[22:22] Hey guys, anyone around? [22:23] I have a couple of warrior agents running but it seems like none of them are uploading anything [22:24] What makes you think that? Is there any error message? Or any other log messages? [22:24] they have all downloaded a bunch of things, but they havnt uploaded things [22:24] which site are you doing the-gibso ? [22:24] well for example, one of the agents downloaded 1.5GB [22:24] but only uploaded 100 mb [22:25] this is for posterous [22:25] its just sitting there at around idle [22:26] Is your warrior username also "the-gibso"? [22:26] nope madmaze [22:27] Well, uploading seems to work since you have already uploaded 300 items. [22:27] Can you tell me the last line in the log entry for that stuck item? [22:28] you know, I think posterour may have blocked my IP [22:29] i had 2 agents running behind 1 ip [22:30] That might be the case. Unfortunately there is no message in the log if your IP has been banned [22:30] hmm bummer [22:30] ill just farm it out to other machines, thanks [22:31] also is there doc on getting the warrior source directly, without the VM? [22:32] Kind of [22:32] There is a git repo, https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/seesaw-kit which has the code for running the generic project pipeline [22:32] And the second repo, https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/posterous-grab which has the posterous-specific grab [22:33] thanks [22:33] Clone both of them, make sure you have rsync curl, python, tornado, tornadio2 installed [22:33] Then go to posterous-grab, run get-wget-lua [22:33] Once you have compiled wget-lua, you can use run-pipeline from seesaw-kit with the pipeline.py from posterous-grab. run-pipeline --help displays a list of options [22:35] k thanks