know
04:24 🔗 underscor You can't use the ghc/cabal that's in apt either
04:24 🔗 underscor And you need to merge the no-s3 branch
04:24 🔗 underscor (which are all in that script)
04:30 🔗 arrith yeah that script will install it. make uninstall should be able to remove it but that's not always 100%
04:30 🔗 underscor arrith: Did you try it out?
04:30 🔗 underscor :)
04:31 🔗 arrith underscor: haven't. just skimmed that one you posted yesterday.
04:31 🔗 underscor okay, yeah
04:31 🔗 underscor I'm gonna go try it on my desktop
04:31 🔗 SketchCow Drugs
04:31 🔗 arrith that sounds good, i could try it in a vm. i don't have any at the moment but i figured any issues would be pretty clear
04:31 🔗 underscor Which is oneiric, but that should work in natty too
04:32 🔗 underscor My IA vm is still oneiric too, haven't upgraded it yet
04:32 🔗 arrith one thing about virtualbox is it does its whole update thing very well. full on repos you can add for major distros, totally the way to go.
04:32 🔗 underscor Since dist-upgrades usually break something, and I don't feel like dealing with that
04:32 🔗 underscor I used to be all "CUTTING EDGE ALL THE TIME"
04:33 🔗 underscor but now I'm more if-it-ain't-broke, leave it alone
04:33 🔗 arrith i'd just install a new version of the OS clean and work on automating the installs of stuff i use
04:33 🔗 arrith underscor: how much hdd space does a as-lean-as-possible ubuntu server install take up?
04:33 🔗 arrith debian is around 400 megabytes for example
04:34 🔗 underscor I think it's similar
04:34 🔗 underscor If you don't install any of the tasksel packages
04:34 🔗 underscor I'm trying to remember
04:34 🔗 arrith yeah
04:34 🔗 underscor Closer to 500 iirc
04:34 🔗 underscor I haven't installed it in a while
04:34 🔗 arrith i make sure to deselect "standard system" debian installer's tasksel
04:34 🔗 arrith hmm. i might do that later tonight just to see.
04:35 🔗 underscor yeah, that installs a lot of cruft
04:35 🔗 underscor SketchCow: Drugs are always good
04:35 🔗 underscor BUT I'M HIGH ON ~LIFE~
04:39 🔗 underscor My mom was reading some magazine today
04:39 🔗 underscor One of those ones like "Woman" or "Health"
04:39 🔗 underscor I don't remember which
04:39 🔗 underscor But we're eating lunch, she looks up at me, and says
04:39 🔗 underscor "Did you know you can get your buttcrack waxed?"
04:40 🔗 underscor I was like, "Uhhhhhh"
04:40 🔗 underscor And she goes on, "They recommend here you get it done by a professional, since it's a sensitive area"
04:40 🔗 underscor MOST
04:40 🔗 underscor AWKWARD
04:40 🔗 underscor LUNCH
04:42 🔗 underscor known annex keys: 63035
04:42 🔗 underscor known annex size: 2 terabytes
04:42 🔗 underscor that's a lot of files
04:53 🔗 SketchCow What is that an annex of?
05:10 🔗 underscor prelinger
05:24 🔗 undersco2 what's cookin, good lookin
05:44 🔗 chronomex underscor: your mom is weird.
05:45 🔗 undersco2 yeah
05:45 🔗 undersco2 just ask SketchCow
05:45 🔗 undersco2 Also, woot
05:45 🔗 undersco2 Found a typo in the script!
05:46 🔗 arrith undersco2: oh noo
05:46 🔗 arrith what typo?
05:46 🔗 undersco2 I needed --enable-unsupported-ghc-version
05:46 🔗 undersco2 Because I'm using 7.1.4, and the latest haskell platform was designed for 7.0.4
05:46 🔗 undersco2 But there's no adverse affects
05:46 🔗 arrith uhoh
05:47 🔗 arrith undersco2: why not go for a later ghc? what's the downside?
05:48 🔗 undersco2 That's the latest?
05:48 🔗 arrith oh
05:48 🔗 arrith why not go older?
