#urlteam 2012-03-13,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
18:55 🔗 chronomex PepsiMax: fix your goddamn tubes
19:15 🔗 PepsiMax chronomex: problems
19:15 🔗 PepsiMax i haz em
19:15 🔗 PepsiMax screen hang a few times
19:15 🔗 PepsiMax so I had to kill it =[
19:16 🔗 PepsiMax also, the last 3 ones where efnet 100%
19:16 🔗 PepsiMax 20:17:52 up 3 days, 4:52, 3 users, load average: 0.50, 0.46, 0.36
19:16 🔗 PepsiMax dunno lol
19:23 🔗 ersi chronomex: Just add -ignore on join/quits
19:59 🔗 chronomex ersi: I do that for #archiveteam, but really I try to minimize my /ignore
20:09 🔗 PepsiMax whaaat
20:09 🔗 chronomex yo
20:09 🔗 chronomex sup
20:10 🔗 PepsiMax nm
20:10 🔗 PepsiMax just ipv6 and stuff
20:10 🔗 chronomex k
