#jsmess 2017-07-12,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
00:00 🔗 JohnTalen db48x: Like you said the functions as they stand will just be indented 'relative to the function keyword that began them'. So this one change that aspect at all. And it won't cover the attrocities that preceed and follow it.
00:00 🔗 JohnTalen s/one/won't
00:00 🔗 db48x heh
00:00 🔗 db48x which atrocities are those?
00:01 🔗 JohnTalen I'll be happy to work on emulators providing you with an interface to them or rewriting emularity to then work in the newly written emularity.
00:03 🔗 JohnTalen absolutely little to no code reuse. Only having the facing html interface consistent and clean. Functions that serve only as empty repositories to then be modded throughout without any rhyme or reason why these dead structs exist without code relations.
00:03 🔗 JohnTalen the list goes on.
00:04 🔗 JohnTalen Who wrote that anyway? And why do they want to abandon it?
00:04 🔗 db48x which functions are only "dead repositories" to be modded?
00:05 🔗 db48x s/dead/empty
00:16 🔗 db48x are you referring to things like BaseLoader.emulatorJS, which just return trivial objects?
00:17 🔗 JohnTalen i looked at it over 1 1/2 weeks ago. Hang on.
00:18 🔗 bai the only thing crazy about db48x is his beard. and right now it's not even the craziest beard on the team
00:18 🔗 JohnTalen There are instances of structures that could be inheritenting code and that simple do nothing but store. And these are themselves are treated like functions. It's maddening.
00:19 🔗 db48x yea, I think you're talking about BaseLoader/DosBoxLoader/MAMELoader/SAELoader, but I'd prefer to be specific
00:20 🔗 JohnTalen I don't have my code viewer set up for .js, only .c* at this time.
00:21 🔗 JohnTalen i'll just follow the code from the well written interface.
00:21 🔗 db48x JohnTalen: which one is the well-written interface, specifically?
00:22 🔗 JohnTalen the html pages, that's about *it*.
00:24 🔗 db48x that's good! A lot of the choices I made were so that the API seen by the users was as nice as possible
00:30 🔗 JohnTalen Emulator.Start is a good example of how not to indent.
00:30 🔗 JohnTalen particularly when it gets to loading.then(
00:36 🔗 db48x fair enough; I'm well aware that my indentation style is not widely liked
00:36 🔗 db48x aside from that, is there anything wrong with it?
00:38 🔗 JohnTalen if I was to write loadFiles, I would have to rewrite it using the files to be reused as you've set them up. That is one small example of lack of reuse.
00:38 🔗 bai having some of the promise handling functions as member methods on those objects might help
00:38 🔗 bai the inline functions get a bit hard to follow, and they're nested a bit deep in some cases
00:39 🔗 db48x JohnTalen: which are the files to be reused, specifically?
00:41 🔗 JohnTalen db48x: loadFiles( under Promise. That's another thing. I have to page up or down dozens of screens to find out which function I'm in. This is huge detriment to some code which isn't that bad. I'm not saying it's all bad. But being a new comer is a huge set back for me to have to write in.
00:42 🔗 db48x what line number?
00:42 🔗 JohnTalen ideally. you'll want to just have a structure specific to the platform and associate it to code hand in hand. And have the innards handle the differences through a case mechanism.
00:43 🔗 db48x I _think_ I understand that, possibly
00:43 🔗 db48x but it's quite vague
00:44 🔗 db48x oh shoot, I'm supposed to be meeting some folks right now
00:44 🔗 db48x can we pick this up in a few hours?
00:44 🔗 JohnTalen line 95 in my version.
00:44 🔗 JohnTalen yeah that's okay.
00:44 🔗 db48x thanks
00:44 🔗 JohnTalen yw
00:44 🔗 JohnTalen thanks for hearing me.
00:45 🔗 bai an example would be something like, instead of loading.then(function(_game_data) { ... }.then(function(game_files) { ... }.then(function() { ... }.then(function() { ... }) would be something like:
00:46 🔗 bai loading.then(this.handleGameData.bind(this)).then(this.handleGameFiles.bind(this)).then(this.postinit.bind(this)).then(this.run.bind(this))
00:47 🔗 bai or if you pre-bind your functions it's even cleaner
00:48 🔗 bai then all that code gets moved off into its own member functions
00:51 🔗 JohnTalen Well, the whole program is a start. But the focus of what needs to be done is there. It's just a matter of broking up the structures into a hierachical consistency that lends itself to reuse.
00:52 🔗 JohnTalen Perhaps if I rewrite loadFiles if something a little further in I can possibly be of some added value benefit.
