#jsmess 2018-10-27,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
00:04 🔗 Sgeo__ SketchCow, do we care about any of the browsers that cannot use pointerlock? https://caniuse.com/#search=pointerlock
00:05 🔗 Sgeo__ WebAssembly seems to require newer stuff so I'll take that as a no
00:12 🔗 SketchCow If it "just works", disable it
00:12 🔗 SketchCow If it doesn't "Just work" don't do it
00:12 🔗 SketchCow I mean, why disable the menu
00:25 🔗 Sgeo__ I'm not sure of an easy way to get the menu to pointerlock. That is, someone enabling mouse grab via the menu while not in full screen will experience the weirdness where moving the mouse away from canvas makes things behave oddly
00:36 🔗 SketchCow Then don't do it
00:43 🔗 Sgeo__ I'm confused. I'm trying to say that clicking on the emulator will "just work", while using Alt-M or the menu won't, in the same sense that it isn't today, which is why I'm considering disabling it
01:37 🔗 Sgeo__ SketchCow, new build: https://sgeo.github.io/experimental/vice32/x64.js
01:38 🔗 Sgeo__ * Has the timing adjustments that allow it to play in background tabs when sounds are playing (but may be less smooth? Unproven)
01:38 🔗 Sgeo__ * Uses new build process
01:38 🔗 Sgeo__ * Click to grab mouse. Menu for mouse grab & Alt-M is still present but deprecated imo
01:39 🔗 Sgeo__ Wait, hold on
01:39 🔗 Sgeo__ Ok don't use that build, found a bug
01:39 🔗 Sgeo__ Um. The "bug" was me forgetting I didn't have the new build applied.
01:40 🔗 Sgeo__ So yes the build is good
03:25 🔗 SketchCow OK.... so I should drop this in....
03:26 🔗 Sgeo__ yes please :)
03:35 🔗 Sgeo__ bai, what's the worst that can happen if I modify VICE's SDL audio driver to have it flush library_sdl's sound buffer instead of waiting for library_sdl to call into VICE?
04:28 🔗 Sgeo__ SketchCow, thank you
04:45 🔗 bai Sgeo__: give it a try. there's definitely room for improvement in how we handle audio for all the emulators
05:18 🔗 decay has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
05:18 🔗 decay has joined #jsmess
05:22 🔗 shattere1 has joined #jsmess
05:26 🔗 shattered has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 633 seconds)
05:29 🔗 Sgeo has joined #jsmess
05:30 🔗 Sgeo__ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
07:00 🔗 Sgeo BTW, it would be nice if the user themselves could autostart any program easily. SDL VICE 3.3 looks like it will have that feature
23:11 🔗 azakai_ has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