05:48 🔗 undersco2 Because git-annex needs the latest ghc
05:48 🔗 arrith haha
05:48 🔗 undersco2 But the haskell platform isn't scheduled to re-release until june
05:48 🔗 arrith that's a nice twisted web of dependencies
05:49 🔗 undersco2 because they only do updates every 6 months
05:49 🔗 arrith 10-4
05:49 🔗 undersco2 even though GHC updates a lot more often
05:49 🔗 arrith didn't know that. i'd figure they'd try to be more in sync
05:49 🔗 undersco2 nah
05:49 🔗 undersco2 the haskell platform is just a nice bundle
05:49 🔗 undersco2 I suppose I could install each piece from source
05:49 🔗 undersco2 since that's all it's doing
05:50 🔗 undersco2 But there don't seem to be any issues, so
05:50 🔗 undersco2 meh
05:50 🔗 arrith eh, that doesn't sond so fun
05:50 🔗 arrith yeah
06:15 🔗 undersco2 damn, another typo
06:15 🔗 undersco2 :(
06:15 🔗 undersco2 At least I'm getting these kinks out
06:15 🔗 undersco2 No wonder you were having trouble, SketchCow
06:30 🔗 Coderjoe yeah. his 12 year old scriptwriter isn't caffinated enough :P
06:31 🔗 undersco2 :D
06:31 🔗 undersco2 need. more. faygo.
06:32 🔗 undersco2 Also, I'm not 12 >:(
06:44 🔗 undersco2 Oh okay
06:44 🔗 undersco2 So
06:44 🔗 undersco2 That wasn't a typo
06:44 🔗 undersco2 Hackage is down
06:44 🔗 * undersco2 blames closure
06:51 🔗 Coderjoe undersco2: i was attempting to reference some comment SketchCow made a couple days ago
06:51 🔗 undersco2 yeah
06:51 🔗 undersco2 I remember that
06:52 🔗 undersco2 something like "I love running scripts written by a 12 year old on a sugar high"
08:05 🔗 balrog_ph I saw the URL shorteners page on the wiki and immediately thought of this: http://adfly.simplaza.net/
08:15 🔗 chronomex nice
08:15 🔗 chronomex $4 cpm is pretty impressive.
10:08 🔗 Schbirid http://virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp.com/?p=1723
11:55 🔗 SketchCow HUGS
12:03 🔗 chronomex <3
12:07 🔗 SketchCow I'm going to be doing SO MUCH ALL THE ARCHIVING THINGS
12:14 🔗 nitro2k01 YOU DON'T SAY
12:18 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, but these next few weeks? Like, turbo.
12:19 🔗 chronomex hit the turbo button
12:20 🔗 SketchCow Yes
12:20 🔗 chronomex take that shit out of slow mode
12:20 🔗 SketchCow Finally, 110mhz instead of 100mhzs
12:20 🔗 SketchCow dfjskfjd
12:20 🔗 SketchCow I have forgotten what the turbo/non-turbo settings were on the machines.
12:20 🔗 SketchCow Also, what a fuckup that was, a turbo button.
12:20 🔗 chronomex 75/125 sounds about right
12:20 🔗 SketchCow Like, why would people ever not use the turbo button.
12:21 🔗 SketchCow You could, right now, tell me the TECHNICAL/RELIABILITY reason
12:21 🔗 nitro2k01 COmpatibility with ISA cards that needed the slow speed?
12:21 🔗 chronomex making games easier to beat
12:21 🔗 SketchCow But who would ever do it, regardless.
12:21 🔗 chronomex durr
12:22 🔗 nitro2k01 We're so used to controlling everything fom software
12:22 🔗 nitro2k01 A hard switch? what's that?
12:25 🔗 SketchCow Washing machines didn't take off until they added the window.
12:25 🔗 SketchCow I always learned from that.
12:27 🔗 nitro2k01 The success of washing machine connected to the window. Coincidence or conspiracy? Jason gives you the answers.
12:28 🔗 nitro2k01 Caller: "It was the guv'ment that forced us to have to windows in our washing machines so they could contaminate our clothes with lead from the glass."
