#jsmess 2017-06-04,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
00:49 🔗 JohnTalen -=*> L8r Daze <*=-
00:49 🔗 JohnTalen has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
10:43 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 506 seconds)
13:51 🔗 JohnTalen has joined #jsmess
17:16 🔗 JohnTalen has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
17:24 🔗 JohnTalen has joined #jsmess
17:24 🔗 JohnTalen Just curious if anyone else gets and error with the Sol image from https://github.com/copy/v86.
17:25 🔗 JohnTalen ha. aparently I don't have the sol image. makes sense. nevermind.
17:27 🔗 JohnTalen nice project btw. v86 is nice, healthy and active.
17:27 🔗 JohnTalen downloading the images from https://i.copy.sh/images/
17:32 🔗 JohnTalen i looked at virtualbox. it's terrible. it uses kmk an parently secret make alternative. qt is a shoddy mess of off kilter include and lib updates which hose and break alternatively.
17:32 🔗 JohnTalen s/parently/aparently
17:48 🔗 JohnTalen hm aparently i have the image. lol.
18:07 🔗 JohnTalen everything but oberon and sol os passed the local node.js test. Those aren't all the images I have but it's a start.
18:27 🔗 Vito` Sol boots fine for me in a browser
18:27 🔗 JohnTalen i'm not getting anything in my browser locally. it's prolly a path issue.
18:29 🔗 JohnTalen Vito`: I assume you're not running ./test/full/run.js ?
18:29 🔗 Vito` no, just running it from the demo site
18:31 🔗 JohnTalen sol works for me on the site too. i'll just have to manage the differences.
18:33 🔗 JohnTalen I am just curious Vite,,,Are you using Windows?
18:35 🔗 JohnTalen SketchCow: Are there specific app images you wanted to run for these various oses?
18:36 🔗 Vito` I'm on Mac but I can test on Windows
18:42 🔗 JohnTalen oh, file needed to be renamed and there is an error in the source. looks like it's banged up on in the 'in' operator.
18:42 🔗 JohnTalen Vito`: great thanks! :)
18:43 🔗 JohnTalen polyfill. interesting.
21:10 🔗 JohnTalen ok, i ran several oses. most pegs cpu. windows 98 doesn't work. just get a still shot of it, same with windows 95. research further.
21:11 🔗 JohnTalen that is, i ran it locally.
21:11 🔗 JohnTalen promising, but not 'great'.
21:27 🔗 godane has joined #jsmess
23:20 🔗 JohnTalen has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
