[00:13] *** azakai has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:51] *** kripken_ has joined #jsmess [14:48] *** kripken_ has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) [16:16] *** azakai has joined #jsmess [23:44] azakai: SPILL THE BEANS, BUDDY [23:44] SketchCow: it's in the spoiler link ;) we're switching the default backend next week [23:45] What does even mean [23:47] the backenbd is the core compiler part of emscripten, that transforms source code into webassembly. over the last few years we've been working to replace the old asm.js backend with the new wasm backend, which is better in many ways. it's finally ready now [23:49] any significant features or potential breakages we should look out for? [23:52] biggest feature is incremental compilation, so the link stage is much much faster. otherwise it usually emits faster and smaller code by a few % but nothing huge (last backend was already quite good...). no major breakages we are aware of, but there are some minor differences, see https://emscripten.org/docs/compiling/WebAssembly.html#backends