#warrior 2012-11-25,Sun

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Time Nickname Message
16:59 πŸ”— nertzy Tracker is down
16:59 πŸ”— nertzy http://tracker.archiveteam.org/webshots/ - 502 Bad Gateway
18:09 πŸ”— ersi nertzy: Yeah. Thanks.
21:46 πŸ”— Muad-Dib tracker is down?
21:48 πŸ”— ersi Yeah, the webshots tracker is having difficulties
21:57 πŸ”— Muad-Dib ersi: any ETA on a fix?
21:57 πŸ”— ersi Nope, keep calm and keep running though!
21:59 πŸ”— Muad-Dib I´m running the urlteam project right now, I´ll switch back once the tracker´s fixed
21:59 πŸ”— ersi alrighty :)
22:01 πŸ”— Muad-Dib not only webshots is having difficulties, right? the trackers for dailybooth and CoH are down too
22:01 πŸ”— ersi As far as I know, most projects share trackers
22:02 πŸ”— ersi URLTeam is stand alone from those though
22:02 πŸ”— Muad-Dib uhu, i noticed
