[00:23] *** kyan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [01:54] *** Kazzy_ has joined #internetarchive.bak [01:59] 03registrar 05master 4351127 06other 10SHARD3/pubkeys registration of at on SHARD3 [02:00] *** Kazzy has quit IRC (hub.se efnet.portlane.se) [02:00] *** ryang has quit IRC (hub.se efnet.portlane.se) [02:04] *** ryang_ has joined #internetarchive.bak [02:04] 03registrar 05master 9b5b030 06other 10SHARD3/pubkeys registration of ta on SHARD3 [02:06] 03registrar 05master cf4df3e 06other 10SHARD3/pubkeys registration of iabak on SHARD3 [02:15] *** Kazzy_ is now known as Kazzy [02:16] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o Kazzy [02:38] *** kyan has joined #internetarchive.bak [03:03] *** primus104 has quit IRC (Leaving.) [03:10] *** Infreq has joined #internetarchive.bak [03:20] *** kyan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [03:40] So, I think it's getting on time to expire people who haven't registered. [03:40] Better take that bullet now [03:42] 03registrar 05master 1aaf142 06other 10SHARD1/pubkeys registration of db48x+iabak on SHARD1 [03:43] 03registrar 05master 43d8f6e 06other 10SHARD2/pubkeys registration of db48x+iabak on SHARD2 [03:44] thanks for reminding me [03:57] *** kyan has joined #internetarchive.bak [04:02] 03registrar 05master 1020fc2 06other 10SHARD1/pubkeys registration of twatson52 on SHARD1 [04:07] *** VADemon has quit IRC (Quit: left4dead) [04:36] *** SketchCow has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:36] *** SketchCow has joined #internetarchive.bak [04:36] *** svchfoo1 sets mode: +o SketchCow [04:36] *** closure has joined #internetarchive.bak [04:43] *** svchfoo3 sets mode: +o closure [04:46] *** svchfoo3 has quit IRC (Quit: Closing) [04:48] *** svchfoo3 has joined #internetarchive.bak [04:48] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o svchfoo3 [07:38] *** kyan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [08:19] *** db48x has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:25] *** primus104 has joined #internetarchive.bak [08:33] *** Infreq has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:36] *** Infreq has joined #internetarchive.bak [10:12] *** csssuf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 370 seconds) [11:11] *** kalleboo has joined #internetarchive.bak [13:52] 99.4KB/s eta 3d 8h [13:54] registered> is there some way to check I'm registered correcltY? [14:26] *** Infreq has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [14:27] *** Infreq has joined #internetarchive.bak [14:28] *** Infreq has quit IRC (Client Quit) [14:31] *** Infreq has joined #internetarchive.bak [14:54] *** kalleboo has quit IRC (Linkinus - http://linkinus.com) [15:43] Sunday's generally a slow day, someone will answer your question soon [18:00] *** csssuf has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:05] *** kyan has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:36] *** db48x has joined #internetarchive.bak [20:37] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o db48x [21:00] * db48x sighs [21:00] hmm? [21:01] git annex is giving me a real pain [23:26] *** kyan has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [23:26] *** kyan has joined #internetarchive.bak [23:40] closure: my machine celebdil has lost access to the shards it's participating in [23:40] I just checked, and the key is registered [23:41] and it's in ~SHARD1/.ssh/authorized_keys [23:44] oh, hrm [23:54] I guess that's not really the problem