#internetarchive.bak 2022-03-20,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
02:32 🔗 iabak-reg has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
03:30 🔗 iabak-reg has joined #internetarchive.bak
12:51 🔗 HCross___ has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
12:51 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
12:51 🔗 Meroje has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
12:51 🔗 zhongfu_ has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
12:51 🔗 AlsoJAA3_ has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
13:23 🔗 Meroje has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:23 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:23 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:23 🔗 HCross___ has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:23 🔗 zhongfu has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:23 🔗 JAA sets mode: +o AlsoJAA3
13:23 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13:23 🔗 HCross___ has quit IRC (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
13:24 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:24 🔗 HCross___ has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:25 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
13:25 🔗 HCross___ has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
13:25 🔗 Meroje has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
13:25 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
13:25 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
13:38 🔗 HCross___ has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:38 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:38 🔗 Meroje has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:38 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:38 🔗 zhongfu has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:38 🔗 efnet.port80.se sets mode: +o AlsoJAA3
13:38 🔗 AlsoJAA3 sets mode: +o JAA
13:38 🔗 JAA sets mode: +o AlsoJAA3
13:59 🔗 iabak-reg has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
14:10 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
14:10 🔗 HCross___ has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
14:10 🔗 Meroje has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
14:10 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
14:10 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
14:26 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
14:26 🔗 HCross___ has joined #internetarchive.bak
14:26 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has joined #internetarchive.bak
14:26 🔗 Meroje has joined #internetarchive.bak
14:26 🔗 zhongfu has joined #internetarchive.bak
14:26 🔗 JAA sets mode: +o AlsoJAA3
14:26 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
14:26 🔗 AlsoJAA3 sets mode: +o JAA
14:30 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
14:30 🔗 iabak-reg has joined #internetarchive.bak
17:05 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
17:05 🔗 HCross___ has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
17:05 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
17:05 🔗 Meroje has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
17:05 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (se.hub efnet.port80.se)
17:26 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
17:26 🔗 Meroje has joined #internetarchive.bak
17:26 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has joined #internetarchive.bak
17:26 🔗 HCross___ has joined #internetarchive.bak
17:26 🔗 zhongfu has joined #internetarchive.bak
17:26 🔗 JAA sets mode: +o AlsoJAA3
17:26 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:26 🔗 AlsoJAA3 sets mode: +o JAA
17:34 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
20:05 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
20:05 🔗 zhongfu_ has joined #internetarchive.bak
20:05 🔗 Meroje_ has joined #internetarchive.bak
20:07 🔗 AlsoJAA3 has joined #internetarchive.bak
20:07 🔗 JAA sets mode: +o AlsoJAA3
20:08 🔗 Meroje has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 726 seconds)
20:08 🔗 zhongfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 726 seconds)
20:15 🔗 horkermon has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 1229 seconds)
20:16 🔗 HCross___ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 1230 seconds)
20:16 🔗 HCross___ has joined #internetarchive.bak
20:18 🔗 horkermon has joined #internetarchive.bak
