#jsmess 2018-09-08,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
01:44 🔗 Sgeo I should find out why set_playback_enabled isn't defined
01:44 🔗 Sgeo Not a problem now, but could be for getting the mute button to work
01:54 🔗 Sgeo What the?
01:54 🔗 Sgeo The SDL version's symbolic keyboard mapping uses tab for the C= key. WinVice and old vice.js use left-ctrl for the C= key
01:59 🔗 Sgeo https://imgur.com/a/uVnVVzx
02:05 🔗 SketchCow Let me know when you have another js to hand over. :)
02:09 🔗 Sgeo Should I keep the SDL default of tab = C= or switch around those keys to the WinVICE one?
02:20 🔗 SketchCow Tab
02:21 🔗 Sgeo ok, thanks
02:24 🔗 SketchCow Are there any other showstoppers for you?
02:25 🔗 Sgeo Still haven't figured out why sound sounds bad. Right now I want to look at the menus, which don't work on vice.js and would be really nice to have imo
02:25 🔗 Sgeo I can deliver a current js first, hold on
02:25 🔗 SketchCow I consider the menus a nicety and a continued refinement
02:30 🔗 SketchCow Agree we should track down shitty sound issue
02:36 🔗 SketchCow http://teamarchive1.fnf.archive.org/FINISHED/
02:36 🔗 Sgeo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sgeo/sgeo.github.io/master/experimental/vice32/standalone/x64_keys.js . Double the size :(. I should try excluding the unneeded data directories
02:36 🔗 SketchCow You can see the screenshots come in, go out
02:42 🔗 Sgeo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sgeo/sgeo.github.io/master/experimental/vice32/standalone/x64_keys_small.js
02:43 🔗 Sgeo Not sure how this one ended up smaller than the build from some time ago, exactly
02:44 🔗 azakai has joined #jsmess
02:52 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive2:/2/CDROMS/Madokami/Manga# ls -l vice32.js.gz
02:52 🔗 SketchCow -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2382468 Sep 8 02:45 vice32.js.gz
02:52 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive2:/2/CDROMS/Madokami/Manga# gunzip vice32.js.gz
02:52 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive2:/2/CDROMS/Madokami/Manga# ls -l vice32.js
02:52 🔗 SketchCow -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14987631 Sep 8 02:45 vice32.js
02:52 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive2:/2/CDROMS/Madokami/Manga# zopfli vice32.js
02:52 🔗 SketchCow ls -l vice32.js.gz
02:52 🔗 SketchCow root@teamarchive2:/2/CDROMS/Madokami/Manga# ls -l vice32.js.gz
02:52 🔗 SketchCow -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2213059 Sep 8 02:50 vice32.js.gz
02:52 🔗 SketchCow What a savings
02:54 🔗 Sgeo Found a missing key I didn't notice
02:55 🔗 Sgeo ...it's behaving differently on Ubuntu? Am I hallucinating?
02:56 🔗 Sgeo https://sgeo.github.io/experimental/vice32/x64.html the ; and : work on Firefox but not Chrome
02:56 🔗 Sgeo I think my brain broke
02:57 🔗 Sgeo uh... bai? Do the keycodes that browsers give for things ever just... vary between browsers?
02:58 🔗 Sgeo For however Emscripten's SDL1 support works
02:59 🔗 Sgeo The =/+ key seems to always type + on Firefox and = on Chrome, regardless of the status of the shift key
02:59 🔗 SketchCow https://archive.org/details/10_Years_HVSC_2006-11-28_HVSC_Crew_Side_A asusual lets you test the emulator
03:04 🔗 SketchCow Wondering if I should try a different one too
03:05 🔗 Sgeo Working menus could allow for easier experimentation of sound settings >.>. Although also I have more of an idea how to fix that than sound, the latter of which is also slightly tricky for me to iterate on
03:06 🔗 SketchCow https://archive.org/details/Bubble_Bobble_1987_Firebird is on vice32 now
03:08 🔗 SketchCow http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/vice_toc.html
03:10 🔗 Sgeo Can you try changing the -soundsync to 1 for vice32?
03:10 🔗 SketchCow Sure.
03:10 🔗 Sgeo Thanks
03:10 🔗 SketchCow Remember the whole incognito
03:12 🔗 bai Sgeo: they sure do
03:12 🔗 bai browsers :D
03:13 🔗 Sgeo Lemme compare vice.js in Chrome vs Firefox
03:15 🔗 SketchCow Should I turn on autowarp
03:16 🔗 Sgeo vice.janicek.co has different behavior for some keys
03:16 🔗 Sgeo Autowarp turns itself on when a file is given on the command line, I think. The web console is saying it's on
03:16 🔗 SketchCow Really? It seems super slow
03:17 🔗 Sgeo "AUTOSTART: Turning Warp mode on"
03:18 🔗 Sgeo HVSC 10 years just crashed the Chrome tab
03:18 🔗 SketchCow Good, fuck Chrome
03:18 🔗 Sgeo gah Chrome and Firefox look so similar now
03:18 🔗 SketchCow Take that
03:19 🔗 SketchCow SDLVideo: VICII (active) 768x544 32bpp
03:19 🔗 SketchCow That seems... large
03:20 🔗 Sgeo That includes the border, the "320x200" resolution doesn't consider that VICE doubles the size by default nor the border
03:22 🔗 SketchCow I'm just asking if our loader is doubling the resolution too
03:23 🔗 Sgeo Yes, >.> I took the resolution values from vice.janicek.co which does that too
03:23 🔗 SketchCow At this point I'm just fishing for why the new one sounds bad and the old one sounds fine
03:24 🔗 SketchCow I mean otherwise, it's ready for ship and then refinement
04:42 🔗 Sgeo To fix the key issue, I think what I need to do is write some Javascript, possibly including a 3rd party library, to normalize and convert browser scan codes into SDL1 whatevers... if SDL even has such consistently
04:54 🔗 Sgeo I just learned I can make a single-file build that does use wasm
05:00 🔗 Sgeo Ubuntu seemed to lock up. I am starting to think that Ubuntu is as single-threaded as Javascript
05:09 🔗 Sgeo bai, I am so tempted to modify library_sdl.js to make things sane
05:15 🔗 Sgeo SketchCow, new build: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sgeo/sgeo.github.io/master/experimental/vice32/x64_wasm.js
05:15 🔗 Sgeo Uses WASM without external dependencies, and I also disabled assertions
05:16 🔗 bai Sgeo: I'm sure that would be appreciated. I remember having similar problems with MAME when using SDL1
05:17 🔗 Sgeo_ has joined #jsmess
05:17 🔗 Sgeo_ Let's see if sound works better on there due to speedup
05:18 🔗 Sgeo_ bai, o.O as a patch to Emscripten?
