[02:55] *** beardicus has quit IRC (Sleep.) [05:10] hey guys [05:10] did we ever get OSX / perl stuff tested / working? [05:27] realeyes: there is a flock.pl I saw [05:27] nice [06:06] *** zottelbey has joined #internetarchive.bak [06:51] *** niyaje4 has joined #internetarchive.bak [07:06] *** db48x has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [07:43] *** atomotic has joined #internetarchive.bak [08:03] *** niyaje4 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 600 seconds) [08:56] *** ersi has joined #internetarchive.bak [08:57] *** svchfoo1 sets mode: +o ersi [09:41] Yay, all of shard 2 has at least one replication. [10:45] *** beardicus has joined #internetarchive.bak [10:48] *** atomotic has quit IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) [11:55] *** atomotic has joined #internetarchive.bak [12:11] *** berndj has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [12:47] *** sankin has joined #internetarchive.bak [12:53] *** zottelbey has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 512 seconds) [12:54] *** zottelbey has joined #internetarchive.bak [13:04] *** sankin has quit IRC (Leaving.) [13:26] *** sankin has joined #internetarchive.bak [14:00] *** atomotic has quit IRC (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com) [14:32] *** berndj has joined #internetarchive.bak [15:40] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [15:43] *** db48x has joined #internetarchive.bak [15:43] *** svchfoo3 sets mode: +o db48x [15:54] *** db48x has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [16:21] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [16:41] Great news [16:44] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [17:09] what;s up SketchCow? [17:15] 05:41 < Senji> Yay, all of shard 2 has at least one replication. [17:16] Sorry, I have all parts and joins shut off so it's just a nice thing [17:53] did we test what happens if one node goes belly up yet? [17:54] We had an imprompteau fsck-failing test on shard1 when it turned out some of the files had the wrong sizes [17:54] Not had a fire-drill yet I think [17:58] I am happy to break my shit for the greater good [18:16] *** db48x has joined #internetarchive.bak [18:51] We have to do a blowup. [18:51] yipdw: Work with Closure [18:52] I'd like you to go into the directory with the backup and overwrite a bunch of files with nulls. [18:52] for each in * [18:52] do [18:52] echo "ACQUIRED BY YAHOO" > $each [18:52] done [18:56] lol [18:59] archiveteam@callisto must have a good internet connection :) [19:01] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [19:21] *** zottelbey has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [19:25] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [19:30] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [19:49] *** SN4T14__ has joined #internetarchive.bak [19:54] *** chfoo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 306 seconds) [19:55] *** SN4T14_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 369 seconds) [19:55] *** chfoo has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:02] *** GLaDOS has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:08] *** garyrh_ has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:11] *** GLaDOS has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:11] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o GLaDOS [20:16] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [20:17] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:22] *** Start has quit IRC (Client Quit) [20:35] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:39] *** Start has quit IRC (Client Quit) [20:39] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:55] *** sankin has quit IRC (Leaving.) [21:00] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [21:00] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [21:15] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [22:19] *** iten has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) [22:29] *** Start has joined #internetarchive.bak [22:30] *** svchfoo1 sets mode: +o Start [22:39] *** Start_ has joined #internetarchive.bak [22:51] *** Start has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 740 seconds) [23:14] Senji: yep, 1gbps. how can you tell? [23:14] ah, the leaderboard [23:16] yes :) [23:19] fun story, aarnet (who provide our connection) came by for a yearly catchup [23:20] our internet use was pretty consistent all year, except in august [23:20] at the time, I couldn't work out why, but now I remember I was an rsync host for twitchtv in august [23:21] heh [23:21] *** db48x has quit IRC (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs [23:37] *** db48x has joined #internetarchive.bak [23:38] *** svchfoo3 sets mode: +o db48x [23:38] thanks