[00:50] *** treora_ has joined #urlteam [00:51] *** kiska has quit IRC (se.hub irc.underworld.no) [00:51] *** Flashfire has quit IRC (se.hub irc.underworld.no) [00:57] *** hook54321 has joined #urlteam [01:39] *** logchfoo1 starts logging #urlteam at Sun Sep 16 01:39:22 2018 [01:39] *** logchfoo1 has joined #urlteam [02:22] *** moufu has joined #urlteam [02:23] *** JAA has joined #urlteam [02:24] *** bakJAA sets mode: +o JAA [02:24] *** svchfoo1 sets mode: +o JAA [02:27] *** moufu_ has quit IRC (se.hub irc.underworld.no) [02:27] *** hook54321 has quit IRC (se.hub irc.underworld.no) [02:51] I made a script to download from YOURLS-based URL shortners where there is a public listing of links or the admin page is made public which is an opt-in feature of YOURLS. [02:51] [02:52] archive_yourls_listing.py generated all the folders you see in the directory listing. [02:52] This is much faster than brute forcing the URLs. [02:52] I still have one more to add that is has many links. [02:52] Once it is done I will add it. [02:53] To find more links like this you can search for: "Overall, tracking" links, "clicks, and counting!" [03:05] *** ivan` has quit IRC (Leaving) [03:16] *** ivan has joined #urlteam [03:20] *** kiska has joined #urlteam [03:41] *** phuzion has quit IRC (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [03:45] *** phuzion has joined #urlteam [04:03] *** odemg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:03] *** zhongfu has joined #urlteam [04:10] *** zhongfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [04:14] *** zhongfu has joined #urlteam [04:15] *** odemg has joined #urlteam [07:46] *** deathy has joined #urlteam [10:54] *** zhongfu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [10:58] *** zhongfu has joined #urlteam [16:31] *** skh has joined #urlteam [16:32] *** skh has quit IRC (Client Quit) [18:11] *** caff has joined #urlteam [20:19] *** Silvan has joined #urlteam [20:20] *** SilSte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 492 seconds) [22:05] *** zhongfu has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [22:06] *** zhongfu has joined #urlteam