05:19 🔗 Sgeo_ That could break stuff that went out of their way to accomodate Emscripten's broken idea of SDL's scancodes
05:19 🔗 bai Sgeo_: sure
05:19 🔗 Sgeo has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:19 🔗 bai well, if the behavior is more correct, thatt's generally okay
05:23 🔗 bai but either way, yeah, see if you can get it to work for this, and we can worry about whether it's something worth contributing back at some point or not
05:30 🔗 Sgeo_ What's the part that talks to C?
05:30 🔗 Sgeo_ "{{{ makeSetValue('SDL.keyboardState', 'code', 'down', 'i8') }}};" ?
05:31 🔗 bai sdl1 is a weird case where it's a pure-js reimplementation
05:31 🔗 bai vs sdl2 where we just compile sdl2 using emscripten
05:32 🔗 Sgeo_ This JS routes through keycode to scancode. I think instead I should provide separate tables for both
05:32 🔗 bai yeah, the whole keyCode vs scanCode thing is a P A I N
05:32 🔗 Sgeo_ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key looks like it should be cross-platform, but can't distinguish between left-shift and right-shift
05:32 🔗 bai yeah
05:35 🔗 Sgeo_ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/location
05:43 🔗 Sgeo_ bai, uh, anyone mind if I use a Map, which apparently isn't supported on IE below 11?
05:43 🔗 bai I personaly dgaf about any ie < edge
05:45 🔗 Sgeo_ Ugh, .key isn't actually a semantic fit to scancodes anyway.
05:45 🔗 Sgeo_ Might work for me because I'm just trying to get something which should be using keycodes but is using scancodes working
05:45 🔗 Sgeo_ (Or, I think it's using scancodes)
06:01 🔗 Sgeo_ It's using keycodes
06:28 🔗 Sgeo_ Ah crud was looking at SDL2 values
06:50 🔗 Sgeo_ Testing, and everything works. Except for the letters and numbers and printable characters.
06:50 🔗 Sgeo_ At least space and enter work
07:01 🔗 Sgeo_ Found that bug, fixed. Now to figure out why there's still a handful of characters broken
07:07 🔗 Sgeo_ Ok this looks like a VICE keymap mistake except for the fact that it works fine on Windows SDL VICE
07:08 🔗 Sgeo_ SDL seems to say that ! has a different code from 1, but VICE's keymap uses 1's code for both mappings
07:14 🔗 Sgeo_ Going to modify the VICE keymap, duplicate some entries with the other mapping
07:35 🔗 Sgeo_ bai, here's my new library_sdl.js. I should note that it seems to give keycodes like 33 for !, and I'm not sure if that's correct, because VICE wasn't actually expecting it
07:36 🔗 Sgeo_ SketchCow, new version of the JS: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sgeo/sgeo.github.io/master/experimental/vice32/x64.js . Using the improved keyboard handling, hopefully consistent across browsers
07:38 🔗 Sgeo_ https://sgeo.github.io/experimental/vice32/x64.html demo
07:51 🔗 Sgeo_ Time to go unconscious for a whole bunch of hours
09:12 🔗 godane has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
10:53 🔗 godane has joined #jsmess
13:10 🔗 Sgeo_ Also, try -ntsc if sound is still bad. It makes the emulator try to match NTSC instead of PAL. Might slow things down but it was suggested on vice.js page
14:07 🔗 SketchCow Trying it
17:22 🔗 Sgeo_ Incidentally, has that HVSC 10 year side a thing been tried with the old vice.js?
21:39 🔗 Sgeo_ bai, what minimizer does Emscripten use for library Javascript? It's broken
21:40 🔗 Sgeo_ I can't make an object with "\"" as a key. The minimizer turns "\"": foo into ":foo
21:46 🔗 SketchCow I have not, which is why I switched to Bubble Bobble
22:03 🔗 bai Sgeo_: I think it uses uh...that google java one...closure
22:03 🔗 Sgeo_ I don't actually have that installed I think?
22:04 🔗 Sgeo_ AFK
22:04 🔗 bai it's optional, I believe
22:04 🔗 bai and if you're generating wasm I don't think it's used
22:05 🔗 Sgeo_ For library_sdl.js?
22:42 🔗 bai oh...I honestly don't know quite h9w that works with wasm output. maybe that does get compiled into the .js that loads the .wasm
23:17 🔗 Sgeo_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
23:31 🔗 azakai has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
23:55 🔗 Sgeo has joined #jsmess
23:57 🔗 Sgeo_ has joined #jsmess
23:59 🔗 Sgeo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
