#urlteam 2012-12-09,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
11:13 🔗 soultcer Everyone who isn't running the warrior, please do a git pull so you get the latest tinyurl code and the new code for snipurl
11:14 🔗 ersi Yay
11:24 🔗 deathy crap..just brutally stopping script ok? ...
11:25 🔗 deathy now I only get "No tasks available"
11:26 🔗 soultcer deathy: Try adding a -c to the end of the command line
11:26 🔗 soultcer It will signal the tracker to drop all pending tasks
11:26 🔗 soultcer Or you can manually call http://tracker.tinyarchive.org/v1/task/clear?version=2.3
11:27 🔗 deathy "run-pipeline: error: unrecognized arguments: -c"
11:28 🔗 soultcer Ah, you are running it with the pipeline. In that case just do a "wget -O /dev/null http://tracker.tinyarchive.org/v1/task/clear?version=2.3"
11:28 🔗 deathy and how does that clear just for my user?
11:28 🔗 soultcer It clears for your IP address
11:29 🔗 deathy done. let's see now
11:30 🔗 deathy seems to be working ok now, thanks. any comments on correct shutdown procedure? :)
11:32 🔗 soultcer If you run it with pipeline.py, you can create a stopfile (e.g. "touch STOP"), and it will finish the current tasks and then exit (may take up to 5 minutes)
11:33 🔗 soultcer But you can also just kill all threads if you prefer that, the tracker is smart enough to reassign tasks that haven't been finished.
11:48 🔗 ersi deathy: By the way, if you get "No tasks available" - that one will sleep for 60 seconds and then exit.. So no harm in stopping it forcefully - or waiting for that part
14:23 🔗 soultcer just made the switch to require v2.3
14:23 🔗 ersi \o/
15:38 🔗 GitHub69 [tinyback] soult pushed 3 new commits to master: https://github.com/soult/tinyback/compare/588c45c9fe83...0f7d20e6d34c
15:38 🔗 GitHub69 tinyback/master 0f7d20e David Triendl: Bump version to 2.4
15:38 🔗 GitHub69 tinyback/master 3980ca8 David Triendl: services.Snipurl: Handle preview pages
15:38 🔗 GitHub69 tinyback/master fbffcae David Triendl: services.Snipurl: Close connection after each request...
19:12 🔗 soultcer http://www.authenticjobs.com/jobs/15188/tr-im-url-shortener
19:12 🔗 soultcer Apparently a domain name "investement company" (aka domain squatter) bought the domain
19:12 🔗 soultcer I wonder if they received a copy of the database with it
19:58 🔗 chronomex soultcer: hah, sounds like ... maybe we should apply
20:00 🔗 deathy bring back up = start shortening again, creating more tr.im links which after some time will go away again and have to be archived again? ...
20:01 🔗 chronomex also making fuckpiles of money
20:01 🔗 chronomex clearly
20:01 🔗 chronomex since there's loads of money in url shortening
