[00:29] *** Start has joined #projectnewsletter [00:29] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o Start [06:01] *** svchfoo3 has quit IRC (west.us.hub irc.eversible.com) [09:03] achip: did you shut the newsletter scripts down? [11:47] *** svchfoo2 has quit IRC (hub.se efnet.port80.se) [12:04] *** svchfoo2 has joined #projectnewsletter [12:04] *** efnet.port80.se sets mode: +o svchfoo2 [14:15] oops, "Filesystem Size 9.8G Used 9.7G Avail 0 Use% 100% Mounted on / " there's the problem arkiver, drive filled up [14:19] achip: ok [14:19] possible for you to move everything over to an other drive and have this one empty? [14:19] I'll mount a bigger array on it [14:33] great [14:34] let's see if the problem with the content is fixed [14:39] k, attaching the new volume now, the IP address changed to, DNS is updated but it may take a bit to propagate [14:41] ok [14:42] can you please tell me if when everything is ready? [14:42] I'd like to do some tests then [14:42] will do, moving the newspoc now [14:42] thanks [14:46] k, server is updated, newspoc is moved and archive.py is logging to a fresh http://mail3.newsletter.nerds.io/chip-source/log.txt [14:46] oh wait [14:48] now we should be good, forgot to update config.py to point into the new storage [14:49] ok [14:49] are the scripts updated? [14:49] ah yes [14:49] I see they are [14:50] I think we're missing some kind of acknowledgement back to the client mailserver, since they keep sending the same message [14:51] maybe, I'll have a look at that [14:51] I'll dig into it some too, just bringing it up [14:51] yep [14:53] although the duplicates aren't in the log which is strange [15:20] achip: I made some changes to the encoding/decoding in the script [15:20] hopefully it'll fix the coding problem [15:22] awesome, do you need me to update it? [15:23] if you can , that'd be great [15:23] if it doesn't work I think what might need to be added to make it work [15:25] updated, restarted and log rotated [15:27] achip: you're getting any errors that are not in showing in http://mail3.newsletter.nerds.io/chip-source/log.txt [15:27] ? [15:28] nope, both stdout and sterr are piped to log.txt [15:54] *** svchfoo3 has joined #projectnewsletter [15:54] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o svchfoo3 [15:58] achip: I made an update for the encoding again [15:59] updated, restarted, old log is now in log.txt.4 [16:11] achip: another update made: base for mail command created, and changes to decoding created [16:12] error in the log [16:14] oops, leftover [16:14] fixed now [16:14] cool, updated and running [16:21] achip: updated again, forgot to make the veriables global [16:22] hope I'm not being irritating with all these updates :/ [16:23] no not at all :), updated and running, log rotated to .6 [16:37] * arkiver is afk for an hour [17:27] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [17:47] achip: can you please update the scripts? [17:48] updated and log rotated to .7 [18:08] achip:can you please update the scripts again? :) [18:08] yay I get to test my updater script :) [18:08] awesome [18:08] write updater scripts? :) [18:11] yup, updated and log rotated to .8, only one little bug in an echo [18:11] really it just automates the log rotate and does a git pull, nothing fancy now http://mail3.newsletter.nerds.io/update.sh.txt [18:13] * achip afk for about 30 min [18:16] achip: ok [18:16] if you're back, please run you auto update script [18:20] did some tests, encoding problem is probably fixed now [18:49] arkiver updated, rotated to .9 [18:49] achip: thanks [18:49] no problemo [19:18] *** svchfoo1 has quit IRC (Quit: Closing) [19:21] *** svchfoo1 has joined #projectnewsletter [19:22] *** svchfoo2 sets mode: +o svchfoo1 [19:31] *** Start has joined #projectnewsletter [20:22] *** Start has quit IRC (Disconnected.) [21:49] *** Start-mob has joined #projectnewsletter [21:56] *** Start-mob has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 370 seconds) [22:48] *** Start has joined #projectnewsletter [22:49] *** svchfoo1 sets mode: +o Start