#internetarchive 2020-04-03,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
01:06 🔗 atphoenix if it comes down to IA SPN vs AB !ao, I'd like to think that issuing AB !ao commands is less load on IA than using IA SPN. I know it is less immediate load. But OTOH, with whoever is scraping AB for URLs and submitting those back to IA SPN, means that single pages are getting grabbed twice.
01:34 🔗 Ryz Hmm, problem is I don't exactly wanna spam it up with a ton of "!ao" stuff in #archivebot as there's no -spam equivalent right now
01:35 🔗 JAA The big advantage of AB is that the WARCs are publicly accessible.
01:39 🔗 Ryz Does that apply the same with chromebot?
01:41 🔗 JAA Yes, but the chromebot archives are a bit messier since all jobs are mixed together into one WARC.
01:42 🔗 JAA Still publicly accessible though.
01:53 🔗 Ryz Ah, interesting~
02:08 🔗 sivoais_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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02:13 🔗 sivoais has joined #internetarchive
02:14 🔗 atphoenix Ryz, !ao commands can be combined. Look at what socialbot does
02:14 🔗 atphoenix e.g. <socialbot> !ao < https://transfer.notkiska.pw/ZuKSM/twitter-%23CoronaVirusSA --explain "For Craigle - socialscrape job 87b042289aa73354cf1c12a03b769ce29d193513"
02:14 🔗 dxrt has joined #internetarchive
02:15 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode: +o dxrt
02:17 🔗 JAA Ryz is well aware of that, but it only makes sense if the URLs in the list have some relation. If they don't, I'll /kickban your arse out of #archivebot faster than you can blink. :-)
02:29 🔗 Ryz Heh, yeah I'm aware of "!ao <", the list of links I'm working through it's just a personal list of individual links relating to video games stuff; don't think it's necessarily worth it to run it in a list
02:30 🔗 Ryz You did say AB is more efficient than WBM's SPN atphoenix~
02:43 🔗 atphoenix not sure if that was directed at me, but I haven't submitted any unrelated lists via "!ao <". Probably should have added a 'to state the obvious' to my earlier message.
02:45 🔗 atphoenix as for efficiency...I said I *think* AB is less load. It should be less load, if considered a single page grab is considered in isolation. I don't have proof. I did point out another caveat that probably flips the balance the other way. Public WARC access is certainly an AB advantage.
02:45 🔗 atphoenix delete first instance of 'considered'
02:50 🔗 VADemon has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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04:35 🔗 dxrt_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout (120 seconds))
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04:35 🔗 dxrt sets mode: +o dxrt_
07:12 🔗 legoktm has quit IRC (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
07:22 🔗 legoktm has joined #internetarchive
08:53 🔗 OrIdow6 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
09:12 🔗 OrIdow6 has joined #internetarchive
12:59 🔗 figpucker has joined #internetarchive
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14:27 🔗 JAA AB is definitely less load for IA than SPN2. No idea about SPN1.
18:40 🔗 systwi_ has joined #internetarchive
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21:25 🔗 DogsRNice has joined #internetarchive
22:15 🔗 fredgido has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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23:24 🔗 kiska117 has joined #internetarchive
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23:55 🔗 svchfoo3 sets mode: +o svchfoo1
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