00:52 🔗 JohnTalen s/if/or
00:53 🔗 bai something like this https://pastebin.com/3np0jNyS
00:53 🔗 JohnTalen for example. why should I need to getElementsByTagName in an almost directly forward facing function? It's nickels and dimes from top to bottom in that sense. But that's *OKAY*. It's the first program of it's kind. It's allowable. :)
00:54 🔗 bai that way when you inherit from Emulator, you don't have to redefine the whole start() function, you can just override the specific parts
00:55 🔗 JohnTalen bai: yes. that is indeed a great step in the right direction. 'Think' hierachy of case statements of resuable code. Each level is a layer.
03:32 🔗 db48x bai: that's a good, specific example
03:32 🔗 db48x my commendations on both points
03:34 🔗 db48x though I wouldn't bother making them member functions, since there's generally only one "instance" of the IALoader, and these functions are all about dealing with the data flowing in from the xhr requests
03:35 🔗 db48x I've never considered that anyone might want to inherit from Emulator, though it could make sense to structure it that way
03:37 🔗 db48x JohnTalen: what's your specific concern with getElementsByTagName? you'd never need to call that to support a new emulator
04:15 🔗 JohnTalen db48x: What specifically did you want me to do?
04:16 🔗 JohnTalen I mean to say how much and what did I need to touch in Emularity. I've only just brushed over it's surface.
04:16 🔗 JohnTalen .=?
04:17 🔗 JohnTalen I mean when I integrate it. I can make it as humanly readble as possible. Without touching your code. Or porting what functions make sense. Prolly low level ones since that all there seems to be in Emularity.
04:18 🔗 JohnTalen s/that/thats
04:24 🔗 JohnTalen exhausted, I'll be here for 5 more minutes then I'll be back tommorow. Hopefully the whole day.
04:32 🔗 JohnTalen bbt
04:32 🔗 JohnTalen has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
06:37 🔗 balrog has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
06:56 🔗 balrog has joined #jsmess
12:41 🔗 db48x has quit IRC (ny.us.hub hub.efnet.us)
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12:41 🔗 db48x has joined #jsmess
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12:41 🔗 devesine has joined #jsmess
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12:41 🔗 hub.efnet.us sets mode: +o arkiver
16:02 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat)
18:22 🔗 * SketchCow walks into channel
18:22 🔗 SketchCow HA HA OH WOW
18:22 🔗 * SketchCow walks out
18:23 🔗 * SketchCow walks back
18:23 🔗 SketchCow Hey, how's it going
18:24 🔗 db48x somewhat tired
18:24 🔗 db48x it's too early to be awake, really
18:27 🔗 SketchCow So, we established Talent will not be sending Emularity a christmas card
18:28 🔗 SketchCow You're invited to come hang out at IA, db48x (and bai too, if you want)
18:28 🔗 SketchCow everyone else, stay away
18:29 🔗 db48x heh
18:29 🔗 SketchCow also, I think you're all in not the bay area
18:34 🔗 db48x while I think that my indentation style is perfect, for several reasons, I was already aware that it's an acquired taste so that didn't upset me
18:38 🔗 db48x and dealing with IA XML metadata, and a JSON file, _and_ a CFG file really is a lot of hoops to jump through to start up an emulator, but that wasn't a design choice
18:38 🔗 db48x just what's necessary in order to deal with IA
18:46 🔗 SketchCow I had a great BBQ years back where I tore apart the editing of a film in front of the editor
18:46 🔗 SketchCow To the editor, really
18:47 🔗 db48x heh
19:47 🔗 JohnTalen has joined #jsmess
20:39 🔗 DFJustin yeah dunno when I'll be down in that neck of the woods again
20:39 🔗 DFJustin wasn't there going to be an Archive Team Con at some point
21:07 🔗 SketchCow We discussed it
21:07 🔗 SketchCow db48x: Did you want to compile a pile of WASMs? That seems an easy win
22:01 🔗 db48x I have to do the work on Emularity first
22:10 🔗 SketchCow I know they won't load, but it takes days to compile anyway
22:11 🔗 db48x I didn't time it last time, but it was finished the next morning
22:20 🔗 SketchCow Well, when you can; we'll be the webassembly vanguards
22:20 🔗 SketchCow And then drop a big MAME trouble ticket
22:21 🔗 SketchCow I've been doing that critical work of scanning in AOL CDs.
22:24 🔗 SketchCow Now matching up the first batch
22:45 🔗 SketchCow Batch being uploaded into IA. 65 CD-ROMs, mostly AOL
22:46 🔗 Vito` SketchCow: since you're there, would you mind re-fixing https://archive.org/details/SPACECOMMERCE-cdrom so it's in the CD-ROM collections
22:50 🔗 SketchCow Done
22:50 🔗 Vito` thanks
23:57 🔗 JohnTalen Ploding through Vice. Have to recompile, get ONE error message. Change the duplicates, run a script to copy files and recompile. This is for each single error message. emcc only reports one at a time.
