#urlteam 2013-11-12,Tue

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Time Nickname Message
03:56 🔗 chfoo BiggieJon: are you talking about my webseed? it won't be back up until january
09:19 🔗 BiggieJon is there a plan B then to get a seed for the torrent back online ?
09:33 🔗 ersi It'll take a while, but we'll get it up there again
09:38 🔗 BiggieJon i have a seedbox with space, I can help keep a seed going when we get it back
09:48 🔗 ersi That'd be nice.
09:53 🔗 BiggieJon so is this basically dead until chfoo can get his copy online ? or is there some other way to get the data and recompile the torrent ?
10:23 🔗 GLaDOS Well I have the data, but not the pipe (dangit Australia)
10:32 🔗 ersi How sucky is that pipe?
10:33 🔗 ersi Or do you have bandwidth caps and what not?
10:37 🔗 BiggieJon ie, can you FTP it to me
10:41 🔗 ersi lol, FTP.
10:43 🔗 BiggieJon I dont really care how it's transferred, I'm asking if the possibility exists that it could be transfrred to a single (ai'm assuming there is not sufficient bandwidth availabel to seed)
10:50 🔗 ersi Yeah... that was kind of clear.
11:17 🔗 GLaDOS 200GB cap, 100kb/s max upload
11:17 🔗 GLaDOS It'd be faster sending a HDD in the mail
11:27 🔗 edsu GLaDOS: why don't we upload to InternetArchive? they support torrents.
11:27 🔗 GLaDOS No idea..
11:27 🔗 GLaDOS Might want to ask soultcer that
11:28 🔗 edsu If you have the data, I suggest we talk to Jason Scott about where to put it on there.
11:28 🔗 edsu the weird thing is the 301 Works data is already there, but this big torrent you are talking about doesn't appear to be, or is it?
11:32 🔗 edsu do you know the size of the current torrent?
11:35 🔗 GLaDOS Well, the current torrent is 76GB, so the issue may be item size limits..
11:35 🔗 edsu that could be yes
11:35 🔗 edsu i wonder why it was desirable to create one big torrent, rather than a series of them
11:36 🔗 edsu i can ask over on #archiveteam
11:36 🔗 edsu if you want
11:49 🔗 GLaDOS sure
12:02 🔗 BiggieJon understand the problem, I'm jsut trying to help if I can
16:18 🔗 pft i wonder if the customs situation would be a mess shipping a hard drive
17:29 🔗 ersi no, it isn't
17:29 🔗 ersi different people here have been mailing disks to each other
17:30 🔗 pft hmm ok
19:30 🔗 edsu GLaDOS: do you have a copy of the torrent online?
19:31 🔗 ersi the "not the pipe" part implies "NO"
19:44 🔗 edsu just noticing that all the 301 works files are marked not publicly accessible
19:44 🔗 edsu https://archive.org/details/301works
19:44 🔗 pft yeah, i assume that's part of the "agreement" between shorteners and 201works
19:44 🔗 pft er 301works
19:44 🔗 pft that they can archive the data but not share it
19:44 🔗 pft that's why urlteam shares the data
19:45 🔗 pft i might be wrong, though
20:03 🔗 edsu i'm struggling a bit to find the right place to ask about this stuff
20:06 🔗 edsu pft: that makes a lot of sense though
20:58 🔗 pft it's just frustrating
20:58 🔗 pft it'd be fantastic if we could store this data in the IA some way that it was actually querable/usable
20:59 🔗 pft er queryable
20:59 🔗 pft but what a mess that would be