12:30 🔗 nitro2k01 http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/2756778_460s.jpg
12:30 🔗 nitro2k01 Games now and then
12:31 🔗 alard SketchCow: Did the umich files arrived in their new home? Or is that still going slow?
12:31 🔗 SketchCow Oh, fuck, sorry, man.
12:31 🔗 SketchCow 1. We fixed the machine
12:32 🔗 SketchCow 2. Now it runs as expected. It has less RAM but nobody cares, we're doing compresison and data transfer
12:32 🔗 SketchCow 3. Your crapola went in there just fine
12:32 🔗 SketchCow I did that a couple days ago, it's ready for love.
12:33 🔗 SketchCow www-personal.umich.edu
12:33 🔗 SketchCow 165G www-personal.umich.edu
12:33 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive-1:/2/TEATS/alard#
12:33 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive-1:/2/TEATS/alard# du -sh *
12:34 🔗 alard SketchCow: That's good news. It will still take a few weeks to upload the second half of the data.
12:36 🔗 alard Could you make an rsync module that I can upload to? (Assuming everything is ready on that machine, of course.)
12:39 🔗 SketchCow Done.
12:41 🔗 alard sending incremental file list
12:41 🔗 alard 99857472 17% 349.09kB/s 0:22:13
12:41 🔗 alard g/gb/gba/gbaek/
12:41 🔗 alard g/gb/gba/gbaek/gbaek-20120204-101203.warc.gz
12:41 🔗 alard Thanks!
12:42 🔗 SketchCow Yeah, let's get that show on the road.
12:43 🔗 SketchCow Did you FINISH downloading those people, or are you still downloading them.
12:43 🔗 alard I have all of them.
12:43 🔗 alard 454G /media/archive4/umich/
12:43 🔗 SketchCow Likely, I am going to upload all that material, keep it dark. And then we'll open it up if they do in fact shut down.
12:43 🔗 SketchCow We mostly have just rumor at the moment.
12:43 🔗 SketchCow But it was a great fire drill.
12:44 🔗 SketchCow That file directory has 9tb free, by the way.
12:47 🔗 alard I'm sure we can do something about that.
12:48 🔗 Coderjoe many people don't realize it, but electricity in houses was originalally intended for just lighting. and what a death trap electrical washing implements were at the start. no real switch. to turn the appliance off, you had to unscew the lightbulb-adapter-hack-plug thing. heaven forbid if something happened and you needed it off RIGHTTHEFUCKNOW
12:49 🔗 SketchCow There's this fucking awesome book I suggest people read, if anybody here still reads.
12:49 🔗 SketchCow http://www.amazon.com/Disenchanted-Night-Industrialization-Nineteenth-Century/dp/0520203542
12:50 🔗 SketchCow There's this hilarious thing - the original of the book was in german, and this is a translate (and it's what I read, I don't speak german) but sometimes, the footnotes are still in german.
12:50 🔗 SketchCow Like, he says "This was a new idea, contrary to the dominant thinking of the time[3]" and you go down to 3 and this wall of german.
12:51 🔗 SketchCow And you go "well, he does have a point" and keep going
12:51 🔗 SketchCow But shit yeah, it was brilliant.
12:51 🔗 SketchCow Changed my thinking/awareness
12:52 🔗 SketchCow Among the awesomeness is a compelling argument/layout that what we think of nightlife was always inherently a function of the upper classes demonstrating their being above labor as they were able to avoid daylight hours
12:53 🔗 SketchCow Also, the original plan with some towns before the idea was shot down was to install a massive arc light in the center of town and keep us in daylight 24/7
12:53 🔗 SketchCow Like fuck youuuuuu, night
12:53 🔗 SketchCow Fuck youuuuuu
12:53 🔗 Coderjoe I KNEW IT! The upper classes are VAMPIRES!
12:53 🔗 SketchCow Totally
12:54 🔗 Coderjoe bleh. gotta do some away-from-computer work now.
12:54 🔗 SketchCow Fuck that
12:54 🔗 SketchCow Upper classes don't leave the computer
12:56 🔗 josephhol if I said I had a firehose of twitter, Facebook and linked in data, would that be useful?
