#urlteam 2013-03-07,Thu

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Time Nickname Message
09:21 🔗 ersi seems like tinyurl is being a dick again
09:35 🔗 chronomex tinyurl is composed 100% of dicks
09:36 🔗 SketchCow I'll say this here.
09:36 🔗 SketchCow BlueMax: Punchworthy
09:36 🔗 ersi yeah, really
09:36 🔗 SketchCow he has had the worst usefulness/pain in the ass ratio of any member
09:36 🔗 SketchCow Even that fucking french kid who ruined half of geocities
09:39 🔗 chronomex yeah.
09:40 🔗 chronomex hey I've been hanging out for a while so I know what you're goign to say, but is it legal?
09:40 🔗 * ersi shrugs
09:41 🔗 chronomex there were imaginary quotes around that sentence
09:42 🔗 ersi i know
09:43 🔗 GLaDOS Perhaps time to bring in a name squat bot?
09:45 🔗 chronomex ?
09:45 🔗 GLaDOS BlueMax goes offline, I launch the squatting bot to use his name..
09:46 🔗 GLaDOS Then he rejoins with another name, I launch another bot.
09:46 🔗 chronomex that's just stupid
09:46 🔗 GLaDOS :c
09:48 🔗 SketchCow http://i.qkme.me/3t9vzk.jpg
09:48 🔗 GLaDOS SketchCow++
09:49 🔗 ersi :DDd
15:17 🔗 ersi I get a little sad, every time I discover another shortener
16:05 🔗 jk[SVP] ersi: pocket.co
16:12 🔗 ersi jk[SVP]: Huh?
16:12 🔗 jk[SVP] just noticed that one the othere day. shared something from the pocket app
