#jsmess 2017-11-19,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
01:39 🔗 SketchCow I'm enjoying bfod and his many, many, many requests
01:55 🔗 db48x SketchCow: http://gcserver.magnet.nyu.edu/~bennett/emu/antattack-spectrum.html
01:55 🔗 db48x SketchCow: requests plus action
02:01 🔗 SketchCow Well, I'm glad to hear that, at least.
02:04 🔗 SketchCow While sitting in a rainy car today, I had an epiphany about next-gen Emularity
02:04 🔗 SketchCow Now I have to check with all of you if you have time and interest in giving time towards it
02:05 🔗 SketchCow I believe arkiver bai devesine and Vito have indicated they're out. :)
02:06 🔗 db48x I'm always interested in ideas :)
02:29 🔗 SketchCow Excellent.
02:29 🔗 SketchCow I'm wondering if I dump them here or in a doc
02:33 🔗 db48x advantages to both
02:34 🔗 SketchCow Well, it's nothing I am trying to hide or perfect before discussing.
02:34 🔗 SketchCow In summary: COMPUTERLAB.ARCHIVE.ORG
02:35 🔗 SketchCow We've wanted to do "full virtual machine" for some time now, and we've been dreading trying to shoehorn it all into the archive's interface
02:35 🔗 SketchCow So fuck it, we make an interface that uses IA resources, but is completely geared for this.
02:35 🔗 SketchCow So you go there, check out a machine, and you can save and load disks and the whole rest
02:35 🔗 db48x :)
02:35 🔗 SketchCow With the ability to reference disks in the Internet Archive's collection, etc.
02:35 🔗 SketchCow And then it's everything we want.
02:36 🔗 SketchCow And we're not falling backwards through 25 painful layers of CORS and misery
02:36 🔗 DFJustin I like
02:36 🔗 SketchCow And db48x doesn't keep getting good excuses not to take his free time and spend it on *
02:36 🔗 SketchCow Because oh boy, turns out obscurity.php makes keyboards not work
02:36 🔗 SketchCow I'm trying to prevent a hanging, is what I'm saying
02:38 🔗 SketchCow Murder suicide
02:38 🔗 SketchCow A spree
02:38 🔗 db48x by whom?
02:39 🔗 SketchCow You, if we try to do COMPUTERLAB in the System
02:39 🔗 SketchCow As opposed to a nice start from scratch thing where emularity stretches its legs
02:39 🔗 SketchCow And we can try to solve the real problems, like image saving and screenshotting and so on
02:39 🔗 SketchCow And keyboard through browser
02:40 🔗 SketchCow Without finding things getting seized up by IA infracoding
02:40 🔗 db48x heh
02:41 🔗 SketchCow I mean, make no mistake, I really really really want webassembly going on IA as soon as you can
02:41 🔗 SketchCow But I think this higher-level computer lab thing, where we bring up this thing that will do the thing we all want....
02:41 🔗 SketchCow ...I think that's the true endgame for anything beyond using Emularity as a "player" on IA
02:43 🔗 SketchCow So, there's things like https://www.scullinsteel.com/apple2/
02:43 🔗 SketchCow And http://www.virtualapple.org/
02:44 🔗 SketchCow I feel like there's real pros and cons to Skeumorphic-a-tastic version
02:44 🔗 SketchCow But I also hate when things look like a spreadsheet
02:45 🔗 db48x spreadsheets are pretty much my skill level for web design
02:45 🔗 SketchCow Right, you wouldn't be doing the design
02:45 🔗 SketchCow Or me
02:45 🔗 SketchCow We'd get someone
02:45 🔗 SketchCow And we'd probably try to be flexible, so we could have skins
02:46 🔗 SketchCow There's probably 4,192,222,122 (checks watch) 4,192,222,129 people who can do the whole "make a website out of these components" thing
02:46 🔗 db48x I think IA's approach has a lot of merit
02:46 🔗 SketchCow I do not
02:46 🔗 SketchCow I do too I mean
02:46 🔗 SketchCow Wow, that was a typo
02:46 🔗 db48x with IA's model you get a big list of concrete goals: play game X, play game Y
02:47 🔗 SketchCow Agreed
02:47 🔗 db48x you click on it, and we configure the emulator for you
02:47 🔗 SketchCow I think as a player model it works
02:47 🔗 SketchCow It's just we keep nibbling at "more than a player"
02:47 🔗 db48x you don't have to muck about with 13 different options for the expansion slots
02:47 🔗 SketchCow That means a menu
02:47 🔗 SketchCow that means not this or that
02:48 🔗 SketchCow I also like the options, though.
02:48 🔗 db48x but there is merit to the other approach
02:48 🔗 SketchCow https://defacto2.net/f/ae2c29?name=-&platform=dos&section=-&sort=date_desc&dosmachine=svga&dosaudio=gus&dosspeed=max
02:48 🔗 db48x given a list of printers available for machine X, compare the print output from software Y
02:48 🔗 SketchCow I am just having the rain-based epiphany that it makes sense to try to make a site that's easy to use but lets you go deeper
02:49 🔗 SketchCow But could also be used by kids
02:49 🔗 SketchCow or people tinkering
02:49 🔗 SketchCow Or people with Mac disk images
02:49 🔗 SketchCow bing, here's your mac
02:49 🔗 SketchCow Click in a disk
02:49 🔗 SketchCow Save out a disk
02:49 🔗 SketchCow Even have minimal versions where you can literally be working in a word processor from beyond time and still use it now
02:55 🔗 SketchCow Anyway, that's the idea. We should continue to make the player better but not try to turn it into a Transformer combined with a swiss army knife
02:56 🔗 db48x I think it's a good idea
02:57 🔗 SketchCow I'll assemble some things into a doc as soon as I'm back from Japan
03:21 🔗 bai SketchCow: just wanna clarify, I'm not *out*, just particularly busy at the moment, I'm always here to spitball ideas or make incremental changes, just hard for me to commit to the big stuff
03:23 🔗 SketchCow I mean from committing to this particular thing right now
03:23 🔗 SketchCow I know that devesine is just waiting for that next big thing to jump into with us
03:23 🔗 SketchCow I will ping icc again
03:28 🔗 SketchCow I feel like that's just sitting there
03:28 🔗 SketchCow Waiiiiting
03:28 🔗 SketchCow A huge performance jump, maybe the last big one
04:39 🔗 bai indeed
11:33 🔗 zino has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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15:20 🔗 balrog has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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19:24 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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