12:57 🔗 SketchCow Not if you only said it.
12:58 🔗 SketchCow If you gave it to us to put up, that'd be useful.
12:58 🔗 SketchCow How big?
13:19 🔗 SketchCow ?
13:34 🔗 Nemo_bis I liked my washing machine without a window.
13:34 🔗 josephhol it's live, I'm not quite sure how big the archive is atm
13:35 🔗 josephhol but I'm going to be running ops on the stream, and I wonder what the right way to get it to you would be
13:35 🔗 josephhol and how I'll get the other folks at the startup to approve :)
13:35 🔗 kennethre SketchCow: are you mocking me?
13:36 🔗 kennethre If so: I love you, you asshole.
13:38 🔗 nitro2k01 Maybe he is. SketchCow didn't become awesome by purring like a little kitten.
13:40 🔗 BlueMax But I stroked his beard...
13:41 🔗 josephhol oh, I thought I recognized that handle
13:42 🔗 Nemo_bis Hm, there's a very good book which also explains the real role of electricity. I think it's this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unbound_Prometheus
13:42 🔗 josephhol love the defcon talks
13:44 🔗 josephhol so yeah I have a firehose, how do I use it for my powers for awesome?
13:44 🔗 Schbirid define firehose
13:44 🔗 nitro2k01 A hose that spits fire, of course
13:45 🔗 josephhol with twitter, the firehose is a technical term. every tweet as it happens
13:46 🔗 josephhol Facebook/linkedin, I haven't quite run through the details but we're running social media analysis for quite a few very large companies and pulling down everything we can about their connections
13:47 🔗 Schbirid sounds fantastically illegal to share that to the public
13:48 🔗 josephhol yeah, I'm definitely not able to do the Facebook/linkedin yet, but if you've got a good idea on how to do it without illegality or tos violations I'm all ears
13:48 🔗 josephhol but twitter: I'm sure that's okay
13:49 🔗 Nemo_bis josephhol, like that Harvard study which was able to determine automatically the sexual orientation of every facebook user from their friends?
13:49 🔗 Nemo_bis (was it Harvard?)
13:50 🔗 josephhol I've got a friend who's done research identifying gangs via facebook and myspace connections
13:50 🔗 Nemo_bis I think they embargo'ed the algorithm they used
13:53 🔗 josephhol but I wonder what format would be sane. ATM we're storing JSON in hadoop/hbase
13:53 🔗 SketchCow kennethre: Dude, you tweeted you got an e-mail.
13:54 🔗 SketchCow Now do a facebook posting that you SMSd someone
13:54 🔗 josephhol ow. can I get an IRC bot to let me know about that?
13:54 🔗 SketchCow kennethre: When you have a chance, I'd like to discuss the whole paradigm of a local box for your mobileme work
13:54 🔗 kennethre lol, it was an exciting email
13:54 🔗 kennethre i'm hungover i'm allowed to write shitty tweets
13:55 🔗 SketchCow Today may be good or bad for it - at 4:30 I hop on a Virgin America flight to SF, and it has wireless.
13:55 🔗 kennethre SketchCow: sounds like a plan — ping me
13:55 🔗 kennethre I should be around most of the day I think
13:56 🔗 nitro2k01 Re: firehose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6MfZbCvPCw#at=62
13:56 🔗 nitro2k01 (A real firehose)
13:56 🔗 SketchCow The short answer is: we should get a local instance on your boxes, alard and I can make something that pumps data directly into archive.org in the chunks format we need to do work in.
13:56 🔗 SketchCow Then you just send things that way and it bounces into archive.org.
13:57 🔗 SketchCow We set them up to do no derivation,a nd it should require little archive.org resources.
13:57 🔗 SketchCow Meanwhile, a new Jamendo-uploaded album joins the archive every 2 minutes.
13:57 🔗 kennethre sounds simple enough
13:57 🔗 SketchCow It IS simple
13:57 🔗 SketchCow And it will solve the "you completely crippled batcave" issue.
13:58 🔗 SketchCow Although that fire drill was very personally enlightening.
