#urlteam 2013-04-19,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
08:18 🔗 ersi soultcer: I'm never really in *need*, but could always do something with 'em I guess :) As long as it isn't a bunch of <40GB drives :)
08:18 🔗 soultcer 4x160 GB, but rather old
08:20 🔗 ersi works :)
08:21 🔗 chronomex ersi: what is this project of yours?
08:29 🔗 ersi chronomex: nothing in special, just drives
08:29 🔗 chronomex k
10:03 🔗 Smiley yeah I wish you weren't so far away ersi
10:03 🔗 Smiley these are mostly 160gbs but the weight makes postage stupid.
10:04 🔗 Smiley And this is #urlteam !
21:26 🔗 omf_ So I just saw a tweet complaining about something not being on the wiki in relation to urlteam. This of course pisses me off since the lazy fuck put forth the effort to tweet but not edit the wiki
