#urlteam 2017-09-30,Sat

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Time Nickname Message
05:15 🔗 Somebody2 Soulflare: thanks for adding the shortener to the wiki page.
05:15 🔗 Soulflare np!
05:15 🔗 Soulflare noticed it on @steamgames' twitter and disected it a bit
05:16 🔗 Somebody2 Nice, help is always appreciated.
05:18 🔗 Somebody2 Soulflare: looks feasible to start scraping; I'll set it up
05:19 🔗 Somebody2 I presume the alphabet is just A-Za-z0-9?
05:21 🔗 Somebody2 zpr-io started
05:22 🔗 Somebody2 JAA, other people interested in fixing up the wiki page: One *lovely* feature would be a way to auto-generate the warrior table from the server data.
05:23 🔗 Somebody2 You'd need to figure out how to sync it with the comments (which are only in the wiki page, and should probably stay there)
05:24 🔗 Somebody2 And the initially and last scraped date aren't on the tracker -- but they could be derived from searches at IA, which would be nice.
05:24 🔗 Soulflare I believe it's just alphanumeric yes
05:24 🔗 Somebody2 Example URL could in theory be extracted from the results, too
05:25 🔗 Somebody2 zpr-io has results
05:25 🔗 Somebody2 and no errors
05:25 🔗 Soulflare \o/
05:25 🔗 Somebody2 boosting queue to 40
05:25 🔗 Soulflare is that including that it either gives a 302 or 200? or is 200 considered the error in that sense
05:26 🔗 Soulflare since it just returns a json error
05:27 🔗 Soulflare in other words, were the "no errors" all 302 found instead of 200 ok?
05:27 🔗 Somebody2 302 or 200 are not errors; errors are something unexpected
05:28 🔗 Soulflare oh so like server errors or worse
05:28 🔗 Somebody2 yep
05:28 🔗 Soulflare gotcha
05:28 🔗 Somebody2 You can see the settings here: https://tracker.archiveteam.org:1338/api/project_settings?name=zpr-io
05:28 🔗 Somebody2 it will only show up as errors if it returns an HTTP code not listed there
05:28 🔗 Somebody2 or if it times out
05:29 🔗 Soulflare that's pretty cool to see
05:29 🔗 Soulflare having only seen the warrior and tracker so far
05:29 🔗 Somebody2 If zpr-io is incremental, and the alphabet is 0-9a-zA-Z, and the current max is around nnids, there are about 300 million shortcodes.
05:29 🔗 Somebody2 Which we should be able to grab in a few days, probably.
05:30 🔗 Somebody2 Yeah, terroroftinytown (the current URLTeam software) is pretty cool
05:30 🔗 Somebody2 I've hacked on it a bit, but I arrived after it had pretty much been written. I'm just a custodian.
05:31 🔗 Somebody2 We've found about 15,000 shortcodes (out of 22,000 tried) on zpr-io, in just the few minutes since I started it.
05:32 🔗 Somebody2 boosting queue to 70
05:33 🔗 Somebody2 Soulflare: if you'd like, investigating dlvr.it would be very welcome.
05:33 🔗 Somebody2 Nobody seeems to have checked into it since 2015.
05:34 🔗 Somebody2 You can sort the list of Alive (but not yet in the Warrior) shorteners by date-of-last-checked -- and work your way down the list, adding info.
05:34 🔗 Soulflare alright, I'm gonna head off to bed shortly but I will gladly pick it apart when I get up
05:34 🔗 Soulflare thanks for the info
05:35 🔗 Somebody2 Awesome, thanks. Sleep sufficiently!
05:36 🔗 Soulflare o/
05:45 🔗 Somebody2 78,000 found out of 107,000 checked on zpr-io
05:53 🔗 Somebody2 poeurl-com started
06:02 🔗 Somebody2 poeurl-com has no 1 or 2 character ones, but we've started getting results now in the 3-character range
06:02 🔗 Somebody2 I'm going to sleep soon, and it will probably be done before I wake up; other admins, feel free to turn it off.
06:04 🔗 Somebody2 Paused vgd_6 until we can get it working again.
08:49 🔗 mls has quit IRC (Quit: leaving)
09:08 🔗 JAA Wasn't vgd paused already?
11:39 🔗 dan- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 633 seconds)
11:45 🔗 dan- has joined #urlteam
16:05 🔗 Smiley has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:09 🔗 Smiley has joined #urlteam
17:06 🔗 astrid has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
17:06 🔗 astrid has joined #urlteam
17:06 🔗 swebb sets mode: +o astrid
17:49 🔗 Somebody2 JAA: vgd_6 had autoqueue turned off, but it was still enabled.
17:49 🔗 Somebody2 I'm not entirely clear what the "enabled" switch *does* exactly...
17:50 🔗 Somebody2 turned off autoqueue for zpr-io, because it was throwing 503 errors
17:50 🔗 Somebody2 but is still returning results, so... hm
17:51 🔗 Somebody2 poeurl-com seems to be still going fine
17:54 🔗 Somebody2 hm, zpr-io just seems to return 503's for some shortcodes. Odd
17:55 🔗 Somebody2 I've added 503 as an acceptable response, so it should clear out the errors now
19:20 🔗 SilSte has joined #urlteam
19:56 🔗 JAA Somebody2: My guess would be that "enabled" means "does the tracker hand out new jobs or not?" while "autoqueue" is "does the tracker generate new jobs?".
19:57 🔗 JAA I.e. with "enabled" checked but autoqueue off, clients would still process whatever items are in the queue (remaining ones from before the autoqueue was turned off or ones added manually).
19:57 🔗 JAA But no idea whether that's correct.
19:58 🔗 JAA s/hand out new jobs/hand out jobs/
