#warrior 2013-02-22,Fri

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Time Nickname Message
08:00 🔗 ewook waah. Finally had the time to peak at the warrior.. And now it's running nicely :).
08:34 🔗 ewook silly question perhaps... but can I run two warriors with the same nick?
08:38 🔗 ewook looks like you can :)
10:31 🔗 GLaDOS ewook: the name is purely cosmetic (reporting to tracker)
19:54 🔗 omf_ What do I need to have so we can setup a new tracker for warrior
19:55 🔗 omf_ Not sure if everyone in here is paying attention to the main channel but we got a bunch of fucking emergencies now
22:52 🔗 alard omf_: If you want to use the tracker system on tracker.archiveteam.org, chronomex, underscor and I can create new trackers.
22:53 🔗 alard Otherwise there's this, if you want to run it yourself: https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/universal-tracker
22:53 🔗 omf_ We are probably going to have to run it big
22:54 🔗 alard What?
22:54 🔗 omf_ I am digging through thousands of subdomains between ign, ugo, 1up and gamespy
22:54 🔗 omf_ all 4 are owned by the same company and all are being shutdown at the same time
22:54 🔗 omf_ it is a good thing we already got fileplanet
23:27 🔗 alard omf_: Do you need a tracker?
23:27 🔗 omf_ what information does the tracker need
23:28 🔗 alard A list of things.
23:28 🔗 alard It gives these things out and records their progress.
23:29 🔗 alard You could upload a list of hostnames that you want to download, for example, and then it'll give out these hostnames to interested clients.
23:29 🔗 omf_ I am still deduping the domain list
23:30 🔗 alard As in sort -u domain-list.txt ?
23:31 🔗 omf_ no as in test every domain for redirects
23:31 🔗 omf_ some are multiple times over
23:31 🔗 alard Ah, I see.
23:31 🔗 omf_ I wrote a little program that is running right now
23:31 🔗 omf_ but there is fucking serious packet loss heading to the gamespy network
