#jsmess 2017-09-14,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
04:49 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
15:08 🔗 azakai has joined #jsmess
16:49 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat)
16:49 🔗 azakai has joined #jsmess
16:49 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Client Quit)
16:50 🔗 azakai has joined #jsmess
18:13 🔗 bai uh oh, guys...someone figured out that our win3.1 emulator is actually a scam https://archive.org/details/msdos_win3_1
18:14 🔗 bai I investigated it carefully and came to the conclusion that it is a silly joke by some teenage wannabe h4x0r.
18:14 🔗 bai The archive actually includes most of what is presented in the browser emulator, however WIN.COM is a player that displays the Windows 3.11 splash screen that plays two MODEM dialing out sound files.
18:14 🔗 bai First of all, I have no freaking Dialup MODEM anymore, it's 2017 for crying out loud!
18:14 🔗 bai So this is when my suspicion already started.
18:18 🔗 bai I'd explain it to him but the archive's comment system only allows one comment per person per item, and I've already commented on that item
18:28 🔗 Vito` I always knew you were underage and a criminal bai
21:43 🔗 SketchCow I knew it
