#urlteam 2012-01-04,Wed

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Time Nickname Message
06:08 🔗 SketchCow 45824.5 / 48227.4 MB Rate: 0.0 / 63.8 KB Uploaded: 17451.7 MB [95%] 0d 10:45 [ R: 0.38]
06:08 🔗 SketchCow urlteam
06:08 🔗 SketchCow 95%!
07:16 🔗 chronomex ditto!
15:52 🔗 underscor awwwww yeah
15:52 🔗 underscor Download Speed: 10.22 MiB/s
15:52 🔗 underscor ETA: 42 minutes
15:52 🔗 underscor Percent Done: 45.6%
19:17 🔗 soultcer Is the torrent at 100% now?
21:52 🔗 underscor yes
22:59 🔗 soultcer SketchCow: You can update the homepage now, we have 100%
