#internetarchive.bak 2024-06-07,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
02:52 🔗 Mateon1 has joined #internetarchive.bak
03:32 🔗 Jake has quit IRC (Leaving for a bit!)
03:33 🔗 Jake has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:05 🔗 kisspunch has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
04:06 🔗 kisspunch has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:39 🔗 iabak-reg has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:39 🔗 JAA has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:39 🔗 Jake has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:39 🔗 JAA has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:40 🔗 iabak-reg has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:42 🔗 atphoenix has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:43 🔗 luckcolor has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:44 🔗 iabak-reg has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:44 🔗 jodizzle has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
04:45 🔗 iabak-reg has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:45 🔗 atphoenix has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:46 🔗 Jake has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:47 🔗 jodizzle has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:52 🔗 luckcolor has joined #internetarchive.bak
04:59 🔗 kiska20 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:02 🔗 kisspunc- has joined #internetarchive.bak
05:03 🔗 Mateon1 has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:03 🔗 kisspunch has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:03 🔗 kisspunc- is now known as kisspunch
05:04 🔗 atphoenix has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 483 seconds)
05:09 🔗 atphoenix has joined #internetarchive.bak
06:01 🔗 kiska20 has joined #internetarchive.bak
07:50 🔗 kiska20 has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
07:50 🔗 luckcolor has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
07:50 🔗 Jake has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
07:50 🔗 jodizzle has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
07:50 🔗 iabak-reg has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
07:50 🔗 kisspunch has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
08:11 🔗 Pixi` is now known as Pixi
09:10 🔗 kisspunch has joined #internetarchive.bak
09:10 🔗 luckcolor has joined #internetarchive.bak
09:10 🔗 jodizzle has joined #internetarchive.bak
09:10 🔗 Jake has joined #internetarchive.bak
09:10 🔗 iabak-reg has joined #internetarchive.bak
12:15 🔗 jodizzle_ has joined #internetarchive.bak
12:16 🔗 jodizzle has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
12:16 🔗 jodizzle_ is now known as jodizzle
12:35 🔗 Jake has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
12:37 🔗 Jake has joined #internetarchive.bak
12:39 🔗 iabak-reg has quit IRC (ircd.choopa.net se.hub)
12:39 🔗 kisspunch has quit IRC (ircd.choopa.net se.hub)
13:33 🔗 kisspunch has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:33 🔗 iabak-reg has joined #internetarchive.bak
13:34 🔗 kiska20 has joined #internetarchive.bak
19:51 🔗 Jake has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
19:51 🔗 jodizzle has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
19:51 🔗 luckcolor has quit IRC (hub.efnet.us ircd.choopa.net)
19:52 🔗 Jake has joined #internetarchive.bak
19:52 🔗 jodizzle has joined #internetarchive.bak
19:52 🔗 luckcolor has joined #internetarchive.bak
21:02 🔗 JAA has quit IRC (Cycling to CHANFIX's home)
21:03 🔗 JAA has joined #internetarchive.bak
22:05 🔗 CHANFIX has joined #internetarchive.bak
22:05 🔗 services.int sets mode: +o CHANFIX
22:05 🔗 CHANFIX sets mode: +o JAA
22:05 🔗 CHANFIX 1 client should have been opped.
22:05 🔗 CHANFIX has left
22:13 🔗 fol has joined #internetarchive.bak
23:46 🔗 fol has left Rejoining
23:46 🔗 fol has joined #internetarchive.bak
23:46 🔗 JAA sets mode: +o fol
23:55 🔗 JAA Huh, this isn't +n. I assume there used to be some reason for that.
23:56 🔗 fol oh odd
23:57 🔗 JAA Probably a bot or something.
23:58 🔗 fol oh maybe, updating status or something
23:58 🔗 JAA Yeah, I seem to recall something like that. But that would've been 6-7 years ago. It was all defunct soon after I joined.
23:59 🔗 fol oh right this was git-annex