13:58 🔗 kennethre sorry about that ;)
13:58 🔗 SketchCow You didn't know 4 projects were lying dormant on the drives.
13:58 🔗 SketchCow They're all clearing off quickly right now.
14:00 🔗 SketchCow Jamendo's already moved to Fortress, MobleMe for Mortals has moved to Fortress.
14:02 🔗 Nemo_bis Does this mean I can upload to the shared mobileme slot?
14:02 🔗 SketchCow It means that if you check with alard, you can start if he says so.
14:03 🔗 alard Nemo_bis: If SketchCow says fortress is ready to receive your data, yes, you can run the shared upload script.
14:03 🔗 Nemo_bis rsync previously shouted in my face and now doesn't, I guess it's a signal that I can upload? :)
14:04 🔗 Nemo_bis alard, but your script is now uploading empty directories for user I had uploaded to my slot, and telling the tracker it uploaded such users (which might be not wrong, depending on your view)
14:04 🔗 SketchCow I still have to do the "pull things into segments and upload to archive.org" thing.
14:05 🔗 alard Nemo_bis: Hmm. Can you delete these empty directories first?
14:05 🔗 Nemo_bis alard, yes, but... how?
14:06 🔗 alard find data/ -type d -empty ?
14:06 🔗 Nemo_bis ok
14:06 🔗 alard Does that produce a list of directories?
14:07 🔗 alard Google says: find -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
14:07 🔗 alard Maybe you need to run that a few times to remove everything.
14:07 🔗 Nemo_bis I think it's now: find data/ -type d -empty -delete
14:08 🔗 Nemo_bis or is that only for files
14:08 🔗 alard I don't know.
14:08 🔗 Nemo_bis seemed to work
14:09 🔗 alard In any case, the 'telling the tracker it's uploaded' bit is mostly so that SketchCow knows that that specific user can be moved, packaged and uploaded. So telling the script you've uploaded empty directories isn't necessary.
14:09 🔗 Nemo_bis They're still users which I uploaded elsewhere.
14:09 🔗 Nemo_bis Except the last one which was half-uploaded.
14:10 🔗 alard Does 'half-uploaded' mean that you've lost the first half?
14:11 🔗 alard The upload notification is only used for uploads to the shared rsync module, so it's not being used for your previous upload location.
14:12 🔗 Nemo_bis No, it means that while I was uploading a file the rsync has been killed.
14:12 🔗 Nemo_bis But previously uploaded files have been deleted by --remove-source-files
14:12 🔗 Nemo_bis Small user anyway
14:30 🔗 Bwaah 4/84
14:32 🔗 alard 91/5
14:59 🔗 SketchCow http://oglaf.com/prowess/1/
15:40 🔗 closure underscor: the new ghc is not required, there's a ghc7.0 branch in git-annex's git repo
17:06 🔗 godane i noticed that some of the shareware cds don't have .iso names
17:07 🔗 godane this for example: http://ia700500.us.archive.org/27/items/cdrom-pcgamercd7.46/
17:10 🔗 godane also how do i get files to software archives?
17:10 🔗 godane i have some linux format cds and dvds
17:11 🔗 Nemo_bis godane, I don't understand your queestion
17:11 🔗 godane how do i upload my files that are not video or audio to archive.org?
17:12 🔗 Nemo_bis there isn't any difference
17:13 🔗 Nemo_bis the only thing is that you can't move them in the appropriate collection, so they'll be under Community text for insatnce
17:13 🔗 Nemo_bis until someone with proper permission moves them
17:13 🔗 godane oh
17:14 🔗 Nemo_bis godane, if possible use a good keyword
17:14 🔗 Nemo_bis I did this: http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=subject%3A%22cdbbsarchive%22
17:15 🔗 Nemo_bis godane, alternatively, you could write to info@archive.org and they might give you permission
17:15 🔗 Nemo_bis I've no idea how this works
17:30 🔗 Schbirid it would really rock if all those .iso uploads would include filelists
17:30 🔗 Schbirid ls -lR or something
17:31 🔗 Schbirid ouch, "ERROR: S3 error: 503 (SlowDown): Please reduce your request rate"
17:33 🔗 Schbirid WARNING: Upload failed: /Mario64MapAndModels.mp4 ([Errno 32] Broken pipe)
17:33 🔗 Schbirid wait, THAT might be my fault, that path looks icky
17:34 🔗 Schbirid does tmux support mouse wheel scrolling?
