#jsmess 2017-07-07,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
06:06 🔗 db48x has joined #jsmess
07:19 🔗 db48x bai: hey, are you around?
18:58 🔗 bai db48x: not really, I'm camping up in the redwoods right now
18:58 🔗 bai but I'm checking in once a twice a day if you wanna leave a question for me
21:59 🔗 DFJustin http://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=110212
22:51 🔗 Vito` this person has a very different definition of "for the lulz" than I do
22:51 🔗 db48x2 has joined #jsmess
22:52 🔗 db48x2 yo
