#urlteam 2011-09-23,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
18:05 🔗 mib_qx5uw i have a url http://www.medalsofamerica.com/?src=MILITARY that displays a blue banner on the top, however i want to send a different link with the url of http://www.medalsofamerica.com/Category--Military-Medals--m-593?src=MILITARY
18:05 🔗 mib_qx5uw no blue banner shows if the cookies are cleared
18:06 🔗 mib_qx5uw something i need to change in the 2nd url?
18:08 🔗 chronomex what?
18:36 🔗 mib_qx5uw the first url displays a blue banner at the top
18:36 🔗 mib_qx5uw the 2nd one only does if you go to the first url beforehand, because cookies were stored
18:37 🔗 mib_qx5uw say the user didnt go to the first url, before, why doesnt the 2nd url display the blue banner...
18:41 🔗 chronomex why are you asking in here exactly?
18:44 🔗 mib_qx5uw you mean why are you asking in this chatroom?
18:44 🔗 mib_qx5uw because it says url
18:51 🔗 chronomex we download data from url shorteners
18:52 🔗 chronomex we aren't web design advice
