#internetarchive 2019-11-18,Mon

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03:11 🔗 DogsRNice has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
04:27 🔗 qw3rty has joined #internetarchive
04:34 🔗 qw3rty2 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 745 seconds)
08:11 🔗 deevious has joined #internetarchive
08:59 🔗 X-Scale I've come to see several fully scanned books in Internet Archive that are only available to be borrowed. What is the rationale of this ? Shouldn't all those books be there for free so knowledge could be equally shared around the whole world ?
09:00 🔗 ivan controlled digital lending
09:02 🔗 X-Scale Why are some books there for free and others for lending ? What defines the decision ?
09:02 🔗 ivan I assume the free ones are public domain or sufficiently out of print
09:03 🔗 ivan or uploaded by Some Guy instead of IA
09:05 🔗 X-Scale I see. And are the status of those for lendign books review from time to time ? Because I see books there that are pretty much ouf ot print but still for lending on IA. Two examples of two different scannings of the same book:
09:05 🔗 X-Scale https://archive.org/details/digitalcircuitsm00herb/
09:05 🔗 X-Scale https://archive.org/details/digitalcircuitsm00taub/
09:06 🔗 Raccoon And even public libraries lending e-books have to go through tons of hassle with publishers, spending as much as $60 for a title that only 52 patrons can "check out", or 2 years (whichever comes first), before the license is expired.
09:06 🔗 ivan I assume that almost everything getting scanned en masse now is getting the Borrow treatment
09:07 🔗 X-Scale :/
09:07 🔗 ivan anyway, the book viewer delivers JPEGs to your browser
09:07 🔗 ivan gm mogrify -density 500x500 *.jpg
09:07 🔗 ivan img2pdf --output out.pdf *.jpg
09:07 🔗 ivan ocrmypdf out.pdf out_ocr.pdf
09:11 🔗 X-Scale thank you, ivan, for the workaround
09:27 🔗 X-Scale But don't books, which are available for digital lending, only give you a small a limited number of preview pages on the browser ?
09:27 🔗 X-Scale small and limited rather
09:41 🔗 X-Scale This is a very sad trend though
09:45 🔗 ivan search openlibrary and see if the whole thing is available
09:45 🔗 ivan I've never seen it give me a loan on a subset of pages
09:45 🔗 ivan afaik the preview pages are what you get without the loan
09:46 🔗 X-Scale Ah...that makes sense.
11:43 🔗 odemg has joined #internetarchive
14:17 🔗 Flashfire has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
14:17 🔗 kiska has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
14:18 🔗 Flashfire has joined #internetarchive
14:18 🔗 kiska has joined #internetarchive
14:18 🔗 Fusl sets mode: +o kiska
14:18 🔗 Fusl_ sets mode: +o kiska
16:38 🔗 DFJustin X-Scale: that book is from 1982 which means it is still under copyright protection, even though it's out of print
16:40 🔗 astrid copyright protection is almost all printed materials newer than 1923
16:40 🔗 astrid yes it's that bad
16:42 🔗 DFJustin the out of print thing only applies up to 1941 https://blog.archive.org/2017/10/10/books-from-1923-to-1941-now-liberated/
18:24 🔗 X-Scale Oh my. That's terrible news. So, almost all Internet Archive books related to the digital culture will not be free anymore and be changed into borrow status ? I mean, those books uploaded by individual users.
21:44 🔗 eientei95 X-Scale: Not all. A couple I've seen were released as GPL0 by the author
21:48 🔗 eientei95 https://archive.org/details/exploringinterne00mala https://archive.org/details/mdp.39015041021836
22:47 🔗 X-Scale has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
22:55 🔗 DFJustin user uploads can't be changed to borrow-only because borrowing is only possible when IA has a physical book in storage
22:56 🔗 DFJustin as per the DMCA, archive.org is not liable for what users upload unless they ignore takedown requests
22:56 🔗 DFJustin oh they left
23:25 🔗 Smiley has joined #internetarchive
23:29 🔗 SmileyG has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