17:43 🔗 godane i'm uploading linux format 73 cds
17:44 🔗 Schbirid it's weird. "s3cmd ls" only shows me two old items, not the one i have been uploading to all night
17:44 🔗 Nemo_bis Schbirid, is it?
17:44 🔗 godane Schbirid: i made a .list file for each cd
17:44 🔗 Schbirid Nemo_bis: is what?
17:44 🔗 Nemo_bis Schbirid, I mean, you upload to different servers and subdirectories and so on
17:44 🔗 Nemo_bis weird
17:45 🔗 Nemo_bis IA's S3 is not really compatible with S3 tools, mostly a hack
17:45 🔗 Schbirid hm
17:45 🔗 Nemo_bis I don't know anything about the technicalities, but I wouldn't *expect* anythin to work
17:45 🔗 Schbirid :)
17:45 🔗 Nemo_bis When something works, it's a nice surprise for me. :)
17:46 🔗 Schbirid heh, ls for the bucket itself just shows redirection messages
17:47 🔗 Schbirid deleting files seems to work
17:52 🔗 arkhive I have a literature on a Philips Magnavox MAT965 webtv unit (manuals and such) and would like to upload scans of them somewhere...
17:52 🔗 arkhive Would you guys recommend some place in particular?
18:01 🔗 Schbirid damn, broken pipe again
18:01 🔗 Schbirid guess something is acting up at archive.org's end
18:04 🔗 Schbirid underscor: doing multipart uploads does not seem to be a good idea, it looks like archive.org already derived thumbnails of movie parts
18:06 🔗 Nemo_bis O_o
18:06 🔗 Nemo_bis you can prevent deriving though
18:07 🔗 Nemo_bis but how do you merge files?
18:07 🔗 Schbirid i do pass --add-header=x-archive-queue-derive:0
18:07 🔗 Schbirid it does that automatically
18:07 🔗 Schbirid once the upload is done
18:23 🔗 ersi Oh cool, fos is online
18:56 🔗 underscor Schbirid: Oh, I think there's a special header you have to pass
18:56 🔗 underscor Let me look
18:56 🔗 underscor Sorry :(
18:57 🔗 Schbirid underscor: i do pass --add-header=x-archive-queue-derive:0
18:57 🔗 Schbirid i has been happily deriving anyways :)
18:58 🔗 underscor Besides that one
18:58 🔗 underscor Currently the metadata table is frozen, so anything new you upload will be stuck for ~5 more hours
18:58 🔗 Schbirid wait, it is not. but it shows links to not derived files
18:58 🔗 Schbirid hm
18:58 🔗 Schbirid ok
18:58 🔗 underscor But I asked in the general chat
18:59 🔗 underscor [1:57:47 PM] Alex Buie: Is there a special header you have to pass for multipart s3 uploads?
18:59 🔗 underscor So I'll let you know :)
18:59 🔗 underscor closure: Oh really? I didn't realize that
18:59 🔗 underscor Is there any downside?
19:00 🔗 Schbirid chers
19:01 🔗 underscor Also, metadata freeze may be causing some of the s3 nodes to fill up
19:01 🔗 underscor So that might be why your pipe is breaking
19:03 🔗 Nemo_bis is there a general chat?
19:03 🔗 underscor Not publicly
19:03 🔗 Nemo_bis oic
19:45 🔗 undersco2 2798 waiting tasks, and growing
19:45 🔗 undersco2 This is gonna be interesting
19:46 🔗 undersco2 Roughly 1/3rd done, started at 11:40AM
19:46 🔗 undersco2 EST
19:47 🔗 undersco2 (it's now 2:47PM EST)
19:58 🔗 godane i uploaded my linux format cds
19:59 🔗 godane now i can't check it in now
19:59 🔗 godane http://www.archive.org/checkin/linux_format_73_cd
19:59 🔗 godane :'(
19:59 🔗 godane it took 4 hours to upload my linux format 73 cds
20:02 🔗 godane i can't checkin
20:02 🔗 godane please help me
20:03 🔗 godane i changed to this: http://www.archive.org/checkin/linux_format_73_cds
20:05 🔗 godane can anyone help me?
