#jsmess 2018-04-02,Mon

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Time Nickname Message
00:12 🔗 DFJustin well from the stack trace it's either drc_use_c or drc_log_uml and I think it's the latter
00:57 🔗 db48x why do you suspect that it's the latter?
01:07 🔗 DFJustin looking at the emscripten-generated code, it's the second of the two core_options::value calls that causes the error
01:08 🔗 DFJustin and also in drcuml.cpp they both have conditional code to do stuff if the result is true, but in the emscripten output one of the tests is optimized out and it always creates a drcbe_c object
01:08 🔗 DFJustin which would make sense because only the c backend is available in the emscripten build
01:09 🔗 db48x ah
01:10 🔗 db48x wait, could the missing method be util::string_format then?
01:10 🔗 db48x it is calling one with two args
01:11 🔗 DFJustin I assume that would be used elsewhere but who knows
01:12 🔗 DFJustin I also don't know how it knows that only the c backend is available
01:14 🔗 db48x yea, both of those are weird
01:14 🔗 DFJustin ugh string_format is vas's template explosion thing
01:16 🔗 DFJustin so maybe nothing else uses that exact alignment of types etc
01:17 🔗 db48x template <typename String = std::string, typename Format, typename... Params>
01:17 🔗 db48x inline String string_format(Format &&fmt, Params &&... args)
01:18 🔗 DFJustin also that should only be reached if the option is true which it isn't by default
01:18 🔗 db48x huh
01:39 🔗 DFJustin https://twitter.com/DopefishJustin/status/980619505129803776
01:51 🔗 db48x heh
02:38 🔗 SketchCow sorry for the one way ticket to hell there
13:47 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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16:00 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
16:04 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
16:29 🔗 godane has joined #jsmess
19:49 🔗 db48x it looks like the mame0196 versions of the emulators are now all uploaded
21:03 🔗 Lord_Nigh has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
21:11 🔗 Lord_Nigh has joined #jsmess
21:41 🔗 bwn has joined #jsmess
23:42 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
