[00:33] Stillll copying [00:33] Damn, ROMs take forever [00:33] (I'm also using SCP) [06:18] From my script: This could all be crap but XXDRIVER is 1943: The Battle of Midway and ZIPFILE is 1943.zip and JAVASCRIPT is mame1943.js and HEIGHT is 224, and WIDTH is 256. [06:31] OK, with the STRICT warning that my first run here is a blunt force tool, and that it only works on arcade machines (which are the majority) I wrote a script that has generated many working arcade machines. [06:31] http://teamarchive1.fnf.archive.org/MAMELAND/MAMELAND/ is packed with them [06:31] If they fail, however, that's absolutely not guaranteed to be the compiled emulation. [07:26] *** Sgeo has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:47] a lot of arcade machines require more than one zip [14:48] e.g. 1944 needs 1944.zip and qsound_hle.zip [19:26] Right [19:26] Oh, that's definitely the next consideration. [19:26] I mean, I knew I'd be doing some hand-editing. [22:02] *** Sgeo has joined #jsmess