20:05 🔗 godane i get this error: Item submission error! reason: The identifier chosen is already taken. You will need to try an alternate identifier
20:06 🔗 godane but i checked the url above and there is no item for it
20:08 🔗 godane i will be back later
20:09 🔗 godane SketchCow: if you want some linux format cds/dvds please fix the above error
20:26 🔗 Nemo_bis FTP upload is horrible
20:27 🔗 Nemo_bis godane, this might be related to the metadata freeze mentioned above, you may have to wait some hours?
20:27 🔗 undersco2 yeah
20:27 🔗 undersco2 that's probably it
20:28 🔗 undersco2 everything's kinda stuck atm
20:28 🔗 undersco2 It's at 11 of 25GB
20:30 🔗 ersi Freggin' sweet. Almost done with a 15GB file upload to Fortress
20:30 🔗 ersi I thought the connection would hang around half like usual :D
23:32 🔗 SketchCow Hi.
23:32 🔗 SketchCow I like the "if you want to see your CDs again..."
23:32 🔗 SketchCow Let me go in there and do my magiccc
23:33 🔗 * Nemo_bis wants some pixie dust on himself too
23:34 🔗 SketchCow Checking item dir...
23:34 🔗 SketchCow No files appear to have been FTP uploaded.
23:34 🔗 SketchCow Did you FTP upload to subdirectory "linux_format_73_cd" on server "items
23:34 🔗 SketchCow That's what archive.org says.
23:37 🔗 SketchCow The Jamendo uploads proceed properly.
23:37 🔗 SketchCow By the way, fortress has a alias at fos.textfiles.com
23:40 🔗 godane i renamed it to linux_format_73_cds
23:40 🔗 godane after the first time it didn't work
23:41 🔗 godane i still see the folder in items-uploads
23:41 🔗 undersco2 regular people can rename items?
23:42 🔗 godane i rename the folder so i didn't have to reupload
23:42 🔗 undersco2 oh, yeah
23:42 🔗 SketchCow Doesn't work.
23:42 🔗 undersco2 that probably breaks a lot of things
23:42 🔗 SketchCow (When you do that.)
23:42 🔗 SketchCow I can't go to items-uploads and change you.
23:42 🔗 godane so i should rename it back
23:42 🔗 SketchCow Yes.
23:43 🔗 godane renamed it back
23:45 🔗 undersco2 Once it's finished, SketchCow can rename it though
23:45 🔗 SketchCow Now, do a checkin
23:45 🔗 undersco2 (if he so chooses)
23:46 🔗 godane Item submission error! reason: The identifier chosen is already taken. You will need to try an alternate identifier
23:47 🔗 godane i'm still getting that
23:47 🔗 godane url i used: http://www.archive.org/checkin/linux_format_73_cd
23:49 🔗 godane i hope dd will save linux format 132 dvd
23:49 🔗 godane ecodisc's sucks
23:51 🔗 SketchCow Go to http://www.archive.org/details/linux_format_73_cd
23:51 🔗 SketchCow What do nyou see./
23:52 🔗 godane Item cannot be found.
23:52 🔗 SketchCow Well, you got a poroblem.
23:52 🔗 SketchCow Sorry, bad typing, on a plane.
23:52 🔗 godane the files are on the server
23:53 🔗 godane there in items-upload
23:53 🔗 SketchCow And in the sub directory?
23:53 🔗 godane there in items-uploads.archive.org/linux_format_73_cd
23:56 🔗 SketchCow Well, here's what you need to do, because that item is messed but good.
23:56 🔗 SketchCow Start a new item. Name it cdrom-linux-format-73
23:56 🔗 SketchCow And then when it asks you to FTP, go in and move the files to the new directory.
23:59 🔗 godane how do i move them?
23:59 🔗 godane i'm in gftp btw
